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“Charter schools have made these last three years the best of my life”

Meet the Richards family from Framingham, Massachusetts. They are just one of thousands of families across the Bay State who have had their lives forever changed thanks to the excellent education they received at their local charter school – Christa McCullough Charter School.

“Charter schools have made the last three years the best of my life,” says one of the Richards, who with a 23-page IEP, who feels more at home in his charter school than any other previous learning environment.

Help share this story to show why it’s imperative to expand learning opportunities for more students, in Massachusetts and beyond:



“Mommy, They Get Me.” A Massachusetts Mother is Overwhelmed By Her Son’s Charter School

As Massachusetts voters consider expanding opportunity through public charter schools on November 8, charter school parent Laura Richards explains how charter schools in Massachusetts have helped her son in ways she never imagined possible.

Her inspiring story:

Share Laura’s story to help cut through the noise and fearmongering from teacher’s unions and other protectors of the status quo, so that voters in Massachusetts and beyond know exactly how powerful choice and opportunity can be before they head to the polls.


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