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Jeanne Allen to Visit Columbus, Ohio Addressing Buckeye Charter School Boards, Inc.

November 8, 2012

Press Advisory
November 8, 2012

Jeanne Allen, the founder and president of The Center for Education Reform, will be in Columbus, Ohio on Friday, November 9, to address the Buckeye Charter School Boards, Inc., the only statewide organization for Ohio’s charter school boards. Jeanne will offer the group a national perspective on charter school issues, and the role Ohio charters play in that landscape. Jeanne has a long-standing involvement in education reform issues in Ohio, including testifying and advising supporters during creation and passage of the state’s charter school law.

While this is not an open press event, Jeanne has limited time prior and following to speak with interested media about the topics above, or other education policy issues. For more information, please email Virginia Hume at [email protected] or call 202-841-2284.

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