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Daily Headlines for June 9, 2011

June 9, 2011

The Dead Hand of Federal Education Reform
Washington Times, DC, June 8, 2011
It’s time for a fresh approach. Instead of continuing to try to reform education from Washington, let’s cut the federal bureaucracy and empower states to spend their own money in ways they feel will best meet their students’ needs.

Complicated, Frequent Teacher Evaluations: Is There Real Value In The Process?
Washington Post, DC, June 8, 2011
School districts, particularly in the Washington area, are now spending much time and money building complicated systems to identify the worst and best teachers, and some gradations in between. They are finding this hard to do. I am beginning to wonder if it’s worth so much effort.



L.A. Public School System Wastes $500 Million On Pointless Training, Report Says
Los Angeles Times Blog, CA, June 8, 2011
The Los Angeles Unified School District squanders more than $500 million a year on an academic-improvement strategy that has consistently proven to be ineffective, researchers concluded in a report released Tuesday.


Denver Teachers Union Plans Challenge of Innovation Status Granted to Two Future DPS Schools
Denver Post, CO, June 9, 2011
The State Board of Education approved innovation status on Wednesday for three more Denver public schools – two of them future schools that are part of turnaround plans in the city’s far northeast.


Charter School Reform: A Small Step In The Right Direction
Ridgefield Press, CT, June 9, 2011
The creativity and out of the box thinking of Connecticut’s charter schools are helping to close the nation’s largest achievement gap.


Misplaced Emphasis
Tallahassee Democrat, FL, June 9, 2011
This week’s release of FCAT scores showed that students in Leon County and around the state didn’t take any major dips this year, despite having more rigorous testing measures in place.


Schools Seek to Renew Charters
MyFox Atlanta, GA, June 9, 2011
Charter schools will go before the state board of education, fighting for their survival, on Thursday

Charter School Supporters Make Their Voices Heard
Marietta Daily Journal, GA, June 9, 2011
The Cobb school board considered approving three new charter schools and renewing another at its meeting Wednesday. The board also approved its $851 million fiscal year 2012 budget, despite protests about the budget’s sustainability from board Chairwoman Alison Bartlett.


Bennett Tells Ballard To Get In Line To Turn Around Failing Schools
Indianapolis Star, IN, June 9, 2011
Mayor Greg Ballard has his own solution for turning around seven low-scoring Indianapolis Public Schools: Put them under city control and convert them to “charter-like” schools.


Give Parents a Choice
Newton Kansan, KS, June 8, 2011
With our state having a severe budget crisis, it seems to me parents would like to give their children more choices as to their education – not the status quo of ‘one size fits all’. I think the following may show the need.


Gov. Christie to Unveil Public-Private School Partnership Plan
The Star-Ledger, NJ, June 9, 2011
Gov. Chris Christie will announce legislation today to create public-private partnerships to run some schools in New Jersey, three people with knowledge of the plan said tonight.


Teacher Seniority Reform Bill To Have Little Impact In Near Future
Las Vegas Review-Journal, NV, June 8, 2011
Gov. Brian Sandoval and prominent education reformers pushed hard to change the “last in, first out” rules governing teacher layoffs in Nevada.


Policy-Changing Budget Bill Goes To Reconciliation Panel
Columbus Dispatch, OH, June 9, 2011
The Senate version of the budget includes a requirement that if a public-school building has gone unused for the preceding two years, the district must offer it to an interested charter school for lease. If that charter school ranks in the top 50 percent by academic performance, the cost is $1. Otherwise, it would be fair market value.


New Program Will Focus On Pittsburgh Teachers’ Skills
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, PA, June 9, 2011
The Pittsburgh Public Schools yesterday announced a new initiative in the wake of the sudden elimination of the Pittsburgh Teacher Academy.

Chester Academy Shows Hope For Struggling Catholic Schools
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA, June 9, 2011
Times are tough for Catholic education around Philadelphia. The archdiocese plans to close nine elementary schools this year, after shuttering 11 schools last year. Enrollment in parish elementary schools has fallen 18 percent over five years, and high school enrollment has dropped 20 percent.

Community Academy in Kensington Appeals To Renew Charter
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA, June 9, 2011
After twice failing to have its operating charter renewed by the Philadelphia School Reform Commission, Community Academy in Kensington escalated the controversy by asking the state for help.

Numbers Tell Sad Story For Parochial Schools
Delaware County Times, PA, June 9, 2011
No one should be surprised at the news that two more archdiocesan elementary schools are closing their doors in Delaware County.


Board Says No To Charters
Providence Journal, RI, June 9, 2011
School officials voted unanimously Wednesday night to oppose a plan to open five mayoral academies – publicly funded charter schools led by Mayor Allan W. Fung – that would operate as a parallel school district.


Embezzlement Alleged At Richmond Charter School
Richmond Times Dispatch, VA, June 9, 2011
Virginia State Police are investigating an allegation of embezzlement at Patrick Henry School of Science and Arts, a charter school in South Richmond that is completing its first year of operation.


Private Schools Debate Accepting Voucher Students
Journal Times, WI, June 8, 2011
So far there are more area private schools interested in being voucher schools than not.


Will Rocketship Schools Launch in District?
Washington Post Blog, DC, June 8, 2011
Their handshake added an unexpected jolt to the closing session of the New Schools Venture Fund summit in San Francisco last month, and with good reason. Acting Chancellor Kaya Henderson and Reed Hastings, Netflix co-founder and charter entrepreneur, sealed a deal to bring eight Rocketship Education schools to D.C.

Free Online K-12 Public Charter School Seeks Students
Indiana News Center, IN, June 8, 2011
No tuition, no textbook rental fees and no classrooms. That is the pitch from the Indiana Connections Academy, a virtual public K-12 charter school.

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