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Newswire – June 22, 2021

A St Patty’s Day Special Edition…Finding Rainbows…Driving out Snakes and a much needed Irish Blessing. 

Before you check out for Summer, here is a special Parent Power! edition of CER’s Newswire…

Memo to Parents
From: The Center for Education Reform

Your children deserve a great education…

We know that you’re relieved. It was, as Alexander might say, a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad year. You are worried about your child. You’re concerned about your school.

Maybe, if you’re like the millions of parents demanding more, especially since Covid, you even have a new idea of what education should be.

Well, you’re in luck. What you want, and what you need are now increasingly available to you, in your state, for the choosing.  Now, you may not know this. You won’t always hear this from your school district (if your kids are still in one of those old-fashioned things!) You might not hear it from your friends… because most parents simply don’t know. But as we’ve said since 1993, information is power, and parents, having power is closer than you think!

It might be easier to get if, say, you’re in Arizona, Florida or West Virginia than if you live in Kansas, South Dakota or Iowa, but now, getting every child a great education is only a few clicks away.

So before you throw away those post-its and evernote school reminders, there’s one more task for you;

It’s time to find out exactly what kind of power you have, and if you don’t, what you need to know to get it!

In the last 6 months, more than a dozen states have improved power for parents, recognizing that you and you alone know your child best. You have, as the US Supreme Court declared just a year ago this week, the constitutionally protected right to direct the education of your children!

In spite of that, parents still do not have the ability to do so! This is unjust, inequitable and just plain “very bad.” So whatever fortunes befall us now or in the future, let’s be sure you know your power, how to use your power and how to advocate for your power so that your children can have the kind of education they deserve.

Help your child get what they deserve.  Use the 2021 Parent Power! Index, now online!  No matter where you are, take time now to get informed. It’s the first step to having real Parent Power!

Today we pause to remember the brave individuals who gave their lives to make it possible for us to enjoy the “blessings of liberty.”

Happy #MemorialDay

— The Center for Education Reform (@edreform) May 31, 2021

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Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout U.S. education. 
We’re always delighted to hear from our readers…suggestions, questions and even the occasional complaint!

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