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Daily Headlines for June 7, 2011

June 7, 2011

To Fix the Schools, Let the Ideas Bloom
New York Times, NY, June 7, 2011
In “Waiting for a School Miracle” (Op-Ed, June 1), Diane Ravitch rightly points out that the quick-fix “miracles” that seem to dramatically improve learning for the most disadvantaged students are usually mirages, not miracles. These charter and traditional public schools tend to feature an outdated reductionist model that simply doesn’t work.



Report Says L.A. Principals Should Have More Authority In Hiring Teachers
Los Angeles Times, CA, June 7, 2011
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa strongly backs suggestions in the report, whose research was paid for largely with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Board Discusses Chief for Charters
Contra Costa Times, CA, June 6, 2011
The San Bernardino City Unified School Board is expected to discuss today in closed session whether the district should task someone with oversight of the district’s 11 charter schools.


Education Reform Foes Deliver Powerful Message
Fox12Idaho, ID, June 7, 2011
They’re sending a powerful message to the people of Idaho and Superintendent Tom Luna. Idahoans for Responsible Education Reform delivered thousands of signed petitions to the Secretary of Sate that will put the so-called “Luna Laws” up to a vote of the people.


“School Choice” is a Parent’s Right
The Star-Ledger Blog, NJ, June 6, 2011
This is a topic of great interest to our NJ Muslim community educators and parents. They just don’t know it yet. It’s about school choice. It is a topic that interfaith groups especially need to consider.


Make Disclosure Mean Just That
Albany Times Union, NY, June 7, 2011
Welcome, New York, to the new, and woefully unregulated, era of high-priced elections over, yes, school budgets. Albany got its own taste of such sharp-elbowed politics last month, when slick, misleading — and anonymous — mailings went out across the city urging voters to reject the school budget.


Census Study Finds Nevada Lagging in K-12 Spending
Las Vegas Sun, NV, June 7, 2011
Nevada ranks 45th in the nation in K-12 education spending per pupil, according to an analysis released last month by the U.S. Census Bureau.


Cap on Charter Schools Hurts Children
Daily Reflector, NC, June 7, 2011
The heat of summer is upon us and North Carolina’s cap on public charter schools still exists. Despite bipartisan support for eliminating the cap, the issue seems to be stuck in the midst of politics.

Unlike NCAE, SEANC Escapes GOP’s Scorn
News Observer, NC, June 7, 2011
The Republican legislature is targeting one public employee union while making nice with another – a reflection of the hardball politics being played in North Carolina’s Capital City these days.


West Side Charter School Could Be An Academic Sail And A Neighborhood Anchor
Cleveland Plain Dealer, OH, June 7, 2011
By bringing the Near West Intergenerational charter school to Ohio City, a group of dedicated parents might just stabilize a neighborhood and contribute to rebuilding a city.


Charter Magnate Gets OK for N. Camden School
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA, June 7, 2011
Pennsylvania charter school magnate, lawyer, and entrepreneur Vahan Gureghian is bringing his charter school vision to Camden.

Boys’ Latin Graduates Its First Class Amid Hoopla
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA, June 7, 2011
“Boys’ Latin is the start of something very big, a new tradition to your neighborhood,” Gov. Corbett told the inaugural class of the state’s first single-sex college-preparatory charter school.

Charter Enrollment on Rise in York
York Dispatch, PA, June 6, 2011
It’s not hard to see how well charter schools are doing in York City School District.


Let’s Stay in ‘Race to the Top’
Post and Courier, SC, June 7, 2011
Recently, public education in our state – and specifically here in Charleston – took a huge hit when state Superintendent of Education Mick Zais said ‘no thanks’ to competing for the final round of federal ‘Race to the Top’ (‘RTT’) money.


Charter School Off To Good Start
Wausau Daily Herald, WI, June 6, 2011
The fledgling Wausau Engineering & Global Leadership Academy was tailor-made for students such as Marshall Scholz.

Green Bay School Voucher Proposal Ripped By Wisconsin School Superintendent Tony Evers
Green Bay Press Gazette, WI, June 6, 2011
Expansion of school vouchers for Green Bay should be removed from the state budget, Wisconsin state superintendent Tony Evers said Monday


‘Virtual Schools’ Approved
Richmond Times-Dispatch, VA, June 7, 2011
The Virginia Department of Education on Monday announced that Chesterfield and York counties and 11 private companies have been approved as official providers of online programs to students throughout the state.

Lemon Skeptical of ‘Virtual Snow Days’ Concept
Herald-Whig, IL, June 6, 2011
Some school districts across the nation are checking into the possibility of letting students do work online during periods of bad weather so the education process can continue even during blizzards when schools would normally be closed.

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