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Daily Headlines for May 26, 2011

May 26, 2011

Report Shows Education Choices Expanding Across US
Associated Press, May 26, 2011
When it comes to education choices (AP) — from kindergarten up through college – the decision is no longer simple.

Charter Schools And For-Profit Colleges On Rise
Washington Times, DC, May 26, 2011
From grade school to college, nontraditional education is growing in popularity, according to a new study from the National Center for Education Statistics.

Growth in Education Spending Slowed in 2009
New York Times, NY, May 26, 2011
The nation’s overall education spending grew at a slower pace in 2009 than at any other time in more than a decade, amid deepening state fiscal woes and flatter tax revenues, according to new census figures released Wednesday.

9 States Get New Chance at Federal Education Aid
New York Times, NY, May 26, 2011
Nine states that were also-rans in last year’s Race to the Top school improvement competition will get another chance, the Obama administration announced on Wednesday, though this time $200 million will be up for grabs, compared with $4 billion awarded last year


Progress in Standarized Tests in New Orleans Show the Benefits of Reform
Times Picayune, LA, May 26, 2011
Public school students in most of the metro area continue to make strides on standardized tests, according to scores released this week, with the Recovery School District schools in New Orleans posting the largest gains.


Charters Don’t Get Unfair Funding Advantage
Baltimore Sun, MD, May 25, 2011
Responding to your May 23 article on per pupil funding in Baltimore City public schools, I see no evidence that school leaders and charter officials are “at odds,” either in the real world or in the article. I see even less for the claim that charter schools are set to receive “more per pupil funding” in the budget.


Risks of School Choice
Salam News, MA, May 26, 2011
Taxpayers and parents in Peabody should cheer the school board’s decision to accept new students under the school choice program.


A Tax Credit Plan For School Choice
Fosters Daily Democrat, NH, May 26, 2011
This was a pretty good week. We came within an eyelash of voting on legislation to establish a tax credit plan for school choice. The only sad part was that we just ran out of time to have it voted on this session. Everyone worked hard to make it happen, but in the end there wasn’t sufficient time to have it heard in the multiple committees required by the house rules.


Caution Follows Ruling Ordering Christie To Come Up With Education Aid For Low-Income Districts
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA, May 26, 2011
A day after the state Supreme Court ordered New Jersey to come up with $500 million in additional education aid for 31 largely urban, low-income districts, some that stand to be on the receiving end were regarding the news with a note of caution.


No More Second Chances for Regents
Wall Street Journal, May 26, 2011
Changing a longstanding practice, the New York state Education Department has ruled that starting next month, teachers are no longer allowed to change scores on high school Regents exams.

PS 9 Enters Chartered Territory
The Brooklyn Paper, NY, May 26, 2011
The city will house a charter school in the PS 9 building on Underhill Avenue – further fueling a long-running battle for space at the school.


Time, Care Needed On Teacher Pay Changes
Charlotte Observer, NC, May 26, 2011
We remain skeptical of pay-for-performance plans keyed to tests. But the CMS plan did start with this truth: CMS needs many more highly effective teachers, and must get rid of the bad ones to boost student achievement.


Crisis Can Be Useful
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA, May 26, 2011
The old saying that adversity births opportunity should be applied to the Philadelphia School District’s fiscal crisis, which represents a golden opportunity to rethink not only how the school system spends money, but also how the district should be governed, and how City Hall should allocate tax revenue.

Charter School To Focus On Global Perspectives
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, PA, May 26, 2011
In early 2010, the Baldwin-Whitehall school board voted 8-to-1 against the approval of an application by the Young Scholars of Western Pennsylvania Charter School for a charter school. But that decision was later overruled by the state Department of Education on appeal.


Reform and Diligence Foster ‘Paragons’
Commercial Appeal, TN, May 26, 2011
With the efforts of Booker T. Washington High as an example, city schools can adopt initiatives advancing them to new levels.


Some Lawmakers Push Vouchers for Special Needs Students
WUMN, WI, May 26, 2011
The issue of funding for public schools is again on the docket in Madison. The Legislature’s Joint Finance committee is scheduled to vote today on how much of a hit public school districts will take in the next two-year budget. Gov. Scott Walker is proposing $834 million.

Daleville to Sponsor Virtual Charter School
Muncie Star Press, IN, May 26, 2011
Supt. Paul Garrison says the move would give Daleville students access to more course options

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