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Daily Headlines for February 21, 2012

February 21, 2012

In Reality and Film, a Battle for Schools
New York Times, NY, February 21, 2012

On Tuesday officials in Adelanto, a California desert town, are set to consider whether parents there can be the first to take over a failing public school under a new state law that is being closely watched around the country.

Shuttering Bad Charter Schools
New York Times, NY, February 21, 2012

The charter school movement has expanded over the last 20 years largely on this promise: If exempted from some state regulations, charters could outperform traditional public schools because they have flexibility and can be more readily tailored to the needs of students. Another selling point is that these schools are supposed to be periodically reviewed when they renew their operating permits — and easily shut down if they fail.

States Try to Fix Quirks in Teacher Evaluations
New York Times, NY, February 20, 2012

Steve Ball, executive principal at the East Literature Magnet School in Nashville , arrived at an English class unannounced one day this month and spent 60 minutes taking copious notes as he watched the teacher introduce and explain the concept of irony. “It was a good lesson,” Mr. Ball said.

Is Pro-Teacher Reform Possible in This Country?
Miami Herald, FL, February 19, 2012

The $5 billion plan aims to elevate the status of America’s teachers, and is dubbed RESPECT — although inspiring, that particular sentiment may be wishful thinking. The name is an acronym for Recognizing Educational Success, Professional Excellence and Collaborative Teaching. Doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue.

Santorum Bashes Public Schools, Says They’re Stuck In Factory Era
Los Angeles Times, CA, February 18, 2012

Republican GOP hopeful Rick Santorum may be the most prominent homeschooler in America . So it might not have been surprising that, on Saturday, he told a conservative Christian audience that he intended to homeschool his children in the White House.


The GOP’s Charter School Proposal Again Raises The Question: How Do You Identify A Failing School?
Anniston Star, AL, February 19, 2012

Dick Brewbaker wants to get kids out of failing public schools and into successful charter schools.
Now he has to figure out how to tell a failing school from a successful one.

‘Parent Empowerment’ Bill Has Roots In Democratic, Republican Circles
Arizona Capital Times, AZ, February 20, 2012

The institute helped draft and is advocating for SB1204, which would allow parents of students attending failing schools to close down the school, convert it to a charter school or remove the principal.

‘Parent Trigger’ Campaign Divides Families At Troubled Adelanto Elementary School
Los Angeles Times, CA, February 19, 2012

Some angry parents want to remove their names from petitions seeking charter status before the school board votes.

RIVERSIDE: Board Expected To Grant School Charter
Press Enterprise, CA, February 20, 2012

Riverside Unified School District staff is recommending the school board grant a charter to REACH Leadership Academy, the first such recommendation in several years.

SoCal Parents May Succeed In School Takeover
CBS News, February 20, 2012

A deadline is set for tomorrow in a rebellion by parents against teachers and administrators at a public school in Southern California. Those parents say the school is failing their kids and they hope to be the first to successfully use a state law that would give them the power to change things.

Federal Grants Don’t Equal Academic Progress In Low-Performing Pueblo Schools
Denver Post, CO, February 20, 2012

Six Pueblo city schools on the nation’s chronically failing list have received more than $8 million in the past two years to pull themselves from the vortex of sinking academic achievement.

The Economics of the School District’s Vouchers
Castle Rock News Press, CO, February 18, 2012

The Douglas County School Board is trying to divert the educational dollars of every traditional and charter school student, teacher and citizen in the district with their insistence on a voucher program for an initial 500 Students, to attend “private” schools, the majority of which are located outside of Douglas County.

Its Tough To Turn Page To Get Failing Schools Turned Around
Denver Post, CO, February 21, 2012

Nearly half of the 27 Colorado schools that are part of a huge federal grant program aimed at fixing — or closing — the worst schools in America have been failing for almost a decade.

Include Tenure In School Reform
CT Post, CT, February 20, 2012

The caliber of Connecticut public school teachers must be superhumanly high. How else to explain that in the last two years, some 40 teachers — less than one-tenth of 1 percent of the 53,000 in the state — were actually dismissed for cause from their positions, according to data obtained from the state Department of Education by Hearst Connecticut Newspapers.

Battle Lines Forming Over Tenure Issue
The Day, CT, February 21, 2012

When Gov. Dannel P. Malloy unveiled the teacher tenure components of his public schools reform plan in his State of the State address earlier this month, initial reaction from state teachers’ unions was mostly circumspect.

Teacher Tenure Reform Plans Stir Debate
CT Post, CT, February 19, 2012

Of the more than 53,000 public school educators in Connecticut, about 40 with tenure were dismissed during the last two years, according to data from the state Department of Education obtained by Hearst Connecticut Newspapers.

Were You Supposed To Say That, Mr. Barry?
Washington Times, DC, February 19, 2012

A group of the District’s finest high school seniors testified before a D.C. Council committee on Thursday in favor of a bill that requires city high schoolers to take a college entrance exam like the SAT and apply to at least one college.

Charters Quick To Suspend, Expel, Council Told
Washington Post Blog, DC, February 17, 2012

Public charter school officials pushed rarely seen suspension and expulsion data into public view at Friday’s D.C. Council oversight hearing, some of it astonishing if accurate–and some school leaders contend that it is not.

Bill Would Benefit Big Charter School Firms
Miami Herald, FL, February 19, 2012

State lawmakers are considering a bill that would force public school districts to share tax dollars used for construction and maintenance.

Charter Schools Become Hot Topic With School Board
The Ledger, FL, February 18, 2012

School Board member Kay Fields said she is tired of the Polk County School District being reactive instead of proactive when district schools announce they are interested in converting to charters.

Charter Schools Become Hot Topic
News Chief, FL, February 21, 2012

Polk County School Board member Kay Fields said she is tired of the Polk County School District being reactive instead of proactive when district schools announce they are interested in converting to charters.

More Georgia Schools Converting To Charter System
Augusta Chronicle, GA, February 19, 2012

When Floyd County schools Superintendent Lynn Plunkett needed to hire new principals or redraw the bus routes for the district, she didn’t turn to her central office staff to do the job.

Crane Supports Vote On Charter Schools
The Citizen, GA, February 18, 2012

It’s all about a proposed constitutional amendment aimed at restoring the state’s right to approve charter schools.

Healthy Competition
Augusta Chronicle, GA, February 18, 2012

Not a big surprise. But a huge disappointment. The public school bureaucracy is in full throat now, opposing to its last breath the proposed freedom to form charter schools in Georgia .

Bushes Honor Success Stories at Celebration of Reading
Lehigh Acres News Star, FL, February 18, 2012

Former first lady Barbara Bush and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush celebrated Segura’s accomplishment as well as the thousands of people their foundation has helped at Friday night’s 12th annual Celebration of Reading at the Hyatt Regency in Bonita Springs.

Many Local Reps Support Charter School Amendment
Times Georgian, GA, February 21, 2012

While it is not yet known when the Georgia House of Representatives will hold another vote on House Resolution 1162, a proposed Constitutional amendment aimed at paving the way for more school choice options by allowing for the state to weigh in on local charter school decisions, advocacy groups supportive of HR 1162 will be promoting the measure at various events throughout the week in an effort to get the legislation cleared.

Teachers Voice Frustrations With Idaho Education Reform
Idaho Statesman, ID, February 21, 2012

When Idaho Education Association Executive Director Robin Nettinga asked a group of Boise and Meridian teachers for their biggest concerns, the first two words that rang out were “jobs” and “demoralization.”

Chicago School Draws Scrutiny Over Student Fines
Associated Press, February 20, 2012

A sense of order and decorum prevails at Noble Street College Prep as students move quickly through a hallway adorned with banners from dozens of colleges. Everyone wears a school polo shirt neatly tucked into khaki trousers. There’s plenty of chatter but no jostling, no cellphones and no dawdling.

Protestors Blast CPS Plans To Close, Restructure Schools
Chicago Tribune, IL, February 20, 2012

With two days left before the Chicago Board of Education votes to close or restructure failing schools, several community groups staged a candlelight vigil protesting the dramatic measures reserved for chronically under-performing schools and marched to Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s home on the city’s North Side.

Northwestern University Program Gives High School Girls A Chance To Work With Scientists And Doctors
Trib Local, IL, February 20, 2012

Chicago teenager Teanna Thomas moved a step closer over the weekend to her dream of becoming a pharmacist, graduating from a Northwestern University program that gives high school students a chance to work with scientists and doctors on cancer research.

Teaching Skill Trumps Tenure
Chicago Tribune, IL, February 20, 2012

In any school, no priority — such as employee tenure — should outweigh putting the most skilled teacher possible at the head of every classroom.

School Voucher Program Expansion Falters
Pharos-Tribune, IN, February 21, 2012

School choice advocates who ended the last legislative session with a bill that created the largest voucher program in the nation have been stymied this session in their efforts to expand the program’s scope.

Education Reform Plan Gets Makeovers
Des Moines Register, IA, February 21, 2012

Iowa lawmakers Monday tossed aside key provisions of Gov. Terry Branstad’s signature education reform proposals, and instead signaled a desire to take smaller steps toward substantial changes to K-12 education in the state.

State Lawmaker Says He Won’t Give Up On Charter-School Bill
Herald Leader, KY, February 19, 2012

State Rep. Brad Montell says he doesn’t know where his charter-school bill is headed in this session after a hearing in the House Education Committee last week, but he said he isn’t giving up.

Autonomy, Accountability Makes Charter Schools Worthwhile
Lexington Herald Leader, KY, February 19, 2012

As a former teacher and school administrator, and now as a professor of educational administration, I have been heavily invested in the process of trying to improve schools and raise student achievement for almost 17 years. I am now convinced there are two things schools need more of if we want to see bigger gains in student learning: autonomy and accountability.

Pros, Cons Of Charters A Smart Discussion To Have
Alexandria Town Talk, LA, February 21, 2012

The cases for and against Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal’s plan to offer school vouchers statewide will get a thorough vetting in the upcoming legislative session. Heated, too.

Focus On Accountability In Louisiana Education Reforms
Times Picayune, LA, February 19, 2012

Gov. Bobby Jindal’s administration is crafting far-reaching legislation that would make it easier for new charter schools to open, expand the use of private-school vouchers and curtail job protections teachers have historically enjoyed under the state’s tenure laws. So far the plan has been outlined in fairly broad strokes, so it is difficult to judge how effective the proposed changes might be. Even so, there is much to like in the governor’s vision.

School Choice Major Issue In Ed Reform
The Advocate, LA, February 19, 2012

School reform, of course, can mean a lot of things, but in Jindal’s plan it is focused mainly on a tough new assessment of teacher quality, including up to 50 percent of a teacher’s performance based on student test scores.

Maine Charter School Panel Seeking Public Feedback
Bangor Daily News, ME, February 21, 2012

The newly formed Maine State Charter School Commission is taking to the road to hear the public’s ideas on what they want to see in a charter school.

Tests Don’t Measure Teachers
Baltimore Sun, MD, February 20, 2012

If we really care about the education of young people in poverty, we will stop focusing on test results and pay much more attention to the quality of life students and families endure. The more their parents and the students themselves are employed, the better their housing and transportation, the better their health care and nutrition, the more they learn.

Boston School Superintendent Blasts Teachers Union
Boston Globe, MA, February 21, 2012

Amid contentious contract negotiations, Boston School Superintendent Carol R. Johnson is accusing the teachers union of using the possible loss of $9 million in federal grant money to force the district to agree to a new teacher contract it cannot afford.

Blasting Caps
Worcester Telegram & Gazette , MA, February 20, 2012

There is good news and so-so news on public charter schools in Massachusetts .

Grand Rapids Former Oakdale Elementary Will Now Be A Charter School
Grand Rapids Press, MI, February 20, 2012

One of three vacant Grand Rapids elementary schools sold to a developer last year for $1.6 million in a plan for proposed apartments is now being prepped for a new charter school to open this fall, according to the charter group.

Bills That Would Empower Parents
Detroit Free Press, MI, February 20, 2012

Legislation that would give parents the power to force their children’s failing schools to be converted into charter schools is part of a controversial package of bills — dubbed Parent Empowerment Education Reform — introduced in the state Senate last year.

Law Would Allow Failing Schools To Be Converted To Charters By Parent Demand
Detroit Free Press, MI, February 20, 2012

Cecilia Thornton has some advice for Michigan parents whose kids are trapped in failing schools: Take action.

Schools of Choice: As Opportunities Grow, Parents Tell of Joys, Woes
Battle Creek Enquirer, MI, February 18, 2012

Twenty years ago, finding a better school meant moving to a new neighborhood. Today, there are thousands of parents in Calhoun County alone whose morning routines are determined not by where they live but by the educational decisions they make.

Few Want Teacher Seniority Scrapped
Star Tribune, MN, February 18, 2012

Every child in Minnesota deserves a great teacher in a first-class school. That is indisputable. However, a bill moving through the Legislature that takes aim at the job security of experienced teachers puts us no closer to that goal.

Charter School Give Parents Choice In Children’s Education
Mississippi Press, MS, February 20, 2012

Too many Mississippi students are stuck in a school that is not working for them. Too many teens are giving up on an education and dropping out of school.

Bill Proposes Miss. Charter School Overhaul
Laurel Leader Call, MS, February 19, 2012

A new bill in the Mississippi Senate would let students cross district lines to attend charter schools.

Charter School Bill Has Flaws
Jackson Clarion Ledger, MS, February 20, 2012

Mississippi needs a strong charter school bill. A good charter bill could change dramatically the lives of children who have been trapped for decades in underperforming schools.

Use Charters Only For Failing
Jackson Clarion Ledger, MS, February 20, 2012

I can understand wanting to put charter schools in failing school districts. Those children deserve to have a good public school option.

Don’t Be Fooled By GOP Education Tax Credit Bills
Portsmouth Herald, NH, February 21, 2012

If the number of flaws in the Republican-backed education tax credit (school voucher) bills (SB 372 and its companion piece HB 1607) were fleas on a dog, the poor creature would be frantically scratching from dawn to dusk.

Tax Credit Plan Is Good For Students
Concord Monitor, NH, February 20, 2012

After reading “Education tax credit won’t serve the majority of us” (Paula Salvio and Joe Onosko, Monitor Forum, Feb. 9), it was unclear if these education professors from the University of New Hampshire understand what is occurring in public school classrooms throughout New Hampshire.

Danger In A School Voucher Program In New Hampshire
Sentinel Source, NH, February 19, 2012

Have you ever heard of The Alliance for the Separation of School and State, where you sign a proclamation that says, “I proclaim publicly that I favor ending government involvement in education?”

NJ’s Smallest School Districts Share Big Worries About Christie’s Budget
New Jersey Spotlight, NJ, February 21, 2012

Schools face uncertain futures as proposals for shared services and consolidations haunt district supers.

2012 Legislature Failed On School Reform
Albuquerque Journal, NM, February 19, 2012

But out of all the actions taken or issues kicked down the road, this 2012 legislative session will go down as one in which the Legislature failed students in New Mexico ’s schools.

A Truce In The City School Wars
Albany Times Union, NY, February 21, 2012

The Albany School District is searching for a superintendent. In many ways, it’s a thankless job that ties responsibility for results with insufficient control over many aspects of operations. One clear ability that superintendents do have, however, is that they set the tone of the school district’s interactions with the world around it.

City, Union Spar Over Evaluations
Wall Street Journal, February 18, 2012

One day after Gov. Andrew Cuomo heralded a statewide teacher-evaluation agreement, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Friday the city could close “a whole bunch more schools” unless it quickly reaches a final deal with its teachers union.

New Teacher Evaluation System Is All Flaws
New York Daily News, NY, February 19, 2012

On Thursday, the New York State Department of Education and the state teachers union came to an agreement on revising the teacher evaluation process to include students’ standardized test scores.

Success Academy Charter Network Gets Attacked For Its Remarkable Work
New York Daily News, NY, February 19, 2012

Want to get called horrible names? Want to get hauled into court? Want to get shouted down at public meetings? Then dare to start a dozen free, outstanding public schools in New York City .

A Clash of Views On City Schools
Albany Times Union, NY, February 18, 2012

But to Tom Carroll, the man behind that so-called industry, it’s not an assault launched on city schools from the suburbs, but simply an effort to encourage educational choice for Albany parents.

Ruling In Charter School Suit Over Bus Service A Mixed Bag
Buffalo News, NY, February 18, 2012

The Buffalo Public Schools can deny yellow bus service for students who live in Buffalo but attend schools outside the city, a judge ruled Thursday.

A New Leader Helps Heal Atlanta Schools, Scarred by Scandal
New York Times, NY, February 20, 2012

By last spring, Gov. Nathan Deal and Mayor Kasim Reed of Atlanta knew they had to find someone to clean up the mess. They asked Erroll B. Davis Jr. to become the new superintendent when Dr. Hall left at the end of June.

Greed Has No Place In Schools
The Herald, NC, February 19, 2012

Last summer, John Hood, president of the John Locke Foundation, wrote eloquently about a conservative vision of public education, a vision in which parents of all income levels are given more choices about where and how to educate their children.

‘No Child’ Left Behind? Ohio Seeks Waiver From Federal Law
Columbus Dispatch, OH, February 20, 2012

Ohio schools wouldn’t be judged by whether all students pass state tests if federal officials grant the state’s request for freedom from the No Child Left Behind Act.

Oklahoma City School Board Wants Details From State About Possible School Takeovers
The Oklahoman, OK, February 21, 2012

Members of the Oklahoma City School Board expressed frustration Monday night that the state’s plan isn’t clear enough. Superintendent Karl Springer said a state takeover would be a step back for the district.

Deborah Brown Charter School Seeks To Expand, Add Grades 6-8
Tulsa World, OK, February 21, 2012

The urban elementary school on Elgin Avenue is one of Tulsa’s first charter schools, established in 2000 by Deborah Brown. She also ran a private school from 1989 to 2003.

Clayton Academy’s Troubled Students Get Second Chance
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, PA, February 20, 2012

In sixth- through 12th-grade classrooms throughout the city, these students were so disruptive they made it difficult for teachers to teach and students to learn.

District Pays Charter Schools $1.6M Tuition
Standard Speaker, PA, February 19, 2012

The Hazleton Area School District is paying out more than $1.6 million in tuition for district students who attend school elsewhere.

Teacher Tenure at Heart of HB1234
Rapid City, SD, February 20, 2012

A controversial proposal to phase out teacher tenure may be on the verge of a change, depending on negotiations among lawmakers, educators and Gov. Dennis Daugaard’s administration.

Charter Schools to Face Resistance in DeSoto County
Commercial Appeal, TN, February 21, 2012

Legislation authorizing charter schools begins working its way through the Legislature this week, but such schools likely won’t be established in DeSoto County because its students already are performing so well academically.

Finding Time to be a Principal
Commercial Appeal, TN, February 20, 2012

Making time for teachers: If a business manager can allow principals to spend more time helping teachers, it’s an option worth discussing.

NCLB Waiver Lets Schools Make Reforms In Right Way
Daily News Journal, TN, February 21, 2012

We would not have been surprised to hear a collective sigh of relief go up from school districts across the state earlier this month when President Barack Obama announced Tennessee would receive a waiver from the No Child Left Behind Law. The waiver was approved on the basis of Tennessee’s Race to the Top education proposals.

Former Cowboys Great To Open Charter Schools
Fort Worth Star Telegram, TX, February 20, 2012

Former Dallas Cowboys cornerback Deion Sanders achieved just about all of his childhood dreams during an athletic career that included two Super Bowl titles, playing in the World Series with the Atlanta Braves and induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

Pending IRS Rules Might Push Charter School Workers Out Of Public Pensions
Austin American-Statesman, TX, February 19, 2012

After 25 years of working in Texas public schools, South Austin charter school Principal Lisa Robinson could be forced to choose between her job and her pension, if pending federal rules take effect.

Lawmakers Looking To Improve Charter Schools
San Antonio Express, TX, February 18, 2012

For supporters, charter schools might be the best thing since sliced bread. But critics are considerably less enthused and question whether they do as good a job as traditional public schools.

More Choices for Success
Daily Press, VA, February 20, 2012

For families that can afford them, private schools offer a competitive alternative to public schools. While parents might choose private schools for many reasons, for many, it boils down to one thing: dissatisfaction with the quality of public school education.

Patrick Henry Charter School Gets Clean Audit
Richmond Times-Dispatch, VA, February 21, 2012

Officials for Patrick Henry School of Science and Arts will appear before the Richmond School Board today with a clean financial audit and a renewed dialogue with the public school system — and the governor’s office.

Teacher Reforms Will Lift Students
Richmond Times Dispatch, VA, February 19, 2012

Across the country, education reform efforts are calling for bold changes that put students first in all decisions about policies and practices in classrooms, schools and school divisions.

Senate Backs Tax Credits For Private-School Scholarships
Richmond Times Dispatch, VA, February 18, 2012

Corporations could receive a tax credit for paying for low- and middle-income students to attend private schools under a measure that narrowly passed the Virginia Senate on Friday on a party-line vote.

Virginia Set To Request NCLB Waiver
Richmond Times Dispatch, VA, February 20, 2012

Virginia is requesting flexibility from some federal education requirements in order to create an accountability system that mirrors its own.

The Evil School Choice Plot
Bennington Banner, VT, February 21, 2012

An evil plot is afoot to pressure the states to adopt “schoolchoice schemes,” according to onetime Rutland Northeast Superintendent William J. Mathis. He is currently a Shumlin appointee to the Vermont State Board of Education and managing director of the grandly named National Education Policy Center at the University of Colorado.

Evaluate Teachers
The Columbian, WA, February 19, 2012

Washington senators took a dramatic and meaningful step toward improving public schools Tuesday when they approved a bipartisan compromise bill calling for teacher evaluations.

Reject Emphasis On Charter Schools Unless Safeguards In Place
Seattle Times, WA, February 17, 2012

The NAACP rejects the emphasis on charter schools as an educational vanguard, but if the Legislature should open the door, it must be done with some key safeguards, says the regional education chair of the NAACP.

Mercury Marine To Help Open Charter School For Future Engineers
WHBL Sheboygan, WI, February 20, 2012

Mercury Marine of Fond du Lac says industries will have to grow their own engineers to avoid a massive talent shortage in the future. So the company is helping start up a charter school this fall. About 100 3rd-through-5th graders will attend what’s called the “ Fond du Lac STEM Academy .”

Choice Enrollment Boost Shows A Worrisome Trend
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, WI, February 20, 2012

At least some of the growth in the voucher program came from kids already enrolled in private schools. Poor students should be the priority.

Choice Expansion Helps Shore Up The Middle Class
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, WI, February 20, 2012

The benefits to Milwaukee from expanded choice dwarf the supposed concern about working- and middle-class parents who might get a “free ride.” The city desperately needs more of these families, as the effort to lure Kohl’s demonstrates.

On School ‘Gap’ Issue, There’s Also A Gap Between Leaders
Capital Times, WI, February 20, 2012

It’s a two-part ritual. First, the mayor, school superintendent, county executive or some other community leader makes an announcement that is reported by local media.


Virtual Classes Find Home In Real Classrooms
Beaufort Gazette, SC, February 18, 2012

More Beaufort County students could be taking courses from the comfort of their bedrooms or kitchen tables next year.

House Should Choose School Choice
Detroit News, MI, February 19, 2012

Lawmakers feeling heat over cyber charter expansion bill, but they should do what’s best for students

Cyber Schools: Show Me the Data
Holland Sentinel, MI, February 20, 2012

Michigan’s education policy is being driven by the mantra of parental choice. On the surface, policy that gives parents alternatives for their children’s education is laudable. However, if those alternative choices have no demonstrable evidence of providing a better education, or in fact, are substandard to traditional public education, isn’t it incumbent upon our legislature to protect our students?

Moving Forward: Mishicot Online Virtual Education Program Wins School Board Approval
Herald Times Reporter, WI, February 20, 2012

Mishicot educators Thomas Ellenbecker and Stacie Cihlar believe the school district’s newly approved virtual school will benefit existing Mishicot students, home-schooled students and the district.

Online Academies Will Face Scrutiny
Des Moines Register, IA, February 20, 2012

Two Iowa school districts will face heavy scrutiny next school year as they begin offering virtual academies to state students, said Jason Glass, Iowa Department of Education director.

Virtual Schools Need To Be Part of Iowa’s Options
Des Moines Register, IA, February 18, 2012

As a parent who had three children enrolled in a virtual school in a neighboring state, I am strongly considering enrolling another child in one of Iowa ’s new virtual schools this fall. I am very disappointed in the Register’s treatment of this new and exciting educational option for Iowan children (Opinion section, Feb. 12).

First Online Experiment In Iowa Fizzled
Sioux City Journal, IA, February 19, 2012

K12 is opening a new online school at Clayton Ridge this fall in Iowa , marking the second time the online learning company will make a run at the Iowa market.

At Las Vegas Charter School, iPads Pave Students’ Path To Learning
Las Vegas Sun, NV, February 21, 2012

For all the talk about ways to bring technology into education, consider a public charter school in Clark County that provides an iPad for each of its 720 students and 54 staff members.

Of Profits and Power: Education Establishment Attacks Digital Learning
Town Hall, VA, February 21, 2012

The education establishment is pulling out all the stops to stifle the movement to expand the use of technology to modernize the way students learn.

Cam’s Online Partnership Catches Attention Of Local Schools
Creston News Advertiser, IA, February 20, 2012

CAM Community School District caught the attention of several Iowa schools this month when its school board approved a partnership with Iowa Connections Academy that will give K-12 students in their district the opportunity to be full-time online students next fall.

Online Schools Pop Up In Iowa
Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier, IA, February 20, 2012

Jennifer Davis doesn’t have any qualms about online learning.
The Waterloo resident has taken web-based courses at the college level. She found the materials and method effective and engaging.

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