Yes, yes – by all means eat healthier, exercise more and all that jazz. But the resolutions about which we will be most resolute are all about continuing CER’s leadership to ensure that every American student, whether child or adult, is prepared to achieve their goals and dreams. A few not-so-modest examples: MAKE “WHY AMERICA?” A QUESTION ASKED IN SCHOOLS ACROSS THE COUNTRY – AND PROVIDE ANSWERS. Our newest initiative piloted in Washington DC is “Why America?,” a multi-faceted program aimed at charter middle school students in our nation’s capitol to drive new and improved understanding and appreciation of the landmarks and milestones in close proximity to them. The partnership with District charter schools and FOCUS-DC makes history come alive for young people. As author David McCullough puts it so well, “You cannot love what you do not know.” Our aim is to help our students know – and love – America. We are building a model we will share. ![]() ![]()
EXPAND OPPORTUNITY IN RURAL COMMUNITIES. The enormous challenges in fragile communities require equally big, rapid and substantive responses. We will demonstrate that amazing transformations can happen when you’re willing to be bold, collaborative and intensely impatient. With a new eco-system of ed innovators, entrepreneurs, traditional and non traditional education actors from early education through career, we will help reboot an entire county’s rural education ecosystem and prove that doing so is not only possible but welcome in even the most challenged communities.
EXPAND OPPORTUNITY ACROSS ALL STATES WHERE IT’S MISSING, CONTROLLED OR CHALLENGED. CER’s path breaking work on charter school laws, it’s pioneering work in school choice, and our reliance on other choice experts from the American Federation of Children to EdChoice allows us to see the flaws in laws that limit the needed school opportunities that students in K-12 most need. While some state lawmakers think incremental change is acceptable, we will, regardless of political party or agenda, continue to make it our business to call out those who stand in the way of getting every child the education they deserve and supporting the grassroots in bigger and more expansive ways than ever before. Part of that requires us to…
CREATE CONGRESSIONAL AWARENESS AND ACTION. After many months of introducing Congress to the reality of innovative education solutions, personalized learning, the importance of assessing competency not time on task and opening up eyes to the wealth of incredible action going on in schools in all sectors, we are happy to report that the Congressional Education Innovation Caucus has been created, and will be a great partner to amplify the work done throughout the nation and all congressional districts. WORK WITH ELECTED OFFICIALS OF BOTH PARTIES TO KEEP IT NON-PARTISAN. Whether by informing the general public on the views of governors and gubernatorial candidates on thinking “outside the envelope” or driving better local actions, we look forward to working closely with those who agree with us on Innovation and Opportunity and engage in friendly persuasion for those with whom we don’t see eye-to eye. CHALLENGE HIGHER EDUCATION to become more responsive, relevant and innovative. Following the lead of the great minds working in and around higher ed, from Strada Education Network to the members of the University Innovation Alliance, we will uncover and reveal what makes some more innovative than others, and work to advance those attributes whether through policy or persuasion. And our final resolution…
These are just a few examples of how we are resolved to answer these questions for our nation in 2019 that have us already bursting with pride. Join us in our quest. Just tell us how you can contribute and we will plug you in. Now as to a better diet and more exercise…we’ll get back to you on that one. Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout U.S. education. |