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#FundFamilies! New Video

January 26, 2021

New Public Awareness Campaign: #FundFamilies (Not Failure)

New effort reflects consensus on schooling

WASHINGTON, D.C.– With ongoing school closures, city and labor officials fighting reopening, reports of traumatic mental health challenges, and students falling further behind, data confirms what parents have been saying for months: kids are losing ground.

The scope of the devastating consequences of Covid-19 on education – and the consensus on the solution – is the fuel behind CER’s new #FundFamilies (notfailure) initiative, How to Give Students Education Opportunity During Covid – and Beyond, and reflects the views of the millions of families and advocates who are calling on policymakers to readjust to a new model for education.

“The idea of families making fundamental choices about their children’s education is not new, but it has never been more important,” says Jeanne Allen, Founder and CEO of CER. “Without access to education, low and middle-income parents are creating their own pathways, including pods, microschools and more. It’s immoral to let them pay for this on their own while billions flow to empty buildings,” added Allen.

The #FundFamilies, (not failure) effort showcases a tapestry of diverse voices and is intended to help educate and drive conversation – and ultimately change –  how the nation supports its youth, and is being released to coincide with National School Choice Week, 2021.“What we have learned should be a wake-up call to the new Administration and all policymakers,” says CER’s Founder & CEO Jeanne Allen.

Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout U.S. education.

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