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Daily Headlines for July 19, 2012

July 19, 2012

Democrats Hinder Progress In Education
USA Today, July 18, 2012

In the piece about why schools in poor neighborhoods fail, commentary writer Richard Whitmire attempts to push the blame on to someone or something else (“Column: Poverty not all to blame for lousy school outcomes”).

Obama Turns To ‘Master Teachers’ To Improve US Math Scores
Christian Science Monitor, MA, July 18, 2012

Two-thirds of US 8th-graders are below proficiency in math and science. President Obama’s new attempt to reverse the trend involves cultivating master teachers to train other teachers.



State Lays Out Its Lobato Appeal
Marina del Rey Argonaut, CA, July 19, 2012

Stung by a recent court ruling that ordered them to reconfigure the method in which they offer charter operators classroom space in Los Angeles Unified School District schools, district leaders vowed to challenge the verdict and appealed the court order July 17.

Inspire School To Stay On Chico High’s Campus For 2 More Years
Chico Enterprise-Record, CA, July 19, 2012

Inspire School of the Arts and Sciences will remain on Chico High School ‘s campus for at least another two years, with direction regarding its final home to be determined sometime in September, the Chico Unified School District School Board decided Wednesday.


Removing The Mask From Bridgeport Education Reformers
Connecticut Post, CT, July 18, 2012

Who can disagree with the noble and laudable activity of empowering parents, building knowledge and accountability?
However, a look behind the mask reveals a different and disturbing reality.


D.C. Gets No Child Left Behind Waiver
Washington Post, DC, July 19, 2012

The Obama administration on Wednesday granted the District and six states relief from key provisions of the federal No Child Left Behind law, including the requirement that all students be proficient in math and reading by 2014.


Closing A Failing Charter School Leaves Larger Problem Unsolved
Tampa Bay Times, FL, July 19, 2012

Imagine Charter School in St. Petersburg has some of the poorest test scores in the entire state, and those results have been pretty steady for several years now. So feel free to applaud the example of increased accountability. And maybe you should appreciate the idea of proper administrative oversight. Just don’t confuse it with an actual solution.


CPS, Teachers Union Reject Arbitrator’s Report
Chicago Tribune, IL, July 19, 2012

In rejecting an arbitrator’s report Wednesday that recommended a healthy pay hike, the Chicago Teachers Union indicated it will push for a deal that gives members greater job security and a say in how the longer school day plays out next year.


Parents Protest Closing Of Charter The Project School
Indianapolis Star, IN, July 18, 2012

More than 50 parents crammed into a raucous and hastily arranged meeting Wednesday to harshly criticize Mayor Greg Ballard’s decision to close their children’s charter school.

Yorktown OKs RISE Teacher Evaluation
Yorktown Press, IN, July 19, 2012

During the July 17 Yorktown Community School Board meeting, the board approved the use of the RISE Evaluation for teachers.


Algiers Charter Schools Scrap Controversial Principal Moves, Announce Principal Mentorship Plan
Times Picayune, LA, July 18, 2012

In a sharp turnaround from its recent gatherings, when a plan to shuffle principals in the Algiers Charter Schools Association drew jeers, the group’s board of trustees on Wednesday announced a course reversal and won applause.

Vouchers Are A Creationist’s Best Friend
Times-Picayune, LA, July 18, 2012

The Louisiana Science Education Act was a significant victory for the creationists, but with the advent of school vouchers, it now looks like small beer. The act allowed teachers to sneak Bible literalism into science class, to muddy the waters with “supplemental materials” but not to deny evolution flat-out.


Salem Charter School’s First Graduate Thrived In Alternative Setting
Salem News, MA, July 19, 2012

Deanna Arsenault says she felt like just another number while at public high school, which led her to drop out.


Teacher Ratings To Remain Hidden
Asbury Park Press, NJ, July 19, 2012

If you think the new education reform bill means you’ll get to see what grade your child’s teacher receives on his or her evaluation, think again.

State Must Revise Charter School Certification Deadline
Today’s Sunbeam, NJ, July 19, 2012

There’s an avoidable midsummer shuffle going on in Salem County .
The state Department of Education on Monday notified Bright Horizon, a proposed charter school in Carneys Point Township , that it has been denied permission to open in September

NJ Derails Opening of Jewish Charter School
The Jewish Press, July 19, 2012

A Hebrew charter school in Bergen County, N.J. , will not open as expected because the state said it failed to provide some needed documents.


Battle Over Teacher Evals
Albuquerque Journal, NM, July 19, 2012

Teachers, parents and administrators packed a hearing room Wednesday, most to speak against the Public Education Department’s proposal to evaluate teachers based partly on their students’ test score improvement.


NY Charter Schools’ Edge
New York Post, NY, July 18, 2012

The new state test scores released this week showed yet again that charter schools on average are beating their local school districts, as they have for the past seven years.


Charter School A Step Closer To Opening
Gaston Gazette, NC, July 18, 2012

State charter school officials OK’d plans from Pinnacle Classical Academy’s board of directors on Tuesday to open a tuition-free charter school in one year. The State Board of Education must give final approval for the school to open, and that decision is expected in March.

New Charters Could Add 3,000 Charlotte-Area Seats
Charlotte Observer, NC, July 18, 2012

About 3,000 Charlotte-area students will get new charter-school options in 2013-14 if the state Board of Education approves an advisory board’s recommendations.

Pushing Back Against the ‘High-Poverty School ’ Line
Carolina Journal, NC, July 19, 2012

By choosing to focus primarily on money, progressives and like-minded bureaucrats divert time and brainpower away from private and public-sector innovations to ensure kids achieve. In North Carolina , these kids face many challenges, but being at a funding disadvantage because they’re poor isn’t one of them.


Cleveland Schools Seek Big Tax Increase In November To Carry Out Transformation Plans
Cleveland Plain Dealer, OH, July 19, 2012

The Cleveland School District and Mayor Frank Jackson will ask voters this fall to raise their school taxes by about 50 percent to make major changes aimed at pulling the district out of its academic and budget hole.


Oregon Can Ditch No Child Left Behind Requirements
Statesman Journal, OR, July 18, 2012

Oregon has the green light to adopt sweeping changes in how it measures school success.


Charter School Faces 32-Percent Health Insurance Hike
Wilkes Barr Times Leader, PA, July 19, 2012

An unexpected and unbudgeted increase of nearly 32 percent in health insurance costs had the Bear Creek Community Charter School board of trustees seeking options Monday.

York City School Board Denies New Hope Charter
York Dispatch, PA, July 19, 2012

The York City School Board unanimously and with little fanfare Wednesday night denied New Hope Academy’s five-year charter renewal.


State Supreme Court Gives Win To Schools Coalition
Daily Herald, WA, July 18, 2012

The Washington Supreme Court on Wednesday gave another win to the coalition that sued the state over the way it pays for basic education.


Report Criticizes Progress At Cyber Charter Schools
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, PA, July 19, 2012

The latest criticism of cyber charter schools in Pennsylvania comes from Colorado , where researchers contended students in K12 Inc. programs are falling behind.

PA Cyber Charter School Hires Lawyer In Federal Probe
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, PA, July 19, 2012

The board of the Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School late Wednesday night hired an attorney to represent it in relation to an ongoing federal grand jury investigation.

District Pitches Its Online School
Reading Eagle, PA, July 19, 2012

Clutching copies of the children’s book “Whoever You Are,” two Boyertown School District administrators traveled to eight homes last month to make sales pitches.

Students In K12 Inc.’s Online Classes Lag Academically, Study Finds
Washington Post, DC, July 18, 2012

K12 Inc., the Herndon-based company that is the country’s largest provider of full-time online education, lags behind charter schools and traditional public schools on a broad array of academic measures, according to a new study.

Olympic Hopefuls Go For The Gold With Virtual School
Lake City Reporter, FL, July 19, 2012

But Windle has another training secret weapon, one he shares with diving partner and schoolmate Zach Cooper, and many of the country’s most promising young Olympic hopefuls: virtual public school.

Ascension Expanding Virtual Learning Offerings
The Advocate, LA, July 19, 2012

Ascension Parish school system officials are looking at ways to expand the school district’s virtual learning offerings.

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