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On the Sixth Day of Christmas CER gave to me…

December 22, 2016

Parent Power Growing!

(5th) State Policy Changing
(4th) Reformie Ladies Lunching

(3rd) A Global Hub for Technology
(2nd) Model Legislation
And a Nominee for Opportunity!


The 6th in our 12-ish days of Christmas series, intended to bring gifts to education reformers everywhere!

Parent Power is growing and evolving – not just in practice,
but in the way we think about and talk about what this term means. The lingo may have changed slightly, but the goal is still the same.

Let us explain.

The Center has more than two decades under its belt working to empower parents. And since 1999, CER has been providing Parent Power!, a program aimed at helping parents make sense of schooling. Parent Power! started out as a quarterly magazine, but as the World Wide Web grew, so did Parent Power!  CER has helped develop and network over 10,000 grassroots groups all across the country.

The Parent Power Index is CER’s vision for the next generation of Parent Power!

Why the switch from the alliterative title? Throughout 2016, The Center for Education Reform reenvisioned its focus and mission and began the important work of reframing the debate about education in America. No longer content just to reform education, CER is now dedicated to expanding educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans.

Our vision is a country and states that provide increased, quality educational opportunities that secure our nation’s freedom and future prosperity. At the heart of that prosperity is freedom, and the ability to apply the entrepreneurial spirit of this country to all education, where it is most urgently needed. And at the heart of that freedom is giving parents the fundamental power to choose the kind of education and learning environment that best suits their child’s needs.

Thus we are melding the power of innovation not present when we first helped start the modern EdReform movement, with the importance of opportunity as the lever by which all may participate in the American Dream. We have recast our purpose, values and programs and launched powerful efforts to restore sanity to education reform and expand the reach of all our collective efforts.

And now, more than ever, we expect to be breaking new records with unprecedented supporters of parent power taking over in Washington and in state capitals throughout the country.

Join us in ensuring results are achieved for this renewed, expanded Parent movement in 2017. (And don’t forget to check out a “Greatest Hits” compilation of the work products and results that helped us pave the way for our new vision!)

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