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Daily Headlines for August 24, 2012

August 24, 2012

Do Private School Vouchers Help? New Study Offers Data.
Christian Science Monitor, MA, August 23, 2012

African-American students who used private school vouchers were 24 percent more likely to go on to college than blacks in a control group, the study says. But debate over vouchers has followed.

Adelanto’s Trigger Fight
Wall Street Journal VIDEO, August 23, 2012

Assistant features editor David Feith on the latest development in California’s parent trigger fight



We Need New Way To Evaluate Teachers
San Francisco Chronicle, CA, August 23, 2012

Everyone is talking about teacher evaluations these days. We all know that how we evaluate teachers now is not working for teachers or for students. The real question is why.


New Flagler Charter School Focuses On Foreign Languages
Daytona Beach News-Journal, FL, August 24, 2012

Global Outreach, a charter school that opened its doors last week, serves a little more than 100 students in kindergarten through eighth grade. School leaders didn’t plan to land at the airport, but they’re embracing it, Principal Kathy Stow said.

Manatee School District Opens Year With More Subs; Charter Schools A Factor
Bradenton Herald, FL, August 24, 2012

The reason? With the opening of new charter schools, the Manatee School District did not have all the teachers that it needed. At Willis, there were five classrooms opening with a sub. And there were other schools facing the same situation.

Harrison Arts School and District in Mediation Over Charter Application, Independence
The Ledger, FL, August 23, 2012

Assistant School Board Attorney John Murphy said he is confident the Polk County School District will be able to work out an agreement with the Harrison Parents Association about the independence of the arts school.

Marco Island Charter Middle School Student Eligibility Causing More Than A Stir
Marco News, FL, August 23, 2012

There may be two hurricanes surfacing Marco Island on Monday. The first is Isaac, barreling down on Florida . The second is Marco Island Charter Middle School ‘s student eligibility policy.


Governor Plugs Charter School Amendment
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, GA, August 23, 2012

Gov. Nathan Deal put in a plug Thursday for restoring the state’s ability to approve and fund charter schools — something that had him at odds with some of his Gwinnett audience.


Mayor Emanuel To ‘Ratchet Up’ His Role In Preventing Teachers Strike
Chicago Sun Times, IL, August 24, 2012

Mayor Rahm Emanuel is preparing to “ratchet up” negotiations with the Chicago Teachers Union to seal a deal needed to guarantee an on-time Sept. 4 opening of Chicago Public Schools and preserve his signature plan for a longer school day and year, City Hall sources said Thursday.

In Praise Of Teachers
Chicago Tribune, IL, August 24, 2012

It is time to stop bashing teachers. It is time to admit that teachers are not the problem in our schools.

Charter Schools To Parents: Strike Won’t Affect Us
Chicago Tribune, IL, August 24, 2012

Chicago Public Schools and the teachers union will be back at the negotiating table Friday morning in another effort to reach a contract and squash the threat of a strike.


State School Superintendent Says IREAD-3, Vouchers Effective
Evansville Courier & Press, IN, August 23, 2012

About 85 percent of Indiana’s third-grade students passed the state’s new IREAD-3 test when it was first administered last spring, State School Superintendent Tony Bennett said during a discussion with The Courier & Press editorial board Thursday.

Hammond Schools Cut Off Union President’s Pay
Munster Northwest Times, IN, August 24, 2012

Patrick O’Rourke, president of the Hammond Federation of Teachers, has been put on notice that taxpayers will no longer pay his salary to be a full-time union president. That’s as it should be.


Private Schools May Come To Regret Vouchers
The Advertiser, LA, August 24, 2012

I’ve been hearing and reading a lot about the voucher system for our Louisiana schools, and I have to admit to feeling like the proverbial mushroom. By this I simply mean that like most subjects dealing with our government, I have trouble seeing beyond all the hidden, distorted or misleading facts.

Districts Find Foundations Shaken
Monroe News Star, LA, August 24, 2012

School districts in Northeastern Louisiana may have to make hard choices as a result of funding losses related to student transfers under the Louisiana Scholarship Program,


Teachers To Be Evaluated Under New System In Frederick County
Washington Post, DC, August 23, 2012

They will not be getting A’s or F’s just yet, but some Frederick County teachers this year are about to see a change in the way their performance is evaluated.


Math + Science Initiative Reaping Dividends
Salem News, MA, August 24, 2012

Entering its third year in Salem High School and Salem Academy Charter School this fall, The Mass Math + Science Initiative (MMSI) is the state’s largest high school math and science program aimed at underserved students.

Charter’s Parents Voice Ire To Board
Gloucester Times, MA, August 24, 2012

Two years ago, they fought at City Hall and in Malden to open the Gloucester Community Arts Charter School .

Budget Holes
Worcester Telegram, MA, August 24, 2012

Superintendent of Schools Terrance Ingano told the School Committee Tuesday night the district will need to take almost $900,000 from the school choice account to pay some salaries and balance out last year’s budget.


Some Michigan Schools To Implement Nationwide Pilot Teacher Assessment
Detroit News, MI, August 24, 2012

Three Metro Detroit school districts are among 14 across the state that will be part of a pilot program to test a new way of evaluating teachers in the fall.


City School Board Will Make Case For Accreditation
St. Louis Beacon, MO, August 23, 2012

The Special Administrative Board in charge of St. Louis Public Schools plans to plead its case for provisional accreditation for the school district in a letter to Missouri education Commissioner Chris Nicastro.


Stop Retaining Teachers Just On Basis Of Seniority
Asbury Park Press, NJ, August 24, 2012

In response to the Asbury Park Press editorial criticizing my call for additional reforms to teacher tenure (“Focus on making evaluations fair,” Aug. 12), I agree that we must do everything in our power to ensure the success of the new system of teacher evaluations on which tenure awards will be based, but I refuse to pretend that our work on education reform is done.


State’s New Grading System Puzzles Lawmakers
The New Mexican, NM, August 23, 2012

A hearing of the Legislative Education Study Committee on Thursday that was scheduled for 90 minutes turned into a four-hour session. It included a presentation of a committee report on the grading appeals system, testimony from Rio Rancho Public Schools Superintendent Sue Cleveland and a lengthy question-and-answer period with Hanna Skandera, secretary of education-designate.


Valhalla’s Teacher Evaluation Plan Could Serve As Model For Rest Of State
Journal News, NY, August 24, 2012

State Education Commissioner John King has called the Valhalla school district’s new plan for evaluating teachers and principals one of 10 that could serve as models for the rest of the state.

Is Private School Not Expensive Enough?
New York Times, NY, August 24, 2012

ANY parent of a private-school child will tell you that tuitions are painfully high — and getting worse every year. Many New York City schools are approaching the $40,000 mark. And it’s not just New York : charges at many private secondary boarding schools are now touching $50,000. Outrageous, many say.

Our Accidental Creation of a Charter School
Huffington Post, August 23, 2012

Twenty years ago we set out with a mission to start a privately run public school that would provide a high-quality education for underserved students in one of New York City’s most impoverished communities: South Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

Residents Criticize Proposed Charter School
Anton News, NY, August 24, 2012

Most of the residents who attended the Jericho School District public forum on a proposed STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) charter school on the SUNY Old Westbury Campus on Tuesday, Aug. 14 voiced strong opposition to the proposed school.


Privatization May Not Be Parochial Schools’ Savior
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA, August 24, 2012

As the financially struggling Archdiocese of Philadelphia looks to a private foundation to manage its high schools, it should take a close look at the city public schools’ venture into similar waters to avoid the same mistakes.

Education Group Making Quick Progress In Fundraising Goal
Philadelphia Daily News, PA, August 24, 2012

NEARLY TWO years into a five-year fundraising campaign, the Philadelphia School Partnership is already more than halfway to its goal.

Troubled Vitalistic Charter School Looks To Move
Morning Call, PA, August 23, 2012

Vitalistic plans relocation even though it has no lease deal and faces revocation hearings.

Alternative Schools Give Troubled Students A Chance At Success
Courier Times, PA, August 23, 2012

For some, a school district’s alternative school might seem like an afterthought.
But talk to the students who rely on the counseling, smaller class sizes and individualized attention from teachers and most will tell you just how important the programs are to their social and educational development.


New S.D. System Would Replace No Child Left Behind
Aberdeen News, SD, August 23, 2012

Legislative committee will decide Sept. 12 if schools will adopt new accountability standards


TEA Announces New Transparency Website For Charter School Applications
North Texas e-News, TX, August 24, 2012

In an effort to further promote transparency in public education, the Texas Education Agency announced today that charter applications for schools launched since 2001 are now available for public review on the agency’s website.

Texas Senators Examine Expanding Charter Schools
Houston Chronicle, TX, August 24, 2012

Top education leaders examining charter schools in the Texas Senate are considering tuition vouchers again to allow families more school choice.

Private School Vouchers Return to the Fore in Texas Capitol
Austin American- Statesman, TX, August 24, 2012

Four months before the Texas Legislature convenes, battle lines are already forming over whether the state should help pay for some public school students to attend private schools.


Both Sides Dispute Each Others’ Ads As School Reform Campaign Launches
Spokesman Review Blog, WA, August 23, 2012

The campaign working to overturn Idaho’s education reforms has launched a new radio advertisement calling a laptop program required under the plan an “unfunded mandate” that will require schools to spend millions of dollars they don’t have, the AP reports, but the ad’s claim that the laptops are unfunded conflicts with the $2.5 million lawmakers set aside to pay for the devices this fall when they’ll go to every high school teacher. Students will start getting the laptops in 2013 under the reforms by public schools chief Tom Luna.

Charters Part Of A Broader Plan To Reshape And Reform Public Schools
Seattle Times, WA, August 23, 2012

It’s never easy to dismantle entrenched power structures. Initiative 1240, Washington ‘s experimental toe dip into charter schools, promises to be serious heavy lifting.


Virtual Schooling Offers Tuition-Free Education, But It’s Not For Everyone
Dallas Morning News, TX, August 23, 2012

Like most high school students, Ashley and Blair Roy are enjoying their last free days of summer before school starts on Monday.

Why Some Families Chose Online School
KAALtv, MN, August 23, 2012

The new school year is just around the corner, and for some students, that doesn’t even mean leaving their living room.

Adams 12 School Contemplates Split
Westsider News, CO, August 23, 2012

The Colorado Virtual Academy , the state’s largest full-time online K-12 school, is considering plans to leave the Adams 12 Five Star Schools district once its charter ends next year.

Online School Should Be An Option For All
The Gazette, IA, August 24, 2012

From iPads to smartphones, today’s students live in a world marked by technology and innovation. Why isn’t our approach to education keeping pace with these modernizations? For some children, online public schools are an effective choice that shouldn’t be limited.

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