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Daily Headlines for February 3, 2014

February 3, 2014

Click here for Newswire, the latest weekly report on education news and commentary you won’t find anywhere else – spiced with a dash of irreverence – from the nation’s leading voice in school reform. 


5 Innovative Ideas for School Choice Reforms
Christian Post, DC, January 31, 2014
Education experts proposed five innovative ideas for reforming K-12 education to free up the system for dynamic growth through the small government “School Choice” movement.

For school choice-loving Democrats to consider
Washington Post Blog, DC, January 31, 2014
Given that charter schools on average don’t do any better than traditional public schools and that there is no evidence that voucher programs in the United States have lifted the achievement of large groups of students, it is fair to wonder why there is so much enthusiasm for school choice among people who genuinely believe in public education (while it is easy to understand among people who don’t). There is far more hype about the virtues of school choice than there is reality.

Public hearings to spotlight proposed charter schools
Portland Press Herald, ME, February 3, 2014
Each of three charter schools hoping to open in Maine will be the focus of its own hearing this week.



Legislature must support education reform
Opinion, Arizona Republic, AZ, February 2, 2014
Over the past few years, many entities, including The Arizona Republic, along with business and education leaders, have called for significant reforms to our K-12 education system. Central to any reform effort is the development of a quality accountability infrastructure.


Deasy provides fodder for both sides in lawsuit
Los Angeles Times, CA, February 3, 2014
In Vergara vs. California, a groundbreaking trial over teacher job protections, L.A. schools Supt. John Deasy was a star witness — for both sides.

Tenure isn’t the real teacher problem
Letter, Los Angeles Times, CA, February 1, 2014
Re “Trial over teacher protections opens,” Jan. 28, and “Lawsuit targets teacher job security,” Jan. 26, and “Judging teachers, helping teachers”.


Lawsuit against SB 191 seeks to save good teachers
Commentary, Denver Post, CO, February 1, 2014
Some laws have loopholes to fix, but in the case of Senate Bill 191, an enormous sinkhole was exposed by Denver Public Schools. The district abused a key provision in Colorado’s educator effectiveness law, and more than 100 good teachers were swallowed up in the sinkhole, removed from their classrooms without cause.


Getting past rumors to see KIPP DC in motion
Column, Washington Post, DC, February 2, 2014
Look for references to KIPP charter schools on the Internet, and you will find critics saying they are akin to military schools or concentration camps. That is far from the truth.


School choice politics could hurt Scott’s reach out on public schools
Palm Beach Post Blog, FL, February 2, 2014
After slashing $1.3 billion from schools his first year as governor, Rick Scott has struggled to convince public school advocates that he is on their side by pouring money into classrooms and teacher raises during subsequent years of his term.

Special help for low-income private-school students to end abruptly
Florida Times Union, FL, February 2, 2014
Hundreds of low-income students at private or parochial schools in Duval County will likely lose tutoring and other academic help about 12 weeks before school ends because the federal money paying for it is drying up.


Renee McKenzie: Idaho’s public schools deserve to be funded equally
Opinion, Idaho Statesman, ID, February 2, 2014
Leaders in the Idaho Statehouse recently convened a series of listening sessions and hearings on education reform policy. School choice advocates gathered at rallies across the county to advocate for expanded school choice for every student as part of National School Choice Week, which is just concluding. Our parent members who testified will carry this message as they advocate for specific reforms in Idaho.


Charter school wars
Editorial, Chicago Tribune, IL, February 3, 2014
Illinois lawmakers created a special board in 2011 to encourage education choice. The Illinois State Charter School Commission has the power to override local school districts that reject efforts to open innovative public schools in their communities.


Charter school’s success found in quality of the grads
Opinion, South Coast Today, MA, February 1, 2014
Everyone here at GiftsToGive is supporting City on a Hill Charter Public School opening in New Bedford. We feel that they deserve a chance for two reasons. One is that they inherently understand that most urban middle school students are simply not ready for high school, and most importantly, because New Bedford children deserve a chance.

School fair shows parents, kids have educational options
South Coast Today, MA, February 2, 2014
Thirteen schools from New Bedford and surrounding towns schools were represented Jan. 25 for the second annual School Choice Fair which highlighted educational options.


Charter schools offer choice for students
Column, Dearborn Press and Guide, MI, February 2, 2014
If there were no Trillium Academy, fewer students in the Taylor area would have the opportunity for instruction in the performing arts.

School choice makes a difference for children
Opinion, Detroit News, MI, February 1, 2014
It’s a new year in Lansing and lawmakers are busy proposing bills, debating hot topics and, most importantly to parents like us, talking about how to make sure every Michigan child gets the best possible education.

School funding equality needed
Editorial, Detroit News, MI, February 3, 2014
It’s hard to believe anyone would think Rayvon Dean is worth less than any other high school student in Michigan. A senior at University Prep Academy (UPA) public charter school in Detroit, Rayvon, 17, is the star of the school’s nationally-ranked debate team and is headed to the University of Southern California on a full ride scholarship for debate. He’s smart, poised and has an incomparable work ethic.


Lawmakers want more options for special education students, better pay for their teachers
Opinion, Clarion Ledger, MS, February 2, 2014
State lawmakers outraged by Mississippi’s low graduation rate among special-needs youth say the state must do more for the one in 10 public school students with a disability and already have introduced measures they hope will help.


Agassi school fund makes first investment in Las Vegas
Las Vegas Review-Journal, NV, February 2, 2014
The school campus at 9625 W. Saddle Ave. just got sent back a few grades. Thanks to a funding assist from tennis great and native Las Vegan Andre Agassi, the vacant, former University of Phoenix site has been remodeled as Doral Academy West.


Half of scholarship cash from business tax credit donations returned
Union Leader, NH, February 2, 2014
Half of the money donated by New Hampshire businesses to a scholarship fund for schoolchildren last year went unused and had to be returned because of a state court decision barring scholarships for families who choose to send children to church-related schools.


House panel may nix money for governor’s school reforms
Santa Fe New Mexican, NM January 31, 2014
The House Appropriations and Finance Committee is considering an education spending bill that strips funding for many of Gov. Susana Martinez’s signature public school reforms.


De Blasio administration’s education budget yanks $210M from charter schools, boosts prekindergarten programs
New York Daily News, NY, February 2, 2014
The new five-year capital budget for city schools has been boosted to $12.8 billion and makes some significant changes to plans the Bloomberg administration had to aid charter schools.

Healing the charter-district divide
Opinion, New York Daily News, NY, February 3, 2014
On Friday, Mayor de Blasio made his first move against charter schools as his chancellor vowed to transfer $210 million slated for charter classroom space into pre-K programs. Likely next actions: halting charter co-locations and charging rent to charters.

How to Evaluate a Public School?
Letter, New York Times, NY, February 2, 2014
Re “Getting an Accurate Fix on Schools” (editorial, Jan. 27): We are in the throes of the intimidating middle-school choice process for our son, and unlike you, we find the A-to-F school grades a helpful
factor among many in our search, especially now with seven years’ worth of data behind them.

Parents blast De Blasio’s war on charter schools
New York Post, NY, February 2, 2014
Advocates and parents are outraged over Mayor de Blasio’s opening salvo in his war on charter schools, which they fear will inflict collateral damage on hundreds of thousands of city schoolchildren.


Charter schools press Durham’s district schools
Opinion, News & Observer, NC, February 1, 2014
Charter schools were supposed to be laboratories for change in public schools, but in Durham County the experiment is spinning out of control.

Private School Vouchers Become Available, Despite Lawsuits
WUNC, NC, February 1, 2014
A new program that will help low-income families afford to send their children to private schools has started accepting applications, despite harsh criticisms and legal challenges that have plagued it.


School choice isn’t a new concept in Oklahoma
Editorial, The Oklahoman, OK, January 31, 2014
FEW phrases in public education create as much simultaneous hope and angst as “school choice.” And yet for thousands of schoolchildren, choice represents a great opportunity — maybe even the best one — for a high-quality education that meets their needs.


TN state board reconsiders role of learning gains in teacher licenses
The Tennessean, TN, February 1, 2014
Tennessee’s education leaders have been collecting national accolades since August, after the state board of education adopted a rare policy that ties teacher licensing to learning gains.


Good charter schools have role when innovation is needed
Column, Seattle Times, WA, February 2, 2014
Washington was smart to set up a process for weeding through charter applications and picking only the ones most likely to benefit the children they hope to serve.


Bill Aims For Digital Learning In All Alabama Classrooms
WHNT, AL, January 31, 2014
State lawmakers are now reviewing HB1, which aims to equip every school in Alabama with an array of high-tech gear ranging from laptops and iPads to infrastructure like wi-fi and ethernet networks. The borrowed funds would be raised via bond issue, and would be distributed in proportion to a school system’s total enrollment.

Bridges Virtual Academy evolves to ease state concerns
Wausau Daily Herald, WI, February 2, 2014
Administrators of a popular charter school that provides educational services to families across the state say they will make needed changes to ensure the school meets legal requirements to exist.

Dare secondary schools moving toward digital learning
Outer Banks Voice, NC, February 3, 2014
Heavy backpacks filled with textbooks may be a thing of the past when Dare County secondary students begin school next September. Instead, a laptop serving as a portal to their academic world may be all they need to engage in a new wave of learning.

Lawmakers to consider banning biometrics in schools
Miami Herald, FL, February 2, 2014
Lawmakers will take up a proposal that would prohibit school districts from collecting biometric information on students.

Legislation would give Missouri students more digital education offerings
Missouri Net, MO, February 3, 2014
The state Chamber says Missouri needs to offer more digital learning opportunities to its K-12 students. It released a study last week that makes that case.

School choice: Family chooses Aiken over home schooling
Alexandria Town Talk, LA, February 2, 2014
One Alexandria family made a switch when it came to education after discovering another option in Rapides Parish.

Online learning, career focused classes helping students excel
Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier, IA, February 2, 2014
This is the fifth year the online curriculum has also been available for core subjects and some electives at East and West high schools through their Performance Based Diploma Academies. Each school has about 130 students enrolled.

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