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Daily Headlines for April 11, 2011

April 11, 2011

The Deadlocked Debate Over Education
New York Times, NY, April 10, 2011
As is often the case with morally charged policy issues – remember welfare reform? – false dichotomies seem to have replaced fruitful conversation. If you support the teachers’ union, you don’t care about the students. If you are critical of the teachers’ union, you don’t care about the teachers. If you are in favor of charter schools, you are opposed to public schools.



Fulfilling the Charter School Promise
San Diego Union Tribune, CA, April 10, 2011
Something unprecedented is happening with charter schools in San Diego and across California. This year, San Diego County saw a 14 percent increase in the number of charter schools operating, jumping from 81 to 92.


A Tale Of Two High Schools
Connecticut Post, CT, April 10, 2011
Bassick, Harding using different approaches in race to turn schools around

Stop Waiting for a Savior
New York Times, NY, April 10, 2011
DID Cathleen P. Black, the former publishing executive who was removed last week after just three months as New York City’s schools chancellor, fail because she lacked a background in education?

District of Columbia

School Reform Has Bypassed Low-Income Neighborhoods
Washington Post, DC, April 9, 2011
There are some who question my commitment to educational reform. In fact, it was Adrian Fenty’s advocacy of reform that helped me decide to support him for mayor in 2006. And I strongly back Mayor Vincent Gray’s nomination of reformer Kaya Henderson as schools chancellor


Proposal Puts Performance Above Seniority In Teacher Layoffs
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, GA, April 11, 2011
Teachers could no longer rely on seniority as a safe harbor when school districts lay off workers, under legislation before the Georgia House Monday.


Idaho School Reforms Enacted
The Spokesman Review, WA, April 9, 2011
Idaho Gov. Butch Otter signed the third major school reform bill into law on Friday, and a parents’ group immediately filed paperwork for a referendum drive to overturn it.


New Leadership for Louisiana’s Recovery School District
Times Picayune, LA, April 10, 2011
State Superintendent of Education Paul Pastorek has chosen John White, a top official with New York City schools, to head Louisiana’s Recovery School District, and Mr. White’s background in reform will be critical in his new position here.

New Jersey

Newark School Woes Transcend Money
USA Today, April 11, 2011
Six months after Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg appeared on Oprah to give $100 million to improve Newark’s strapped and struggling schools, $99 million is still sitting in the bank.

Which Children Should Get New Jersey’s Funding?
National Public Radio, April 10, 2011
New Jersey has long been under court order to provide extra funding for schools in low-income districts, and for the past 12 years, that has included full-day preschool. But now, facing dire budget cuts, some legislators are questioning whether the state’s education system can afford to boost the school readiness of 3- and 4-year-olds and would rather see the money spent on middle- and upper-income schools.

New York

Tisch’s Test
New York Post, NY, April 11, 2011
With a new New York City schools chancellor and a departing state commissioner, education in New York is at a crossroads. The biggest question: Who’ll replace State Education Commissioner David Steiner — and will that person stand up for real school reform, even as powerful forces fight against change?


Kasich’s School Plan Goes Beyond Cuts
Marion Star, OH, April 11, 2011
Kasich’s budget proposal goes beyond basic cuts to schools in an effort to mend an $8 billion budget gap. He wants to completely revamp how Ohio’s public and private schools do business.


Debate Brewing Over Pa. Charter School Proposal
WFMZ, PA, April 10, 2011
Those in support of charter schools say an independent authorizer for the schools is a good thing. However, school board members in Allentown say creating this position will continue to drain school district resources.

Rhode Island

Charter School Advocates Seek Funding Equity At House Hearing
Providence Journal, RI, April 11, 2011
Charter school advocates came out to the State House last week in support of a section of Governor Chafee’s budget that would allow charter schools to receive the same state reimbursement rate for construction projects as public school districts.


Turning the Classroom Upside Down
Wall Street Journal, April 9, 2011
But it doesn’t have to be this way. In 2008, I started a non-profit organization called the Khan Academy to deliver free online education. As it turns out, our tools have given students and teachers the power to “flip” the traditional classroom.

Sperry to Offer Free Online Public School
Tulsa World, OK, April 11, 2011
A total of 305 students have applied for open transfer to Oklahoma Connections Academy, which is partnering with Sperry Public Schools to offer a free public school online next year, a Sperry spokesman said.

Going Online To Avoid Violence
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA, April 10, 2011
Fed up with the violence her daughter faced and the Philadelphia School District’s inability to stop it, Wanda Walker said, she pulled her daughter from the district. Now, Naveda is a ninth grader at Agora Cyber Charter, an online school.

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