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Newswire – March 9, 2021


Cancel Math…and Shakespeare… CDC Insanity… No wonder parents trust parents to make decisions more than anyone else about where their kids should be educated, and how. It’s a long one this week, but if you’re concerned, read every word.

We’re in the midst of Women’s History Month, and apropos of that, moms, grandmas, sisters and women from all walks of life, colors and economic status are leading the fight to open classroom doors and get kids back in school.

MOMS KNOW BEST.  Whether for mumps, measles, polio or any other health scourge, it is usually a mom or grandma who takes the kids for their vaccinations.  They instinctively understand “the science”. A new article in The Atlantic puts it bluntly: that COVID vaccines are removing any doubt about reopening schools.   Women understand this. Every teachers union member in America needs to read it.

MOMS SPEAK UP. What happens when parents challenge the teachers unions’ refusals to return to school? They get attacked, of course — and profiled! Remember the San Francisco tape where board members were mocking parents? Well whatever California unions are drinking it’s clear it has destroyed all reason. The Los Angeles union is racially profiling parents who oppose them, arguing that they are all “white and Middle Eastern parents.” This mom of Afghan descent received a racial profiling email from the United Teachers of Los Angeles after being quoted in the L.A. Times urging that schools reopen. “I felt very targeted…anyone who spends 30 seconds reading that email would see it is very clear, pointed racism” the mom said — but happily she has no intention of backing down.

FREEDOM IS CONTAGIOUS. Moms — and dads — are realizing the advantages of remote, or distance, learning for some of their kids.  That choice should be theirs alone to make.  A new poll by National Public Radio, reveals the depth of this feeling, as nearly one third of parents say they may stick to remote learning even after schools are fully reopened.

FREEDOM BEGETS EQUALITY. Reason and evidence in support of our quest to #FundFamilies, not failure.

GIVE WOMEN THE RIGHT TO VOTE? Go back in time with CER’s Why America? Initiative to explore the courage and persistence it took — with those who were there! Hear from heroines Sojourner Truth, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Alice Paul about their historic achievement in winning the 19th Amendment – even during a pandemic. Educators and students, in particular, are encouraged.

URGENT ACTION ALERT. San Diego Schools superintendent Cindy Marten has been nominated to be the Deputy Secretary of Education.  She tried to deny public charter schools funding, due process and appeal rights.  She blocked the growth and replication of public charters. Opposition to her is being led by San Diego’s Black and Latino families who want an alternative to their underperforming neighborhood schools. Urge your senators to vote “NO” because of her poor record on choice, charters and parent support.  We make it easy for you to do so by going here. 

Celebrate Women’s History Month by hitting play on this anthem of women empowerment from Helen Reddy’s 1971 mega-hit I am woman, hear me roar! Could be the anthem of the current drive to reopen schools by women of all stripes who are not afraid to roar when they see injustice happening in their kids’ lives.

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Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout U.S. education. 
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