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Daily Headlines for February 7, 2012

February 7, 2012

Obama To Announce $100 Million Plan To Train New Educators
Washington Post, DC, February 6, 2012

President Obama will use the backdrop of a White House science fair Tuesday to highlight a nationwide shortage of math and science teachers and unveil a plan to invest $100 million to help train 100,000 new educators over the next decade.

Teacher Tenure Helps Promote Good Education
USA Today, February 6, 2012

The security that tenure brings adds to the effectiveness of a teacher’s practice. Always worrying about pleasing whoever is in charge at the moment and stressing over one’s future would certainly detract from the attention that a teacher gives to her or his studies, teaching and students (“States weaken tenure rights for teachers”).

Flood the Zone
New York Times, NY, February 7, 2012

Every once in a while, the Obama administration will promulgate a policy that is truly demoralizing. A willingness to end the District of Columbia school voucher program was one such case.


AEA Vows To Oppose Charter Schools
Tuscaloosa News, AL, February 7, 2012

The state teachers association said Monday it will oppose proposed charter school legislation and will seek suspension of a new education budget law because it will cut education appropriations by at least $108 million next year.

Charter Schools On Agenda
Times Daily, AL, February 6, 2012

Alabama is one of just nine states that does not allow charter schools, but the Republican-led Legislature wants to change that.

Staff of Miramonte Replaced Pending Sex Abuse Inquiry
Los Angeles Times, CA, February 7, 2012

In a dramatic move to quell parents’ fears, Los Angeles school officials said they will temporarily replace the entire staff of an elementary school south of downtown Los Angeles , where two teachers have been accused of lewd acts against students.

A Bold Approach To Cultivating Tomorrow’s Teachers
Denver Post, CO, February 6, 2012

Denver is on the leading edge of a national movement in teacher preparation — one that is has the potential to transform our classrooms and unlock a key to success in our schools.

“Trigger” Bill Passes First Test
Education News Colorado, CO, February 6, 2012

The House Education Committee Monday split on party lines, voting 7-6 to approve House Bill 12-1149, a slimmed-down version of a parent trigger bill that the committee killed last year.

Malloy Sets Sights On State’s Lagging Schools
The Day, CT, February 7, 2012

Gov. Dannel P. Malloy on Monday proposed a $24.8 million program to turn around Connecticut’s worst public schools, the most aggressive component unveiled to date of his education reform package.

Public School Leaders Wary of Gov’s Charter Plan
CT Post, CT, February 6, 2012

Sooner or later there was something in Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s multi-faceted education reform package that wasn’t going to sit well with the group that represents school superintendents across the state.

A Grim Report Card on D.C. Schools
Washington Post, DC, February 6, 2012

A NEW STUDY of the District’s public schools has the teachers union bristling about jobs, defenders of traditional schools fearing further gains for charter schools and some neighborhoods worrying their schools will close.

Bay District School Holds Workshop on Charter School Concerns
WJHG, FL, February 6, 2012

Bay District School officials are gearing up for what may be a busy open enrollment session. With charter schools in the spotlight, many educators are giving them a second look

Seminole Challenges State Over Charter School Appeals
Orlando Sentinel, FL, February 6, 2012

The Seminole County School Board is opening another front in its battle with the state over the prospect of being forced to approve charter schools that it determines are unworthy to open.

Charter Schools Seek Construction Money
Miami Herald, FL, February 6, 2012

Florida school districts are fighting a bill that would require them to share construction dollars with charter schools.

Public Schools Spending: A Matter of Priorities: Pay Idaho Teachers
Idaho Statesman, ID, February 7, 2012

State schools superintendent Tom Luna is an experienced enough politician to try to sidestep a public feud with a fellow Republican, Gov. Butch Otter.

Sick, Sick, Sick
Chicago Tribune, IL, February 7, 2012

We’ve often heard you talk fondly about your days as CEO of the Chicago Public Schools. You may have heard that the schools face a huge budget crisis. You want to do something good for the schools and set an example for everyone who works there?

Moore: No Child Left Behind: Good and Bad
Savannah Morning News, GA, February 7, 2012

NCLB was a well-intentioned effort to provide educational consistency across the states. Its fundamental goal was to ensure that all kids (50 million of them) would become proficient in reading and math.

Vitter: Jindal Proposals ‘Bold’
The Advocate, LA, February 7, 2012

U.S. Sen. David Vitter praised Gov. Bobby Jindal’s recent proposals on Monday to expand school choice vouchers statewide and to overhaul Louisiana’s state employee pension plan.

Recovery School District’s New Application Is Expected To Make School Search Easier
Times Picayune, LA, February 6, 2012

After years of complaints about how headache-inducing it can be to enroll a child in public school in New Orleans, state officials have officially launched a long-promised single application for every elementary and high school in the city. Almost, that is.

Many La. Teachers In Unions
The Advocate, LA, February 7, 2012

Officials of the Louisiana Federation of Teachers, which is one of the state’s two largest teacher unions, said Monday that they represent about 16,000 public school teachers, or about 33 percent of those in the classroom.

More Growth For Charter
Gloucester Times, MA, February 7, 2012

The Gloucester Community Arts Charter School is going forward with plans to add another two grades next year, filling out its charter as a school serving kindergartners through eighth-graders.

Charter School’s Opening At Risk
Fredrick News Post, MD, February 7, 2012

The third time might not be the charm for Carroll Creek Montessori Public Charter School . The Board of Education is set to make a decision on Carroll Creek’s third submitted facility plan Wednesday. If the Board follows staff recommendation, the school will not open until the 2013-14 school year.

DPS To Shift A Dozen Of Its Schools To New State District
Detroit News, MI, February 7, 2012

The creation of Detroit’s new system of schools will kick into high gear Thursday when state officials name about a dozen Detroit public schools that will be placed under the control of the Education Achievement Authority of Michigan in the fall.

Who’s In Charge Here? A Look At The Companies Behind Charter Schools
Flint Journal, MI, February 7, 2012

Your local charter school is most likely not really locally operated.
Most are for-profit companies based in far-off locales, operating behind-the-scenes and calling the shots on everything from teacher pay to school policy to pencil purchases

Support Turns To Opposition On School Reform Act
Star Tribune, MN, February 6, 2012

Rep. John Kline, R-Minn., still wants to see that no child is left behind in school. But times have changed for Kline and for the education reform movement that has listed hundreds of Minnesota schools as failing.

Bill: Teacher Evals Overrule Seniority In K-12 Schools
Daily Planet, MN, February 6, 2012

A proposed bill in the state Legislature could drastically change how schools make staffing decisions in tough times by leveling the playing field for new teachers.

Duluth Edison Charter Schools Applies For New Sponsorship
Duluth News Tribune, MN, February 7, 2012

Duluth Edison Charter Schools has asked another entity to oversee its schools.
Its current sponsor, Northwoods Children’s Services, no longer will be authorized to act as one after June 30.

Schools Test Four-Day Week
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, MO, February 7, 2012

The school system about 80 miles west of St. Louis is among a small but growing number of rural Missouri districts that have eliminated one day from the school week. The reason? To save money.

Years of Donating to an Education Model That Works
Wall Street Journal, February 7, 2012

De La Salle and its sibling school, the George Jackson Academy in the East Village, were founded by Brother Brian Carty. He established the nonsectarian schools to serve talented students from low-income families.

N.J. Won’t Let 29 People Serve On School Boards Because of Criminal Convictions, Background Checks
Star-Leger, NJ, February 6, 2012

After conducting criminal background checks on more than 5,000 school board members and charter school trustees, the state Department of Education today announced it has disqualified 17 people from the volunteer positions because of criminal convictions.

Harlem Charter School Fights Closure, Gains DOE Renewal
CU Columbia Spectator, NY, February 7, 2012

After a public hearing, Opportunity Charter School —at which over 50 percent of the students are diagnosed with disabilities—was granted a two-year renewal of its charter in December 2011.

Teacher Evaluations Must Go Forward
Poughkeepsie Journal, NY, February 6, 2012

Two things should be abundantly clear as the state, school districts and unions bicker over new evaluation standards for teachers and principals:

Charter Schools Can Bring Big Profits
WECT, NC, February 6, 2012

The state legislature lifted the cap on public charter schools last year, which used to limit the number of charter schools to 100.

Cleveland School Plan May Be A Tough Sell, But It Shouldn’t Be DOA
Cleveland Plain Dealer, OH, February 7, 2012

For years, some in Cleveland have argued that the powers that be should blow up Cleveland’s struggling public school system and start over from scratch.

TN Students, Parents Weigh Their School Options
The Tennessean, TN, February 7, 2012

About 14 percent of Rutherford County’s 39,000 students attend a school they chose instead of ones in their neighborhoods. One in four Metro Nashville students do the same; families received letters last month revealing whether they were accepted into magnet or other choice programs for the fall.

Dallas Council Members Question Proposal To Help Charter Schools Expand
Dallas Morning News, TX, February 6, 2012

A plan to help a charter school chain issue tax-exempt bonds to expand in Dallas ran into questions from City Council members Monday.

Bills Would Retool Teacher Evaluations In State
Yakima Herald, WA, February 6, 2012

Two years ago, a plan to change the way teachers are evaluated in Washington state became law. Now, lawmakers are debating several possible course adjustments for Washington’s teacher evaluation system.


Erie’s Online Campus Has Potential Pitfalls
Erie Times-News, PA, February 7, 2012

At first glance, the idea holds promise: Offer an online curriculum to Erie public school students, so the Erie School District can offer a wider range of courses and also compete with existing cyber schools.

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