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Daily Headlines for March 10, 2011

March 10, 2011

Most Public Schools May Miss Targets, Education Secretary Says
New York Times, NY, March 10, 2011
More than 80,000 of the nation’s 100,000 public schools could be labeled as failing under No Child Left Behind, the main federal law on public education, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan told Congress on Wednesday.

For Teachers, Many Ways And Reasons To Cheat On Tests
USA Today, March 10, 2011
This is high-stakes testing. The standardized tests required by the federal No Child Left Behind law have become one of the most important – and controversial – ways to measure a student’s progress, a teacher’s competence, a school’s success and a state’s commitment to education. That can be a heavy load for an assessment built on paper booklets and bubble sheets



El Camino Real To Leave LAUSD
Canyon News, CA, March 10, 2011
El Camino Real High School has been unanimously approved for a Charter Conversion.

Charter School Proposes More Class Time For Struggling Students
Santa Cruz Sentinel, CA, March 9, 2011
A proposed charter school would help prepare children from migrant and farmworker families for college with a longer school day and year.


Denver Charter Schools Share National Prize For Achievement
Denver Post, CO, March 9, 2011
Two Denver charter schools will get a share of an $1.8 million national prize for student achievement gains.

District of Columbia

Gray’s Pick for D.C. Schools Chancellor Upsets Teachers Union
Washington Times, DC, March 9, 2011
D.C. parents and students may never know whether interim schools chief Kaya Henderson faced stiff competition to permanently succeed Michelle A. Rhee as chancellor, but Mayor Vincent C. Gray announced Wednesday that she now holds the $275,000-per-year job and the title.


Full Senate, House Committee Take Up Teacher Tenure Bills Today
Tampa Tribune, FL, March 10, 2011
The Florida Senate has scheduled a final vote for today on a controversial education bill that could end tenure for teachers and tie their pay to student learning gains. The bill would also require a much more stringent annual review process for teachers.


Idaho House Approves Merit Pay System For Teachers
Spokesman Review, ID, March 10, 2011
A bill requiring merit pay for teachers cleared the Idaho House on Wednesday, sending it to the governor’s desk and giving the state schools superintendent a second big win in his push for sweeping school reform.


Charter Bill Gets Hearing in Senate
Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, IN, March 10, 2011
The Senate Education panel took up the issue of expanding access to Indiana charter schools Wednesday – the same day a flattering study on the schools was released by Stanford University.


KIPP Is Good for Students – and for Baltimore
Baltimore Sun, MD, March 10, 2011
KIPP stands out because of the achievements of its students. We urge the school board, Mr. Alonso, the Baltimore Teachers Union and KIPP’s leaders to do whatever it takes to keep the KIPP opportunity available to Baltimore students for years to come. Our education leaders have an opportunity to serve the current and future students at KIPP by securing an agreement that enables KIPP Ujima Village Academy to continue its good work.


Students Face Tough Odds To Get Charter School Seats
Boston Globe, MA, March 10, 2011
Last night was lottery night for many of Boston’s 14 independently run charter schools as well as the six new schools opening this fall. Enrollment is determined by chance, with schools drawing names from fish bowls, hats, and boxes.

Six Mass. Charter Schools Honored Nationally For ‘Dramatic’ Student Gains
Boston Globe, MA, March 9, 2011
Six state charter schools, including four in Boston, will collect nearly $700,000 from a national non-profit for making “dramatic gains in student achievement” at “high-need urban” institutions.


Western Pa. Propel Charter Schools Awarded By National Organization
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, PA, March 10, 2011
Two Propel charter schools — McKeesport and Montour — are among 18 charter schools honored by New Leaders for New Schools.

Vouchers Allowable Under Constitution
Centre Daily Times, PA, March 10, 2011
Pennsylvania’s General Assembly is considering a proposal that would empower parents whose children are trapped in failing public schools to choose, if they so desire, to enroll their children in a private school and receive a scholarship, or voucher, to help pay the tuition

South Carolina

Award-Winning Charter School Educators Put Kids First
Charleston Post Courier, SC, March 10, 2011
Thirty-one charter schools from across the state nominated educators for the award, and Pedings wasn’t the only Lowcountry winner. Jody Swanigan, principal of East Cooper Montessori Charter School in Mount Pleasant , was named Administrator of the Year.


Suburbs Vow to Fight Schools Merger
Wall Street Journal, March 10, 2011
Officials in the suburbs of Memphis, Tenn. , said Wednesday they would fight what they see as a shotgun marriage that joins its school system with that of the city, claiming the move will harm academic standards and increase bureaucracy.

Bill Altering Tennessee Teacher Tenure Advances in House
Commercial Appeal, TN, March 10, 2011
The bill that delays and alters tenure for public school teachers won its first committee approval in the House Wednesday and is set for a Senate floor vote today.

West Virginia

West Virginia Needs Parental Choice in Our Schools
WTRF, WV, March 9, 2011
If a child goes to a public school in West Virginia, the school that child attends is determined by where the child’s family lives. Thus, geography dictates which students go to which schools. Although the residence of a family determines where their children go to school, an area’s schools are not the only determinate of where a family chooses to live.


More Cyber Schools Await Georgia Students This Fall
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, GA, March 9, 2011
The menu of cyber schools in Georgia will grow this fall.

House Removes Controversy From Online Ed Bill
The Salt Lake Tribune, UT, March 10, 2011
The House advanced a bill Wednesday night to expand online education opportunities in Utah, but not before taking out a controversial provision that could have sent some public school money to private providers.

Lodi Unified Looking At Creating A Virtual Academy For Students
Lodi News-Sentinel, CA, March 10, 2011
Elementary students may soon be able to log onto computers to take math tests while wearing their pajamas.

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