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Daily Headlines: February 15, 2012

February 15, 2012

Plan Offers $5 Billion to Improve Teaching
Wall Street Journal, February 15, 2012

The Obama administration will propose Wednesday a $5 billion competition aimed at overhauling how America’s teachers are trained, paid and granted tenure, the latest sign of the growing focus on the quality of teaching in public schools.

Obama’s War on School Vouchers
Wall Street Journal , February 14, 2012

In his State of the Union address last month, President Obama spoke about the importance of kids staying in school and even urged states to raise the dropout age to 18. So it’s passing strange that his new $3.8 trillion budget provides no new money for a school voucher program in Washington, D.C. , that is producing significantly higher graduation rates than the D.C. public school average.

Home-Schooling Demographics Change, Expand
USA Today, February 14, 2012

Secular organizations across the country report their numbers are growing. Though government records indicate religion is still the driving force in home schooling, members of these organizations say the face of home schooling is changing, not because of faith, but because of what parents see as shortcomings in public and private schools.

16 Is Too Young To Quit School In New Economy
USA Today, February 14, 2012

The age proposal is no cure-all, but it’s a step forward. In 19 states, 16-year-olds are allowed to drop out. That’s a vestige from the pre-industrial era, when most Americans lived in rural areas and fewer than 10% of teenagers graduated.

Another View: Don’t Raise Age Rule For High School Dropouts
USA Today, February 14, 2012

Public education is facing many challenges, not the least of which is a high dropout rate. Even if one student drops out, it is one too many.


Charter Schools Could Improve State Education
Tuscaloosa News, AL, February 15, 2012

Charter schools won’t offer an option to most students stuck in under-performing public schools, and they won’t solve the state’s troubles with declining money for education. But they can be a valuable part of the education landscape in Alabama . That is, if the focus is on students, not politics.

Parents Should Have Choice In Educating Children
Kenai Peninsula, AK, February 14, 2012

An important piece of legislation for Alaska’s children is House Bill 145 establishing the parental choice scholarship program to pay the cost of attending grades kindergarten through 12 at non-government schools.

Charter for San Francisco’s Leadership High Renewed
San Francisco Examiner, CA, February 14, 2012

After hearing impassioned pleas from the students and faculty of Leadership High School, the Board of Education voted unanimously Tuesday night to renew the school’s charter for another five years.

State Groups Find Common Ground On Education Reform Plan
The Day, CT, February 15, 2012

Five education interest groups and the state’s leading business association joined hands at the Capitol complex today to announce their “basic agreement” on the principals of Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s education reform proposals.

Tax Credit Plan Will Hurt Public Schools
Concord Monitor, CT, February 15, 2012

Republicans in Concord are proposing a $2,500 tax credit for parents of students attending private schools through House Bill 1607. This bill will subsidize a portion of private school tuition by removing public funds from New Hampshire ‘s schools, where our children currently receive a higher quality of education than from most other states.

Charter School Funding Dies In Fla. House Panel
Miami Herald, FL, February 14, 2012

A proposal to give charter schools a guaranteed share of public school tax dollars for maintenance, rent and other capital outlay has died in a House appropriations subcommittee.

There Must Be A Smarter Way
Naples News, FL, February 15, 2012

There is hot button political issue in Tallahassee these days about public education. The plan would make it easier for families upset with schools to take control via the charter school route. Legislative sponsors say it’s all about enhanced accountability for quality and peak performance.

Lawmakers In Dekalb Feud Over School-Board Map
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, GA, February 14, 2012

State lawmakers, convinced a smaller school board is more efficient, have ordered the nine-member DeKalb County board to shrink to seven members or less.

Georgia Charter School Legislation Worries Richmond County Educators, Parents
Augusta Chronicle, GA, February 14, 2012

A proposed Georgia constitutional amendment that would give the state authority to establish charter schools over the opposition of local school boards is causing concern among Richmond County educators.

Peoria’s First Charter School Is Growing
WMBD, IL, February 15, 2012

The District 150 School Board approved a new site for the expansion of Quest Charter Academy .

Rahm Emanuel: Noble Charter Schools’ Results Speak For Themselves
Chicago Sun Times, IL, February 14, 2012

Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Tuesday offered a spirited defense of one of his pet charter school franchises amid allegations that it is maintaining student discipline by sticking it to parents — to the tune of nearly $387,000 in fines for “minor infractions” over a three-year period.

Kentucky Bill For Charter Schools Stalls
Louisville Courier-Journal, KY, February 14, 2012

The House Education Committee will not vote on a controversial charter schools bill this session, but the measure’s lead sponsor says alternative proposals could still win support from lawmakers.

Jindal Backing ‘Trigger’ Law For La. Schools
The Advocate, LA, February 15, 2012

Gov. Bobby Jindal wants to give parents the authority to force changes in troubled public schools, based on a California law promoted by a longtime Democrat and veteran of the Clinton White House.

New Academy On Schedule
The Advocate, LA, February 15, 2012

Plans are on schedule to open a new charter school in Opelousas on Aug. 2, said Tiffanie Lewis, the school’s executive director.

School Choice Lifts ‘Tyranny Of Town Line’
Bangor Daily News, ME, February 14, 2012

The Bangor area is home to a number of communities in which parents and families have school choice options, so the Feb. 9 BDN editorial describing school choice as “dangerous” was something of a surprise.

BOE Wants County To Oppose School Distance Limit Bill
Cumberland Times-News, MD, February 14, 2012

The Allegany County Board of Education is asking county commissioners to join it in opposing state legislation that would erode local control over where children go to school.

Parents, Leaders To Study School Assignment Process
Boston Globe, MA, February 15, 2012

Boston Superintendent Carol R. Johnson will appoint nearly two dozen parents, business leaders, academics, and other professionals to an advisory committee today that will make recommendations on changing the way the city assigns students to schools.

Portsmouth School Board Limits School-Choice Options
Portsmouth Herald, NH, February 14, 2012

In Portsmouth, that resulted in 35 Mary C. Dondero School students transferring to Little Harbour School before the start of the school year. The impact of the transfers was profound educationally, financially and socially, according to many administrators, teachers and parents.

Camden Schools Show Need For NCLB Overhaul
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA, February 15, 2012

The failure of the federal No Child Left Behind education law can be easily seen in the Camden public schools, where 76 percent of the students scored below proficient in language arts, and 69 percent did so in math.

Court Declines to Hear Appeal on Teacher Data
Wall Street Journal, February 14, 2012

New York City has been cleared to release performance reports for thousands of teachers after a state court on Tuesday declined to hear a final appeal from the city’s teachers union to keep the information private.

A Good School For All
New York Post, NY, February 14, 2012

They’ll be out in force at a public hearing for the school tomorrow night, saying the Latino community doesn’t want this school — but they won’t be speaking for me or the many other parents I know who have applied.

The Right Path To Teacher Evaluation
New York Daily News, NY, February 15, 2012

The state’s much-ballyhooed system intended to connect teacher and principal evaluations with student performance now sits in limbo while the state Education Department and teachers unions try to hash out a settlement in their ongoing lawsuit.

New Education Standards Will Allow Oklahoma Students To Succeed
Oklahoma Daily, OK, February 14, 2012

Have you ever wondered how a student could come to OU from high school and need a remedial course? It could be because the education system has failed them for years under No Child Left Behind.

Proposed Charter Plays Role In Parish-School Appeals
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA, February 15, 2012

As area Catholic schools await word of their fates, a charter school proposed by the head of the Philadelphia Parking Authority and two state legislators has emerged as a factor in the appeals process for at least two parish elementary schools in the city that are fighting to stay open.

Charter School Gets High Grade From Official
Reading Eagle, PA, February 15, 2012

Bonilla was one of several I-LEAD students to share their stories Tuesday morning with a group of visitors, including state Secretary of Public Welfare Gary D. Alexander.

Sides Squabble Over Pocono Mountain Charter School’s Claims
Pocono Record, PA, February 15, 2012

The underlying reasons that the Pocono Mountain Charter School uses to claim academic superiority over the Pocono Mountain School District are again coming in to question.

New Hope Charter Supporters Set Rally for Wednesday
York Dispatch, PA, February 14, 2012

When the York City school board last month rejected New Hope Academy’s revised application for a new charter elementary school, New Hope supporters said they were disappointed.

Charter Schools in Suburbs May Be Plan B
WREG, TN, February 14, 2012

Mayor Keith McDonald and other suburban mayors have been approached about the idea of turning their county schools into charter schools, instead of breaking off into municipal districts.

A Great Teacher For Every Classroom
Commercial Appeal, TN, February 15, 2012

It’s smart to empower school districts and principals to make decisions for their schools on average class size and teacher pay.

Va. Senate Defeats Proposal To End Teacher Tenure Protections
Washington Post, DC, February 14, 2012

The Virginia Senate on Tuesday narrowly rejected a bill to end tenure-related job protections for public school teachers, dealing a significant setback to Gov. Robert F. McDonnell’s education agenda.

Va. Senate Spikes McDonnell’s Teacher-Contract Overhaul
Richmond Times-Dispatch, VA, February 15, 2012

Virginia’s Senate on Tuesday spiked Gov. Bob McDonnell’s proposed overhaul of teacher and principal contracts, dealing a blow to a key piece of his K-12 education agenda.

Teacher-Evaluation Bill Clears State Senate
Seattle Times, WA, February 14, 2012

The measure, which now goes to the House, says teachers must be evaluated on eight measures, including improvement in student learning.

Teacher Evaluation Bill Shows Promise
Spokesman Review, WA, February 15, 2012

Immediately after the Washington Senate passed a bill (SB 5895) on teacher and principal evaluations Tuesday afternoon, Gov. Chris Gregoire sent out a tweet calling this “good news for our kids.”

State Should Pay More To Get Certain Teachers
Charleston Daily Mail, WV, February 15, 2012

The state has a shortage of teachers in certain subjects that is so serious that 1,700 teachers are teaching classes in subjects they have not mastered.


NBTHS Hopes To Have Good Fortune With New Online Learning Class
North Brunswick Sentinel, NJ, February 15, 2012

About 30 students have shown interest in a new Mandarin class that will be offered online next year at North Brunswick Township High School (NBTHS).

City Council Approves New College Park Charter School
Diamondback, MD, February 14, 2012

The College Park City Council voted unanimously last night to support a proposal for the ” College Park Academy ” — a college preparatory charter school that would allow students to earn up to 60 college credits.

‘Cyber’ Charter Students Reading Names of Students On Waiting Lists To Draw Attention To Michigan House Vote
The Jackson Citizen Patriot, MI, February 14, 2012

“Cyber” charter school students and families are showing support for a bill expanding the number of such schools in Michigan by reading aloud the names of students unable to attend because of state enrollment caps.

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