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Reports & Publications

A Nation Still At Risk? Results From The Latest NAEP

2022RECORD EDUCATION DROP IS "ACADEMIC MALNOURISHMENT" Latest NAEP Scores Are More Than Pandemic-related The results of today’s National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) show a massive decline in student achievement. One out of three students cannot do math or read at grade level. One out of four students are not able to perform even at minimal,…

Statement on Shocking Education Report

Assessment Finds Majority of U.S. Students Have Declined in Core Subjects WASHINGTON D.C. (10.30.19) — The Center for Education Reform (CER), a national leader in the fight to achieve educational excellence in the United States, today issued a statement by CER founder and CEO Jeanne Allen regarding the new scores revealed this morning by the National…

Increased Assault on DC Charters

NEWS ALERTTO: PEOPLE WHO CHERISH DC's KIDS FROM: CERIncreased Assault on DC ChartersWhen forums are framed in deliberately misleading language, we know the intent isn't public information but harmful actions. That's why I'm writing to you right now, to bring to your attention that in the District, anti-charter forces are organizing community forums, clad in…

CER's Take on the 2017 SAT Scores

THE NEW SAT. First there was the original, then there was the one they rescored years later to soften the blow, then they added writing, and subsequently many more essay questions (and took out that pesky “if this then that” analogy section). Now there’s the wholly new test – results of which are out today –…

CER Response to 49th Annual PDK Poll

August 28th, 2017 Statement from the Center for Education Reform A Special Report issued today by the Center for Education Reform critiquing the annual PDK poll on the public’s attitudes toward the public schools finds poll questions remain highly misleading, the public’s attitudes highly mixed, and perhaps most important and least prevalent in the PDK…

Kemp Forum on Expanding Opportunity: Indianapolis

KEMP FORUM ON EXPANDING OPPORTUNITY Upward Mobility Through Education Twenty-five years ago school choice was born in America. It wasn’t just about education, it was about opportunity – the opportunity for children to have a better future, no longer determined by their zip code. School choice has been the driving force behind stopping the inevitable…

New study reveals woeful state of American civic education

A survey of recent U.S. college graduates shows nearly 10 percent think Judge Judy is on the Supreme Court.

Teachers to Rally for Freedom at US Supreme Court Steps

January 6, 2015 On January 11, 2016, the US Supreme Court will hear a case brought by 10 California teachers challenging the state requirement that they must fund their teacher’s union, even if they aren’t members of the union. Paying fees to a union should not be a prerequisite for teaching in a public school.…

12th Grade NAEP Scores Unchanged

The overall proficiency scores on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in math and reading among 12 graders remained unchanged in 2013 from 2009, hovering at 26 and 38 percent, respectively. The above results were drawn from a national sample of students, with an additional 14 pilot states that produced results on a state-level…