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Daily Headlines for March 14, 2011

March 14, 2011

Pay Teachers More
New York Times, NY, March 12, 2011
From the debates in Wisconsin and elsewhere about public sector unions, you might get the impression that we’re going bust because teachers are overpaid.

Beyond Charter Schools
Wall Street Journal, March 14, 2011
The U.S. is enjoying a new spring of education reform, with challenges to teacher tenure and “parent-trigger” for charter schools. So it’s natural that the mother of all school choice reforms-vouchers-is also making a comeback.

Obama Pushes Overhaul of No Child Left Behind
Associated Press, March 14, 2011
President Barack Obama is calling on Congress to rewrite the nation’s governing education law in time for a new school year next fall. It’s an ambitious timeline but one administration official says it is necessary to start closing the achievement gap between American students and their counterparts in China and elsewhere.

What the School Reform Debate Misses About Teachers
Washington Post, DC, March 13, 2011
As the debate rages over public unions and, in particular, over their role in school reform, an unfortunate dichotomy about America s teachers has emerged.



Voucher Bill Renews Education Debate
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, GA, March 11, 2011
A Senate leader’s plan to expand a school voucher program to foster children and thousands of others sets up the latest battle over the free-market approach to education.


Kentucky Teachers Should Reject Union’s Actions
Lexington Herald- Leader, KY, March 14, 2011
Like the rest of America, teachers in Kentucky have been following the news in Wisconsin and elsewhere as thousands of union teachers are converging at statehouses across the country. Some used fake doctor’s notes to protest as school systems across the state were forced to shut their doors. These protests have outraged teachers from coast to coast, leaving many questioning their membership in local unions and have even led some to search for alternatives.


Unlocking Potential At A New Charter School
Boston Globe, MA, March 13, 2011
About 700 Boston families entered the lottery for 162 sixth-grade seats at the South Boston school, which will be christened UP Academy in August.

Charter Seeks State OK To Delay Hiring
Gloucester Times, MA, March 14, 2011
The acting board chairman of the Gloucester Community Arts Charter School has formally asked permission for the school to hold off on hiring a director of education as ordered by the state’s education commissioner and board.

Tax Credits Pushed For Private-School Families
Boston Herald, MA, March 13, 2011
Citing a new report that shows the Bay State’s 209 Catholic schools score better on SATs, graduate more students and cost less per student than their public counterparts, a coalition of religious and education groups is going to push for tax credits for parents who pay for private schooling.


Detroit Plan Makes Big Charter School Bet
Wall Street Journal, March 14, 2011
A plan unveiled over the weekend to convert nearly a third of Detroit’s public schools into privately run charter schools has thrust the Motor City into the national debate over education reform.

Charter Operators: Autonomy Is Key
Detroit Free Press, MI, March 13, 2011
Jose Afonso said he’s interested in a Detroit Public Schools plan to turn 41 of the lowest performing schools in Detroit into charter schools — given the interest his company has had in opening a charter school in the city.


‘Strong Schools’ Plan Stands To Reason, Merits Support
Pioneer Press, MN, March 12, 2011
We support the goals and vision of Superintendent Valeria Silva’s plan to reorganize St. Paul ‘s public schools, and we urge the school board and the community to come together behind the plan. We welcome the day when administrators and teachers can bear down and teach, and spend less energy on rewiring the system.


Schools Could Receive More Local Control
Columbia Daily Tribune, MO, March 12, 2011
As the Missouri House of Representatives debates a bill that would allow charter schools in any Missouri district – right now such schools are restricted to St. Louis and Kansas City districts – Columbia Public Schools is looking at a different approach.


‘Passing The Trash’ In Public Schools
Las Vegas Review – Journal, NV, March 13, 2011
It’s a simple idea. And it’s not new. Some union-free charter schools achieve remarkable excellence. But to really make a difference, we don’t need a charter school here and there. We need reform that can work in all public schools.


Let Charters Bid On Closed Schools
Cleveland Plain Dealer, OH, March 14, 2011
After a fruitful move to let a handful of quality charter schools save costs by operating in some Cleveland public school buildings, school district officials propose to put unneeded structures off-limits to charters.


School Budgets Crashing Without Stimulus
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, PA, March 14, 2011
When the federal economic stimulus money was allotted two years ago, there was both excitement about getting millions of dollars for Pennsylvania and fear of falling off the funding cliff when the money runs out in September.

In Proposed State Budget, Possible Elimination of Charter Reimbursement Surprises School Districts
York Daily Record, PA, March 14, 2011
School districts in York County and around the state had been bracing for the release of Gov. Tom Corbett’s proposed budget for months, trying to anticipate what kind of dr

op in basic education funding they would receive.

Senate Bill 1 Has Friends, Foes
Times Leader, PA, March 13, 2011
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett’s proposed education budget, unveiled Tuesday, not only cuts 10 percent of educational funding across the state, it also brings to the forefront the debate over school choice in the commonwealth.

Rhode Island

School’s Mission Is to Launch Leaders of Tomorrow
Providence Journal, RI, March 13, 2011
When I ask why they greet the kids, Chiappetta shrugs, “All good schools do it.” Really? I can only think of a few non-charter schools that bother. But the staff has culled through 20 years’ experience of successful urban charter schools for all kinds of techniques known to get results with challenged kids.


Ore. House to Vote Monday on Charter Schools
The Columbian, WA, March 13, 2011
Oregon lawmakers are nearing a vote on a bill designed to make it easier to open a charter school.


Bill May Bring Education Revolution
Wyoming Tribune Eagle, WY, March 13, 2011
Wyoming lawmakers say the recently passed Senate File 70 is a “huge, huge bill” that will force ours schools to produce results or face sanctions.


San Lorenzo Valley Charter School Thrives With Online, Home-Based Programs
Santa Cruz Sentinel, CA, March 13, 2011
In this age of expanding choices in public education and “wired” youngsters, a San Lorenzo Valley charter school is thriving by giving parents and students flexibility in how a child masters the basics.

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