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Newswire – June 29, 2021

A St Patty’s Day Special Edition…Finding Rainbows…Driving out Snakes and a much needed Irish Blessing. 

It’s Wedding and Anniversary Season. Don’t Forget to Celebrate Milestones for Opportunity, Too.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ESPINOZA V. MONTANA DEPT OF REVENUE.  Overturning a precedent set 146 years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court on June 30, 2020 validated a parent’s right to direct their child’s education. At issue was the infamous “Blaine Amendments,” arising out of bigotry against immigrants in 1875 and protected to this day by those who believe only one system should work for kids. (Where are the righteous when you need them?)  Learn all about the case from CER’s central repository of info, including a background and summary of the case from two great champions of education freedom for all, the Institute for Justice and the Becket Fund. Also, read how you can take advantage of this landmark decision in a special whitepaper developed by foremost constitutional experts, called Making the Most of Espinoza v. Montana Department of Education to Advance Education Opportunity.

HAPPY 30TH ANNIVERSARY TO CHARTER SCHOOLS! Minnesota launched in 1991 the law inaugurating what has become the most significant public education innovation since its inception. The first charter opened in 1992 in Minneapolis, and from that small acorn has grown a diverse network of over 7,500 schools serving more than 3,300,000 students.  Follow the year-long celebration and learn about more charter milestones that we’re proud to have helped play a role in making happen:


BLUE RIBBONS at ACADEMICA.  Speaking of anniversaries, this marks the tenth year in a row that an Academica charter school was named a National Blue Ribbon school. Congrats to Somerset Academy Miramar and Somerset Academy South Miami for keeping the excellence going and to all Academica schools for building such an impressive record of excellence.

GOOD FRIENDS TELL THE TRUTHto each other, and the truth is not all state charter school laws are created equal. When state laws authorizing the creation of charter schools are done right, they maximize choice for parents as well as opportunity and achievement for kids.  When done wrong they can be worse than no law at all.  Find out where your state stands, and equally important why, with the 25th-anniversary edition of CER’s National Charter Laws Ranking and Scorecard, newly updated for 2021.  Knowing these laws is the first step toward keeping your charters strong or making them better.

THE ANTIDOTE TO URBAN HOPELESSNESS is the same as it is for so many maladies – freedom to make choices. As this  “must-read” column in the Chicago Tribune by John Kass powerfully points out, “there is one policy that could end habitual urban hopelessness that leads to violent crime. It would give motivated parents a fighting chance to help their children. Real school choice.”We’ll end by celebrating the 245th anniversary of the declaration of our freedom. Enjoy a tuneful bit of patriotism and history, as “God Bless America” makes its debut, sung by Kate Smith in the 1943 movie, “This Is The Army”.  Keen-eyed viewers might recognize a future U.S. President at the 4:08 mark on this video. And yes, he was in the Army.

A glorious Independence Day to you all.

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Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout U.S. education. 
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