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Teaching Degree-The New “Easy Way Out”

November 12, 2014

The National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) recently released a report that identifies teacher preparation programs as one of the least rigorous majors at universities. According to the results, teacher preparation programs distribute the highest grades due to lower academic standards.

Data from university commencement brochures found that at 58% of 509 colleges, teacher preparation programs were more likely to dole out higher grades than any other major. The report clarifies that this has nothing to do with general grade inflation, but instead, “boasts of most teacher candidates rise higher still due to forces unique to their major.”

According to the findings, curriculums of teacher preparation programs are also off-target and opinion based. 71% of teaching coursework is made up of criterion-deficient coursework, leaving teachers unprepared for the rigor of the teaching profession.

The report reveals that a degree in education is becoming easy, despite the fact that teaching is one of the most challenging professions. The report states that many programs are “far too liberal in awarding high grades rather than reserving them for teacher candidates who do exemplary work.” Teachers are not getting the experience needed to ensure a rewarding career in education and, in turn, students are being deprived of quality education.

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