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Newswire – July 27, 2021

A St Patty’s Day Special Edition…Finding Rainbows…Driving out Snakes and a much needed Irish Blessing. 


Summer is almost a month old already but the battle for excellence & choice in education doesn’t take a vacation, especially when it’s under attack.
THE WAR ON CHARTERS. The current US House of Reps, spurred on by teachers unions, is using the budget process to assault one of the only opportunities disadvantaged children have to receive a great free public education. The attack is aimed at the dozens of education services providers (ESPs) who help parents and educators be able to focus on supporting students, e.g. companies like National Heritage Academies, Academica and CSUSA to name just a few. Imagine telling a school district they could no longer buy computers from for-profit companies or textbooks, let alone food and supplies.

That wouldn’t happen because the House is most concerned with the system controlling education funds, not parents and teachers. Shame on you Chairwoman Rosa DeLauro and your colleagues on the House Appropriations Committee.

PUNITIVE, COUNTER PRODUCTIVE AND DUMB are some of the milder and apt descriptions of this effort. As the WS Journal notes about other cuts in federal support for public charter schools, this “funding raid on charters is an act of sabotage that will deny many children, especially poor and minority children, the quality education they deserve.” Charters and advocates across the country are rising up regardless of political affiliation to pressure the House to back down. Join them

THE REASON. The Blob’s attacks stem from the credible growth of education opportunities this year alone in the wake of their disastrous handling of education during Covid. Thank God, teachers were there to hold the fort down wherever they were allowed to. Consider over 15 states have added or improved school choice laws just this year, and charter schools are chief among the improvements. Want to know what is giving opponents agita? Just look at the National Charter School Law Ranking & Scorecard and the increasing Parent Power our kids first teachers have now.

INNOVATORS WHO LED THE WAY. Refresh your memory about how “choice” schools and innovators provided education – many times nonstop – during the past year.   We remain in awe of the leaders, teachers and parents who continued to deliver quality education this past year, several of whom we profiled in monthly meetings online. Watch the fabulous COVID Action Series and the many lessons here that are just as important today as when the evil virus first appeared.

ESCAPE THE HEAT AND HUMIDITY. It’s never humid in San Diego, and the average August temperature is 77 degrees with humidity in the high 50s. No, really – and even better it can be a working vacation.  Join us at the annual
ASU – GSV Summit, August 9 – 11 where the best, the brightest, the innovators, the dynamos of the education choice movement will gather.  You might even see a couple of familiar faces, as our own Jeanne Allen and Ian Rowe, Chairman of Vertex Partnership Academies will take center stage to discuss  “Equality of Opportunity, Individual Dignity, Common Humanity and America. “ Jeanne would love to see you there!

In San Diego or wherever you are, we hope you get some “R & R”, recharge your batteries and get ready for the quickly approaching new school year. And as always, don’t hesitate to contact us if we can be of assistance to you, your kids or your school.
Hard to believe it’s almost the middle of Summer, and for some, vacation time. While we hope you’re taking yours, don’t forget the sun never sets on the work of education opportunity seekers!

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Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout U.S. education. 
We’re always delighted to hear from our readers…suggestions, questions and even the occasional complaint!

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