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The Final Presidential Debate

Soon the presidential candidates will meet for the last time to debate and with the topic focused on foreign policy, one may be tempted to think education has no place in the discussion. But one would be wrong. There are at least two critical education questions that should be addressed.

QUESTION 1: A recent report from former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and former Chancellor of New York city schools Joel Klein found that “Educational failure puts the United States’ future economic prosperity, global position, and physical safety at risk.” The task force behind the report argued that too many young people are not qualified for the military because they do not have an adequate level of education. Do you agree with them and how would you address the issue? READ MORE…

Post-Debate Reactions and Commentary:
Once, I Went to a Foreign Policy Debate … and an Education Fight Broke Out
A few highlights from the foreign policy debate, where both presidential candidates recognized the link between education and national security and competitiveness.

Fact check: Romney’s claims on teachers unions
Los Angeles Times reporter looks into Mitt Romney’s assertion that parents and students come first and that “the teacher unions are going to have to go behind.”

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