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Progress Report: Exponential Impact

People ask us all the time, “What do you do?” The goals we’ve had since 1993 haven’t changed, but they have become better articulated and improved. CER works to advance education opportunity and innovation so all may have access to the achieve the American dream.

This brief Progress Report for 2019 through this year so far tells you how we do it. Year after year, no matter what the challenges, we have consistently followed this simple but powerful formula: Opportunity, together with Innovation, yields Results.

CER and the Center’s leadership, staff and partners around the country are relentless in everything we do. We are unapologetic believers in American exceptionalism, and our mission to help our country’s students become exceptional themselves is a continuing fight.

That’s why it’s so critical for us to continue to aggressively pursue laws that demand flexibility, freedom, and innovation in U.S. schools. Please take a look and help us continue the work to ensure that education in the US becomes exceptional for learners at all levels.

If you would like a printed copy of the report sent to you, please contact us at

School Choice Supporters Emboldened by SCOTUS Decision

As you know, the Supreme Court recently handed down a victory for school choice in Trinity Lutheran v. Comer. Last night, our friend Darrell Allison, the president of Parents for Educational Freedom, appeared on Special Report with Bret Baier to discuss the case. Here’s the segment:

CER’s Salute to Charter Schools Reception: a Recap

On a beautiful Monday evening in June, 2017, the Center for Education Reform convened the leaders of the charter school movement from across the country and every state, with VIPs from Washington and American business in a unique salute to the innovation and opportunity that so many charter schools afford kids and families. The reception carried with it a breathtaking view of the Capitol, from the roof of 101 Constitution Avenue, NW.  

The event not only helped to kick off the National Charter School Conference which comes to Washington, DC every 4 years, but introduced the new Charter School Roundtable, a project of CER and its trusted allies around the country.

More than 200 guests were treated to a visit by the Honorable Betsy DeVos, US Secretary of Education, and they showed her appreciation for her hard work as they sought to grab a picture or share a story. DeVos encouraged the audience to use her administration as a resource and took the time to meet with reformers while cameras captured the inspiring moments.

The group also heard from CER’s Founder and CEO Jeanne Allen, Congressman Paul Mitchell (R-MI), Jack Kemp Foundation president Jimmy Kemp and Italian Ministry of Education leader Catherine Flumiari, others.

Congressman Mitchell gave an emotional account about the value school choice has in the form of vouchers and online schools which transformed his son’s life after he was adopted by Mitchell and his wife. The Congressman noted that the individualized care that choice provided for his family emboldened him to become a leading advocate in Congress.

Jimmy Kemp highlighted the importance of empowerment and opportunity for all Americans, and ensuring that we make education excellent and accessible to support all those who seek to

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