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Daily Headlines for May 10, 2011

May 10, 2011

The Failure of American Schools
The Atlantic, June 2011
Who better to lead an educational revolution than Joel Klein, the prosecutor who took on the software giant Microsoft? But in his eight years as chancellor of New York City’s school system, the nation’s largest, Klein learned a few painful lessons of his own-about feckless politicians, recalcitrant unions, mediocre teachers, and other enduring obstacles to school reform.

Education Programs Assail ‘U.S. News’ Survey
NPR, May 10, 2011
Amid criticism from education reform advocates who say many teacher preparation programs provide poor training, a national organization is conducting a review of more than 1,000 programs to help aspiring teachers choose from the best.

Obama Expands Education Vision
Poughkeepsie Journal, NY, May 9, 2011
In ways, it’s hard to believe No Child Left Behind is almost a decade old, but there’s no denying aspects of it can, and should, be improved.

‘Last In, First Out’ Among Teacher Layoff Policies Under Scrutiny
PBS NewsHour, May 9, 2011
As the end of the school year approaches, thousands of teachers across the country are facing the prospect of being laid off. And that’s prompting questions about the role of seniority in determining which teachers stay and who is let go. NewsHour special correspondent John Tulenko reports from Hartford, Conn.



Finalist: School Choice OK
Arkansas Democrat Gazette, AR, May 10, 2011
June Rimmer, the Little Rock School District’s lone finalist for superintendent, said Monday that she had no objections to offering school choice options to parents and students but – first and foremost – every school must offer a high-quality education program.


City Supports Charter School In Concept
Clayton Pioneer, CA, May 9, 2011
A movement to convert Clayton Valley High School to a charter school gained momentum last week when the Clayton City Council voted to support the teacher-led effort in concept and encourage the school district to cooperate.

School ‘Choices’ Versus Choices
Voice of San Diego, CA, May 9, 2011
One of the great things about San Diego city schools has been the availability of various school choices, including magnet schools, theme schools, etc. What makes these choices “good” is not only that they exist, but that they are made “real” by the school district providing transportation to those options.


Changes in Store for Charter Schools
MyFox Tampa Bay, FL, May 9, 2011
Traditional public schools vs charter schools — which is better? Educators say they can’t be compared. They are very different in what they are allowed to do and who they are accountable to.

No Applicants For State’s Top Education Post
Miami Herald, FL, May 9, 2011
With only weeks to go, Florida education officials have not gotten a single applicant for the state’s top education post.


Illinois Education Overhaul at Risk
Wall Street Journal, May 10, 2011
A sweeping state education bill that passed the Illinois state Senate unanimously and had the support of teachers unions and education-advocacy groups could be derailed by claims it was altered at the last minute.


Time for a Note of Caution on State Education Reform
Fort Wayne News-Sentinel , IN, May 9, 2011
Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels has signed the last of his education reform bills into law, having gotten almost everything he asked for in one of the most radical packages that have ever been seen.

State Makes Giant Leap for Education
Indianapolis Star, IN, May 9, 2011
In four months, Indiana legislators shaped the nation’s most complete education reform agenda. Not since Gov. Robert Orr and Dean Evans’ A+ Plan of 1987 has our state endeavored to so completely transform its system of schools — and this session’s “Putting Students First” agenda takes us considerably beyond A+. I believe Orr and Evans would be proud.


Expansion of Charter School Rejected
The Republican, MA, May 10, 2011
The Pioneer Valley Chinese Immersion Charter School will have to wait another year before trying again to add 120 seats for the middle school, but officials will apply this summer for approval to add a high school.


Union Lobbyists Try To Temper Teacher Firing Bills
Las Vegas Journal- Review, NV, May 9, 2011
Nevada State Education Association lobbyists sought to temper two Democrat-sponsored bills that would make it easier for school districts to fire under-performing, probationary employees.

Controversial Educational Reform Commercials Hit the Airwaves
KLAS-TV, NV, May 10, 2011
Should teachers be compensated and fired based on their student’s test performance, or are the tests themselves flawed? One education group is hitting the airwaves to make their case for teacher accountability.


Growing Tensions Over Charter Schools
NJ Spotlight, NJ, May 10, 2011
Lawmakers and local residents want to know why they can’t have a greater say about charter schools hosted by their communities

School Choice Program Would Bring Tax Relief
Shore News Today, NJ, May 9, 2011
As Margate approaches the dawn of a new administration, it is abundantly clear that taxpayers still remain in the shadows cast by the city’s vast special interest groups.

Voter Approval Wanted For Charter Schools
Daily Record, NJ, May 9, 2011
State Senate Democratic Majority Leader Barbara Buono said Monday she wanted voters in school districts to have the ability to reject proposed charter schools.


Schoolhouse Rot
New York Post, NY, May 10, 2011
Those who proclaim to be speaking for the community in opposing a new charter school for the Upper West Side certainly aren’t representing me or the 700 other parents who applied for seats for their children at Upper West Success Academy.


Kasich Outlines His View On How To Judge Teachers
The Columbus Dispatch, OH, May 10, 2011
When Gov. John Kasich wasn’t blasting the nursing-home lobby yesterday or discussing a tax cut for Ohioans in 2012, he was offering insight into his views on how a teacher should be judged in the classroom.

Are Charter-School Reforms On Right Track? No
Columbus Dispatch, OH, May 9, 2011
If the Ohio House’s version of the biennial budget makes its way into law, the state’s mish-mash of a community-school (i.e. charter school) program will become a full-fledged contender for America’s worst.

Are Charter-School Reforms On Right Track? Yes
Columbus Dispatch, OH, May 9, 2011
Gov. John Kasich has taken the next important steps in advancing Ohio as the nation’s school-choice leader.


Corbett Makes Case for School Vouchers in Washington Speech
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA, May 10, 2011
Gov. Corbett, making his first appearance on a national stage since taking office in January, told an audience at an education conference Monday that providing families with an alternative to failing public schools was a “moral obligation.


Charter Schools Future in East Tennessee
WBIR-TV, TN, May 9, 2011
As part of his statewide push to emphasize education in Tennessee, Governor Bill Haslam is proposing to lift the cap on the number of charter schools in the state.


Base Teacher Layoffs On Effectiveness, Not Seniority
Seattle Times, WA, May 9, 2011
School districts notify teachers next week of potential layoffs, a challenge complicated by Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown, D-Spokane, and House Speaker Frank Chopp, D-Seattle, and their stubborn insistence on an outdated seniority-based layoff policy.


MPS Hopes Lawmakers Fix School Funding Flaw
WUWM, MN, May 10, 2011
Tuesday, the state Assembly will take up a plan to expand the school voucher program in Milwaukee . Republicans want to allow any child to attend private school using state funding, and open the program to any private or religious school in Milwaukee County.


Military Shouldn’t Limit Online Education Grads
Battle Creek Enquirer, MI, May 9, 2011
With technology playing a major – and growing – role in national defense, you’d think the U.S. military would welcome computer-savvy young people into its ranks. But an increasing number of prospective recruits who have opted for online education as opposed to a traditional high school diploma are being turned away.

Online Options Abound for K-12 Students in Arizona
East Valley Tribune, AZ, May 9, 2011
Arizona students are taking online classes by the thousands, and with a change in state law, they have more options to do so.

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