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Newswire – November 24, 2020

November 24, 2020

WE GATHER TOGETHER as the great hymn says, to ask for God’s blessings and also to give thanks.  Hard to find those blessings in a very rough year. But even as so many have fought and struggled over all manner of things this year, there are some things that brought the potential for bountiful blessings so much closer for our children.  

And so as tradition here at CER goes, here are just a couple of tidbits for which 

…FIRST, THAT THE PILGRIMS (the equivalent of our modern day immigrants) did indeed land on these shores, like so many other explorers before them, and despite the struggle and strife, created a foundation for freedom and religious liberty that would mark a new, and fundamentally different nation now and always, as long as we work to keep it. We hope and pray that schools seek to teach the truth, derivative of original sources and not revisionist history.

…THAT THE CAUSES EMBODIED IN THAT EVENTUAL DECLARATION IN 1776 are what allows the US to have free and open elections, to cast a vote for whomever one chooses, to fight for that candidate and to work toward a more perfect union. Listen to this brief reminder of what the founding was all about and always strive to learn what happened directly, not just what others claim it to be.

…THAT THE U.S. SUPREME COURT, which was created by the Constitution that followed the nation’s founding, was able to validate just this June, almost 250 years after it was written, that the Constitution validates the right of parents, not systems, to direct the education of their children.

…THAT THERE ARE TEACHERS WHO CONTINUE to teach full time either in-person or virtually and put their children first, above systems, above union demands to strike and above political challenges.

…AND FINALLY WE GIVE THANKS FOR THE PARENTS who are finding anyway to ensure their children learn, no matter what, and are finding out the hard way that having the power to address the individual needs of their children is the only way they, and we, will ultimately succeed as a nation.From all of us at CER, our very best wishes for a blessed and joyous Thanksgiving. Ponder George Washington’s Prayer at Valley Forge wherever and however you gather this year.  Stay Safe and God Speed.

Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout U.S. education. 
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