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Education Poll Disregards Context, Cancels Out Usefulness

By Jeanne Allen
September 4, 2011
Huffington Post

“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts,” said the late great Daniel Patrick Moynihan. And indeed, the PDK/Gallup poll underscores the wisdom offered by the former Senior Senator from New York, no doubt in the larger public policy context of his day.

While everyone has opinions, pollsters are supposed to provide at least a baseline of data to allow someone to offer an opinion on information that he or she may or may not have known before being asked a question. The annual PDK/Gallup poll lacks much-needed context, perhaps not unintentionally, rendering its usefulness nearly meaningless.

For example:

  • Asking someone about spending priorities in the absence of knowing what the nation spends on schools doesn’t really tell you what we believe about money.
  • Defining online learning as a way to learn at home, rather than learning in a fully integrated online environment supported by professionals, doesn’t really inform the reader about how much we know and like the new digital learning age.
  • Expecting the respondent to understand the impact unionization has had on the quality of public school education without mentioning union-supported protections relating to seniority, or performance pay, or pensions and benefits, fails to tell you what we really think about unions.

In that last example, nearly half of all Americans believe unions do more harm than good. The number might well be larger had the question provided more definition. There are dozens of such data-lacking examples contained in this year’s annual survey of Americans’ attitudes.

Therein lies a nugget of truth that is perhaps at the heart Senator Moynihan’s admonishment. If this is a world in which opinions matter but facts do not, is it any wonder we are failing to educate millions of students? There’s no shortage of opinions among Americans, even if

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