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Daily Headlines for April 25, 2011

April 25, 2011

Why Catholic Schools Matter
City Journal, Spring 2011
Who can doubt that the fortunes of charter schools are on the rise? Philanthropists both liberal and conservative have been showering money on charters, viewing them as a promising alternative to traditional public schools because of their relative freedom from union contracts and education bureaucracies.

A 1-hour Fix for the Racial Achievement Gap?
Los Angeles Times, CA, April 24, 2011
Minority students are especially prone to the fear of failing. But that can be changed.



Education: The Magic of Hard Work
Los Angeles Times, CA, April 25, 2011
The educational establishment of Southern California divides fairly neatly into three groups: those who recognize the need for radical and sustained improvement but fear that it’s impossible; those who actively oppose change because their allegiances require them to defend failure; and that small but growing and inspiring group of advocates who see a way to improve and are actually making it happen.


Fight Brews Over Charter School Teachers
The Connecticut Day, CT, April 25, 2011
The test scores of Kendra Salvador’s students suggest she’s doing an excellent job teaching math at her inner-city charter school, but state education officials keep telling her principal she has to go back to college or lose her job.

District of Columbia

Charter Schools Suffer Leadership Shortages
Washington Post, DC, April 24, 2011
One Sunday in 2009, the principal of Potomac Lighthouse Public Charter School in Northeast Washington called the school’s board to tell them she was quitting. The next day, school officials said, she didn’t come to work.


Hernando Families Praise School Vouchers
St. Petersburg Times, FL, April 24, 2011
These are the telltale signs of the faith-based education that Jeff and Kimberly Pasmore say they are glad their son is able to receive – and that they wouldn’t be able to afford without the help they get from the state.


New Schools Chief Brizard Largely Likable But Often Not Liked
Chicago Sun Times, IL, April 25, 2011
Finally cornered in the corridors of the Rochester School District Thursday evening by a Sun-Times reporter, the man the mayor-elect picked to run the nation’s third largest school district beamed his winning smile, leaned in and asked, “How can I help you, without getting in trouble?”


Charter School Salaries Lower
Fort Wayne Gazette, IN, April 24, 2011
Allen County charter school teachers made $21,000 less on average than their regular public school counterparts in 2010, according to a Journal Gazette analysis.


Sci Academy Lottery Sheds Light on Evolution of School Choice in New Orleans
Times Picayune, LA, April 22, 2011
Pamela Morrell sat nervously in the third row Thursday evening among the lines of blue chairs set up in the school cafeteria at Sci Academy, a charter high school in eastern New Orleans.


When Students Don’t Go To School, Parents Go To Jail
Baltimore Sun, MD, April 24, 2011
More than 400 Baltimore parents cited this year in what some call a flawed process of getting students back to school


DPS Prepares Charter Board
Detroit News, MI, April 25, 2011
Retired principal and teacher Theresa Mattison knows Detroit Public Schools still needs her help and she’d never say no, even though it means coming out of retirement

New Jersey

Charter Schools in Suburbia: More Argument Than Agreement
NJ Spotlight, NJ, April 24, 2011
So-called boutique charter schools are raising concerns about costs and specialized curriculums in some suburban enclaves.

Christie v. Court: Is Threat for Real?
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA, April 24, 2011
He has considered ignoring N.J. justices if they order more school funding. Legal scholars said that would be a historic breach.

New York

Charter School Space: Free of Rent, Maybe, but Not of Hurdles
New York Times, NY, April 25, 2011
After Matthew Greenberg had spent 18 years as a New York City teacher, he wanted a school of his own and decided to try opening a charter.


Schools Put On Notice
Columbus Dispatch, OH, April 25, 2011
Considering chronically failing schools a “grievous injustice” to children, Gov. John Kasich wants to fix them or shut them down.

School-Choice Option Gaining
Cincinnati Enquirer, OH, April 24, 2011
At a time when Gov. John Kasich’s proposed budget contains $1.8 billion in cuts to public schools, critics are upset that it also includes plans to dramatically increase private school funding by expanding the state’s educational scholarships.


Programs Seek Teacher Pay System That Works
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, PA, April 25, 2011
On the surface, the concept is simple: Pay teachers based on their performance

15 from Boys Latin Earn High Scores In National Test
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA, April 25, 2011
This good news from my education team colleague Martha Woodall, about a unique Philadelphia charter school whose students have done something pretty special:


Home Schooling – Utahns Feel Less Stigma As More Families Try It
Desert News, UT, April 24, 2011
Regan Barnes wasn’t satisfied with her experience in public school. Most of the time school felt like a game. All she had to do was figure out what the teacher wanted and then do it. She didn’t feel like school was expanding her mind until she got to college.


Preserving the Bargain on Choice
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, WI, April 23, 2011
State taxpayers are getting a fantastic bargain this year on the education of about one in six Milwaukee children. But how long will they go on getting it?


Public Virtual Schools: A View From Within
NW Times, IN, April 25, 2011
I have dedicated my career to public education, and today I am thrilled to be part of a form of public education that’s transforming lives: Indiana Connections Academy-Virtual Pilot School.

Online Learning For Illinois High Schoolers Inspires Praise, Suspicion
Chicago Tribune, IL, April 24, 2011
Miriam Kotacka doesn’t want to wait for her future. She’s only 16, yet she’s due to graduate from Aurora ‘s Metea Valley High School in a few weeks so she can begin training full time as a ballet dancer.

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