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Teachers Believe Rewards Outweigh Challenges

February 26, 2014

A new survey commissioned by Scholastic in conjunction with The Gates Foundation shows that 88 percent of teachers believe the rewards of teaching outweigh the challenges.

This statistic was compounded by the 89 percent of teachers who reported satisfaction with their jobs, which went unchanged from 2011. An overwhelming 98 percent also viewed teaching in the greater context of making a positive change, rather than viewing it as just another way to make a living.

Although there is widespread job satisfaction, teaching does not come without its obstacles. 38 percent reported they would like to see increased parental interaction and involvement in their child’s education, a testament to the long-acknowledged integral role that parents play in education.

Further, three in four teachers feel their voice is not adequately heard at the school, state or federal levels of education.

The survey was conducted in July 2013, using a sample of over 20,157 PreK-12 public school teachers.

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