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Second Issue of our NEW LETTER TO FRIENDS

September 11, 2012

September 11, 2012

Dear Friends,I am pleased to share with you the second issue of our NEW LETTER TO FRIENDS, which is our semi-monthly report filled with exclusive news and observations you will not find anywhere else. This new offering from CER will provide in depth coverage of the pressing education reform issues of the day as well as lessons from the front where real policies and real reformers have forged battles once thought unattainable – and won. In between issues of the NEW LETTER TO FRIENDS you can still get a comprehensive daily dose of education reform news from CER’s Newswire.

Below is a sneak peek excerpt from the new issue to give you a taste of what you can expect to receive on a regular basis when you sign up to receive the New Letter. To read the full edition of “My Nest is Empty” here.

The New Letter to Friends of The Center for Education Reform
No. 102
September 2012

“My Nest is Empty” (Excerpt)

Well, not entirely. My 23 year-old son, John, who you might recall from various events and his long time interning here, is working with us now at CER after a year in pharmaceuticals! (yawn) He’s a natural — at a lot of things — and so he’s been charged with raising funds and raising awareness. (Be nice to him, please?) But I digress —

My friends who just sent their first to college are sad. They say they feel empty and they cry. “Come on,” I want to say. I just sent my 4th and last. There are no words. Some of you can appreciate this; others are far away from it happening. My husband and I just made our first dinner with no obligation to feed kids, to yell at them, tell them to do dishes, or (the best and longest running line ever….) to “finish your homework!!!!”

That made me realize in a new way how the rhythm of school is so prevalent our lives.

Please finish eating… so you can FINISH YOUR HOMEWORK!!!

Get off the computer… so you can FINISH YOUR HOMEWORK!!!

No, you can’t watch the final episode of that! You need to FINISH YOUR HOMEWORK!!

What? You are finished? Surely you have a project you can start!!

Some have wondered if there is too much of it, homework, that is. While some movies have warned of a dramatic decline in our education system (think Waiting for Superman), others have suggested we all back off (Race to Nowhere).

A new one actually gets to the real issue — that whether we like it or not, a majority of parents aren’t even in a position to demand that their kids finish their homework. They are stuck in failing schools that leave their kids unmotivated, not caring and unable to be part of the dinner time dialogue that we advantaged people have come to know, love and even at times, balk at the repetitiveness of the routine.

And don’t forget, to receive these missives you will need to subscribe. A modest donation of $120 for rank and file individuals, or $240 for organizations guarantees your exclusive NEW LETTER TO FRIENDS, delivered to you at least semi-monthly, on paper or electronically, (the choice is up to you).

This will serve as the final free preview so you will want to sign up now so you don’t miss out!”

Best Regards,

Jeanne Allen

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