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Postcards From the Past – NO. 7


 Postcards from the Past  A new, occasional blog post in commemoration of CER’s 20 years in business and the historical events that have taken place during our history and the history of the education reform movement. In its annual “Quality Counts” release, the researchers at Education Week took a different approach to state evaluations in…

Postcards From the Past – NO. 6


Postcards from the Past  A new, occasional blog post in commemoration of CER’s 20 years in business and the historical events that have taken place during our history and the history of the education reform movement. This time last year brought reflections on the major developments in education policy at the state level during 2012,…

Goodbye Mr. Mayor


As we say farewell to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, we hope the education reforms he enacted during his tenure are as durable as the Styrofoam cups he sought to ban. Over the past decade, New York City has become one of the nation’s laboratories for charter school expansion in the United States. With…

Reflective Blog on My Time as an Intern


Tyler Losey My internship at the Center for Education Reform is coming to an end and I think there are two central things that it has given me.  These go beyond the important professional experiences, seeing what working in a non-profit office was like, meeting leaders in education from government and the advocacy world, and…

My Experience with CER


Originally going into my fall internship at the Center for Education Reform, I knew little about the organization, besides that its focus was education. While I am very passionate about the education field, most of my knowledge comes first hand, from tutoring or assistant teaching. I thought it would be interesting to see what it…

Postcards from the Past – No. 5


All I Want for Christmas is the OSP A song made in 2009 about Washington, D.C’s Opportunity Scholarship program still applies today as anti-reformers try to block or find fault with school choice programs across the state, most recently in North Carolina and Louisiana. All I want for Christmas is the OSP, the OSP for…

CER Praises Trump/DeVos School Choice Action Meeting


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 14, 2019CONTACT: Alexandra [email protected](703) 966-0831Washington, D.C. — Jeanne Allen, the founder and CEO of the Center for Education Reform (CER), issued the following statement:”With education being the key to a healthy economy and bright future for all Americans, the involvement of our highest leaders is critical. So on this Friday afternoon it’s great…

Newswire – June 11, 2019


 D.C. SCHOOLS CHANNEL TITANIC OFFICERS.  A memorable scene in the movie “Titanic” was the ship’s officers refusing to unlock gates that kept steerage passengers trapped below decks, condemned to drown. The officers could care less, those passengers were after all just poor folks.  The D.C government is treating 12,000 poor kids waiting to get into…

Newswire – June 4, 2019


  SHOW ME SHOWS US. When the Kansas City business community first started tackling how best to improve the city’s schools, they tried everything. From the biggest installation of Teach for America to lots of money, nothing worked.  Finally former Kaufmann Foundation president Carl Schramm thought to himself, let’s model a good school. So they invested…

CER Reacts to the New Bedford Charter Expansion Failure


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 4, 2019CONTACT: Alexandra [email protected](703) 966-0831Washington, D.C. — Jeanne Allen, the founder and CEO of the Center for Education Reform (CER), issued the following statement:”We and our colleagues around the country have watched with great interest as the Mayor and parents of New Bedford, Massachusetts sought to create a new innovative partnership that would…

Charter Schools are Public Schools, But Do They Serve the Public Interest?


 Innovation spurred by charter schools has improved student outcomes, created more personalized and customized learning environments for students, and driven innovation in traditional schools that would have otherwise not occurred. Read more in this essay featuring  Jeanne Allen, Founder and CEO of CER and Nina Rees, the President and CEO of the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools 

Newswire – May 29, 2019


  A DAY LATE BUT STILL TIMELY.  If it’s Tuesday it must be CER Newswire day, except when Monday is a holiday. We hope you had a great Memorial Day and were able to pause to recognize those in uniform who have fought so valiantly to protect and defend freedom.  Freedom comes at a price, though.…

Presidential Candidates Focus on Education


This week both presidential candidates turned their attention to education, signaling a new focus on education reform as a campaign issue.

“Gold Standard” of Authorizers Pays Tribute to Michigan Pioneer


Recognizing the contributions of 3-term Governor John Engler to improved academic achievement in Michigan and its ripple effect beyond, Jeanne Allen, President of the Center for Education Reform (CER), today joined leaders of the state in honoring former Governor John Engler on the campus of Central Michigan University (CMU).

Poll Shows Tennesseans Want More School Options, Strong Charter School Laws


The Center for Education Reform (CER) released a new poll today showing that Tennessee voters strongly support having more school options and the creation of new charter schools in the state.



Across the nation, schools, policy leaders, parents and communities are gathering to celebrate National Charter Schools Week. This public school reform has had more impact on revolutionizing public education than any other single effort in history.

Governor Deal Acts to Improve Educational Opportunities for Georgia's Children


Jeanne Allen, founder and president of the Center for Education Reform, today made the following statement in response to Georgia Governor Nathan Deal’s signing of pro-charter school bill.

Jeanne Allen: Charter Schools Missing in Berger Education Reform Proposal


Jeanne Allen, Founder and President of the Center for Education Reform, today delivered the keynote address to the North Carolina Public Charter Schools Association.

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