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Newswire – March 16, 2021

March 16, 2021

A St Patty’s Day Special Edition…Finding Rainbows…Driving out Snakes and a much needed Irish Blessing. 

A St Patty’s Day Special Edition…Finding Rainbows…Driving out Snakes and a much needed Irish Blessing.


Okay maybe that’s a wee-bit much, but it is widely conceded that our kids are getting snake-bit. And parents aren’t believin’ the blarney any longer.

AT THE END OF THE RAINBOW? It was always there. No, not the pot of gold, but the Science, of which virtually 100% of the data supports opening classrooms full time with measures achievable with changes that don’t require billions to be spent, even before we vaccinate all school personnel. 

As prize winning New York Times columnist Nick Kristof put it last month

“Yes, it’s hard to open schools during a pandemic. But private schools mostly managed to, and that’s true not only of rich boarding schools but also of strapped Catholic schools. As a nation, we fought to keep restaurants and malls open — but we didn’t make schools a similar priority, so needy children were left behind.”

His article also quotes Brown University economist Emily Oster who has studied this issue more than anyone else: “I think we’ve deprioritized children in a way that will do long-term damage.”  An AEI report examining the results of over 130 studies concludes that, “Attending school does not increase risk to children.” Oh, and the data says only 3 feet distance is needed now, not 6 feet.

SLITHERING AROUND THE SCIENCE however has become an art form for the unions.  In North Carolina teachers refuse to support reopening in spite of unanimous votes in both houses of the legislature approving a bi-partisan opening plan. And in Los Angeles the teachers’ “reopening” plan is staying virtual only. Middle and high school students will be in a homeroom 2 days per week with headphones on, learning virtually, while the teacher Zooms her own separate class. Teachers would not have to return to work until achieving “maximum immunity” after vaccinations, “a period of up to six weeks.”

We all could use blessings these days and one of the best among them is this famous Irish blessing, with a new twist, apropos for the time and the coming day, sung Covid-style by the World Youth Choir…“Until We Meet Again,
May God Hold You in the Palm of His Hand…”
STIMULUS SHAMROCKS FOR STUDENTS? But innovative ideas are starting to cut through the blizzard of one-message (that schools aren’t open yet) media reporting. Post contributor Hugh Hewitt says that “If you are getting a check, here’s the smart thing to do: Enroll your child in a private school. The government is going to pay for it.”  Laying bare the reality so many parents face, he adds: “The brand damage to the NEA and the AFT will not be forgotten. Parents with kids in every school will remember, when the going got tough, the teachers unions fled.

SCHUMER MUST HAVE KISSED THE BLARNEY STONE, because his eloquent defense of a new $2.75 billion for private schools in the recently passed $1.9 trillion “pandemic relief bill” was a magical moment. Schumer said, “There are also many private schools which serve large percentages of low-income and disadvantaged students who also need relief from the Covid crisis.” Reports are the deal came after Schumer was heavily lobbied by the Orthodox Jewish community in New York City, but sources confirm that it was actually stellar cross-religion cooperation in the Empire state. Mazel Tov and Amen!

US DEPT OF ED NEEDS A LEPRECHAUN NOT A LABOR CZAR.  The Biden Admin is placing an advisor for Labor Relations there, causing ranking members of the House and Senate Education Committees to simply ask why?  This reeks of a political payoff. Our kids need good fortune and luck, not labor.

POTS OF GOLD. Discovery Charter School in Newark, N.J. bested 6 schools from Newark, Pittsburgh and New York City to earn a top-place finish in an “innovative design” contest. And just up I-95 in Springfield, Massachusetts, Sabis International Charter School saw a team of its students advance to the National Academic Decathlon.

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