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Daily Headlines: February 29, 2012

February 29, 2012

Colleges Misassign Many to Remedial Classes, Studies Find
New York Times, NY, February 29, 2012

Two new studies from the Community College Research Center at Columbia University’s Teachers College have found that community colleges unnecessarily place tens of thousands of entering students in remedial classes — and that their placement decisions would be just as good if they relied on high school grade-point averages instead of standardized placement tests.

Two Sides Of Obama’s Federal Takeover of Education
Washington Examiner, DC, February 18, 2012

Waivers recently granted by President Obama to 10 states allowing them to escape the requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind Act are themselves filled with prescriptive dictates from the administration.

Union Hijacking Of Charter Schools
Washington Times, DC, February 29, 2012

If you can’t beat them, take them over. That seems to be the new union strategy on charter schools.

House Panel OKs Education Bills, But Hopes Dim For Big Reforms
Washington Times, DC, February 28, 2012

On strict party-line votes, a key House panel on Tuesday cleared the final two pieces of the Republican education-reform agenda.


Allow School Choices: Change Alaska’s Constitution To Permit Vouchers
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, AK, February 29, 2012

Like the rest of the nation, Alaskans have been discussing and debating the merits of school choice for decades. Many parents say they would like the option of choosing non-government schools for their kids; teachers’ unions say they hate the idea.

Teachers’ Contracts Hinder Misconduct Investigation
Los Angeles Times, CA, February 29, 2012

A 1990s agreement, in exchange for a pay cut, to place ‘pre-disciplinary’ documents in an ‘expired file’ after four years complicates L.A. Unified’s attempts to review records.

Adelanto Parent-Trigger Supporters Claim Fraud
Los Angeles Times, CA, February 29, 2012

Parents seeking to improve Desert Trails Elementary say opponents altered documents in an effort to defeat the petition to force change at the campus.

California’s Flawed ‘Parent Trigger’
Los Angeles Times, CA, February 28, 2012

Education reform benefits from parent involvement, but state rules on the so-called parent trigger need revision.

Don’t Waste Our Time: Committee Wants Nod On Charter Model
Plumas County News, CA, February 29, 2012

Before Plumas Charter School officials in Greenville spend more time working to help develop the combination public-charter option for Indian Valley students, they want a nod from Plumas Unified School District that this is an acceptable alternative.

Education Secretary Duncan Says Good Ideas Come From Communities, Not D.C.
Denver Post, CO, February 29, 2012

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan hosted a town hall meeting in Denver Tuesday morning, answering questions from the community about the federal role in Colorado’s education reforms which are hailed as leading the way for the nation.

Why We Support School Choice
The Hill, DC, February 28, 2012

Colorado’s citizens pride themselves on independence and a practical ability to get things done. This mix of autonomy and pragmatism is paving a new trail for public education by providing broad, bi-partisan support to a simple principle: school choice.

Schools Again Face Turmoil
Connecticut Post, CT, February 28, 2012

The attempt to put Bridgeport’s troubled public school system under state control has now been officially declared illegal.

Henderson Calls For National Standards To Guide Probes Of Cheating
Washington Post, DC, February 28, 2012

D.C. Schools Chancellor Kaya Henderson called Tuesday for national standards to guide educators in investigating claims of cheating on standardized tests, contending that without them, school districts will continue to be second-guessed in their efforts to probe and punish such misconduct.

Fla. Board Reverses Denial of 3 School Charters
Miami Herald, FL, February 28, 2012

The Florida State Board of Education has reversed the denial of charters for one regular and two virtual schools. Charter schools receive taxpayer money but are operated by entities other than school boards.

Pinellas School District Officials Sour On New Charter For Scientology-Affiliated Life Force School
Tampa Bay Times, FL, February 29, 2012

Pinellas County School District officials on Tuesday delivered a blow to a charter school tied to Scientology, recommending the School Board vote against a proposal that could keep the school open through 2016.

Charters Taking From Public Schools
News Chief, FL, February 29, 2012

As this year’s legislative session nears an end, those reformers are pushing to allow charter schools greater freedom to expand, to take over public schools if parents want that, to give charter schools a slice of property taxes for construction and maintenance, provide more vouchers and to expand virtual education programs. These reformers, instead of wanting to improve public schools, seem intent on turning their backs on them.

Bill Protects Kids From Failing Schools
Miami Herald, FL, February 28, 2012

Sustaining chronically failing schools, protecting school boards’ authority, or funding charter school systems are not goals of public education. The singular purpose is to equip every child with the quality education they need to succeed as a student and as a citizen of our state, our nation and the world.

Cheating Educators Would Return Bonuses Under Bill
Atlanta Journal Constitution, GA, February 28, 2012

Georgia educators who got bonuses tied to falsified standardized test scores will have to return that money to their school districts if a bill passed by the House of Representatives Tuesday becomes law.

Senate Gets Turn At Charter School Amendment
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer, GA, February 29, 2012

As expected, on the third iteration of House Resolution 1162, the Legislature passed the measure that will put a constitutional amendment on the ballot giving the state power to form an alternative school system outside of local controls. Now the fight is in the Senate where the measure must also pass by a two-thirds majority

Stakeholders Get More Say In Revised Charter School Bill
Honolulu Star-Advertiser, HI, February 29, 2012

A bill to overhaul Hawaii’s charter school system is up for a vote today in the Senate Ways and Means Committee, after legislators were urged to make changes in view of turmoil on a few charter campuses.

Charter Still Hopeful for Fall Opening
The Journal Gazette, IN, February 29, 2012

Despite having only five months, proponents of a proposed charter school in southeast Fort Wayne are confident they can construct a building, hire staff and be ready to welcome students this fall.

Randolph Central To Pilot Performance-Based Teacher Pay
Muncie Star Press, IN, February 29, 2012

Randolph Central Schools will be among the first districts in the state to develop a new performance-based pay structure for its teachers.

School Reform Changes Disappoint Branstad
Des Moines Register, IA, February 29, 2012

Gov. Terry Branstad on Tuesday expressed disappointment that lawmakers have “watered down” the wide-ranging education reform proposal he introduced last month.

Schools May Get Less Funding
Opelousas Daily World, LA, February 29, 2012

The state’s top education board backed a $3.4 billion public school funding formula Monday that would keep spending per student flat for a fourth straight year and require certain districts to cover some of the cost of local students attending public schools outside of the parish.

Bill Would Force Counties To Pay For Schools
Baltimore Sun, MD, February 28, 2012

To force counties to pay their share of the cost of operating K-12 schools, top legislators in Annapolis want the state to seize local tax dollars and deliver them directly to school systems.

State Charter School Law Ranked Seventh Worst
Frederick News Post, MD, February 29, 2012

The creation of great new public charter schools in Maryland requires just one simple thing, according to Jeanne Allen, president of the Center for Education Reform, an advocacy organization.

Boston Charter School Among Four Approved By State
Boston Globe, MA, February 29, 2012

The state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education approved four new charter schools yesterday for Boston, Holyoke, Lowell , and Springfield as part of a broad effort to expand educational opportunities for students in urban areas.

Charter Schools Debated
Desoto Times, MS, February 29, 2012

A charter school bill is expected to go to the House floor for a vote on Thursday but not without a push to amend the bills in committee. At issue are so-called virtual charter schools and zones where charter schools could be located.

Charter Schools Funding Hot Issue
Jackson Clarion Ledger, MS, February 29, 2012

As state lawmakers work to relax requirements for opening charter schools in Mississippi , the unanswered question is can the state afford both or will it leave both underfunded.

Charter-School Law Should Not Close The Door For Online Schools
Sun Herald, MS, February 27, 2012

Mississippi legislators are considering a proposal to strengthen the state’s charter-school law. This is great news for a state with the weakest charter-school policy among the 41 states (and D.C.) that have them. However, because the state Senate Education Committee has moved to ban virtual charter schools, the scope of this new policy is significantly limited.

Rutgers To Evaluate New Teacher Evaluation System
The Record, NJ, February 28, 2012

The New Jersey Department of Education has contracted with Rutgers University to evaluate a new teacher evaluation system being tried out in 10 school districts across the state.

Teacher Data Aid Parents, Mayor Asserts
Wall Street Journal, February 29, 2012

He spoke as the city released a limited set of rankings for teachers at charter schools and a handful of special-education schools.

New York City Charter Schools Have A Higher Percentage Of Better Teachers Than Public Schools
New York Daily News, NY, February 29, 2012
Mayor Bloomberg said in no uncertain terms Tuesday that parents have a right to see teacher evaluations and keeping them private would be an “outrage.”

A Call for Parents’ Say Over Co-Locations
New York Times Schoolbook Blog , NY, February 28, 2012

Members of the New York State Assembly and Senate, parents and education advocates called for state legislation on Tuesday to give local school advisory panels the power to veto school co-locations in their districts.

Hold On Charters Requested
News & Observer, NC, February 29, 2012

The Durham County Board of Commissioners has asked the State Board of Education to hold off on new charter schools until legislation requires them to provide meals and transportation for underprivileged students.

Get In Step With The Charters
News & Observer, NC, February 29, 2012

It’s beyond me how any person or organization can oppose the establishment of a charter school designed to reduce the achievement gap, or a charter that focuses its curriculum on science, math and engineering. But some local heavy-hitters do.

Durham’s Charter Schools Raise Issues of Fairness, Efficiency
News & Observer, NC, February 29, 2012

While the charter school experiment was intended to develop best practices in public instruction and aimed at helping the neediest students, in reality North Carolina’s charter law has created an “un-level” playing field and has fostered competition for “good” students.

Amid Takeover Talk, Oklahoma School Districts Should Focus On How They’re Helping Their Schools
Oklahoman, OK, February 29, 2012

OTHER than the legislative session, the hot topic in education right now is what will happen to the state’s poorest-performing schools. Despite Chicken Little predictions from some school officials, the outcome is anyone’s guess.

Proposer Will Submit New Application For Sports-Themed City Charter School
The York Dispatch, PA, February 29, 2012

The woman behind a proposed fitness and sports-themed charter school said she won’t let the denial of her application slow her down.

Greenville Trustees Opposes Private School Tax Credits
Greenville News, SC, February 29, 2012

The Greenville County School Board fired off a letter Tuesday to members of the county’s legislative delegation to express opposition to the House’s latest attempt to offer tax credits to parents who send their children to private schools or home-school them.

MCS Avoids State Bulldozer
Memphis Commercial Appeal, TN, February 29, 2012

The state chose collaboration over a hammer to work with Kriner Cash to improve the worst schools.

Carver Going Charter Route
San Antonio Express, TX, February 28, 2012

Former San Antonio Spurs star David Robinson said Tuesday the private Christian elementary school he founded, George W. Carver Academy , will be converted into an IDEA public charter school starting in the fall.

Not All Kids Will Benefit From School-Choice Bill
Bristol Herald Courier, VA, February 29, 2012

I received a postcard recently from Gov. McDonnell asking me to call my Senator today to pass the school choice bill SB241. I agree with the postcard – every Virginia child deserves a quality education. This message is sound, and people should agree. But we should not make the call, because SB241 will not help Virginia meet the needs of every child.

DPI Trying To Dictate To Private Schools
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, WI, February 28, 2012

The issue of school choice has been at the forefront of political debate, media attention and community discussion for a number of reasons in recent years, and that’s good. This successful program has provided hundreds of lower-income southeastern Wisconsin families with the opportunity to choose a school that best fits their educational needs, and the more attention, review and consideration it receives, the better.

No Child Left Behind Waiver Makes Sense If Accountability Kept
Green Bay Gazette, WI, February 29, 2012

Wisconsin’s request for a waiver of some No Child Left Behind requirements makes sense but puts state education officials on notice they have to produce adequate accountability levels. We support standards that also are attainable and fair but that prepare students for both higher education and the workplace.


State Education Board Backs Charter School Rejected By Duval School Board
Florida Times Union, FL, February 29, 2012

The state Board of Education Tuesday ruled in favor of Jacksonville’s Florida Virtual Academy , which had its charter school application previously rejected by the Duval County School Board.

Don’t Neglect ‘Virtual’ Schools
Jackson Clarion Ledger, MS, February 29, 2012

Unfortunately, while the original proposal included a provision for virtual charter schools, the Senate Education Committee included language that expressly prohibits the payment of state funds to virtual public charter schools.

Plans For ‘Virtual School’ In Lafourche Move Forward
Houma Courier, LA, February 28, 2012

Some Lafourche Parish public-school students could have the option of attending classes entirely online under a proposal that took a step forward Monday.

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