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Daily Headlines for April 15, 2011

April 15, 2011

Budget Deal Fuels Revival of School Vouchers
New York Times, NY, April 15, 2011
In the 11th-hour compromise to avoid a government shutdown last week, one concession that President Obama made to Republicans drew scant attention: he agreed to finance vouchers for Washington students to attend private schools.

There’s Hope For Better Schools
The Mercury, PA, April 15, 2011
Unless Congress blows it, the United States has the best chance ever to finally make its public education system world class.

Parents Support Charter Schools Because They Work
Washington Examiner, DC, April 14, 2011
Western Michigan University’s recent study on KIPP, a widely known public charter school network, shouldn’t deter legislators from encouraging charter school growth and replication.

Why N.J. Teacher-Tenure Reform Plan Matters to the Rest of America
Christian Science Monitor, MA, April 14, 2011
Gov. Chris Christie’s new proposal, unveiled Wednesday, continues the national debate over how to reform teacher tenure. Seven other states have passed or are considering similar legislation.


District of Columbia

Mayor Gray’s Flip-Flop On D.C. School Vouchers
Washington Post, DC, April 14, 2011
A LOT OF MISLEADING things have been said over the years about the federally funded program that gives low-income children in the District the chance to attend private schools. That it takes money away from public schools (false) or that it has no positive effects (also false). Now comes a new canard: that the program is a pernicious attack on home rule by congressional Republicans.


Expanded School Voucher Plan Advances in Florida Senate
Orlando Sentinel, FL, April 14, 2011
A plan to expand school choice by creating education savings accounts – dubbed by some as “vouchers for all” – won a favorable vote from the Florida Senate’s education committee this morning.


Detroit Public School Charter Plan Detailed
The Detroit News, MI, April 15, 2011
More than 70 organizations interested in running charter schools in Detroit got a closer look Thursday at an ambitious plan by Detroit Public Schools to convert nearly a third of the district into charters.


Charter Schools Hit By Funding Shift
Minneapolis Star Tribune, MN, April 14, 2011
Minnesota schools paid $1 million to borrow money while waiting for promised state aid, a survey found

New Jersey

New School Choices Give Students More Room to Roam
NJ Spotlight, April 15, 2011
New Jersey’s modest start in opening up public school boundaries a decade ago is about to see a major expansion, with the state yesterday adding 56 more districts that can accept students outside their borders.


New Teacher Due-Process Law Will Benefit Students
The Oklahoman, OK, April 15, 2011
THE school board room – not the courtroom – will soon be home to final decisions on teacher hiring and firing. That’s just as it should be.


Two Former Officials of Philly Charter School Indicted
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA, April 15, 2011
A federal grand jury has indicted two former top officials at a charter school in Northwest Philadelphia on charges of stealing $522,000 in taxpayer funds.


One Year Into Race To The Top: 500 Million Dollars and Change
Nashville Public Radio, TN, April 14, 2011
One year ago Tennessee won a half billion dollars for education in the federal Race to the Top Competition. Every school district in the state received anywhere from tens of thousands to millions of dollars. The catch? Districts have four years to spend it. In that time they must create stronger teachers, boost student learning, and make all these reforms last.


Welcome to Virtual High
Charlotte Observer, NC, April 14, 2011
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools is making an unusual offer to next year’s juniors and seniors: Stay home and finish your education online.

Out of the Box
Lodi News-Sentinel, CA, April 15, 2011
Lodi students are getting home-schooled through online virtual learning academy

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