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NEWSWIRE: November 10, 2015

November 10, 2015

Vol. 17, No. 34

IF NOT HERE, WHERE? That was the slogan on CICS Larry Hawkins charter school students’ shirts yesterday at a press conference called by the sScreen Shot 2015-11-10 at 1.27.45 PMchool to protest its slated closure by Chicago Public Schools (CPS). The school improved from a Level 3 to a Level 2 in just one year, but in an obviously political move, CPS changed its closure rules so Hawkins landed on the list. “Just as I’m going up, why are you taking me down?” read one of the signs of a concerned student, many of whom have approached their principal promising they’ll do better and try even harder so their school can stay open. In an area where violence and crime is a major concern, it’s clear this school is a safe haven and community pride for kids where they can focus on learning without having to fear for their lives. Stay tuned…

HIL’S BIG OOPS. It’s a sad day for America when a former top diplomat uses her national media platform and political campaign to inaccurately criticize the thousands of charter school teachers and community leaders who have sacrificed so much to help improve the lives of kids. has the scoop on Hillary Clinton’s comments on charter schools.

EDLECTION WINS. Kentucky and Mississippi voters have elected Governors who have either proven themselves to be champions of real #edreform, or have run on platforms that don’t shy away from being vocal about putting students and families first. For analysis of the winners, head to Education50.

TEACHER CHOOSES CHARTER. Guess what? Despite what unions want you to think, not all teachers are against school choice. In fact, they would like choices too. Why one teacher left a North Carolina district school for a charter school here.

#TEACHSTRONG. A whole lot of interesting groups have signed on to a nine-point plan to “modernize and elevate” the teaching profession. Goals like performance pay and better PD and teacher prep are certainly worthy, and needed. But with so many cooks in the kitchen, is implementation bound to be a recipe for disaster with lackluster reforms that don’t move the needle?

CONNECTING POWERFUL INNOVATORS. iNACOL’s Blended and Online Learning Symposium is happening now through tomorrow, so be sure to follow @nacol and @GettingSmart on social media, and follow the conversation with the hash tag #inacol15.

VOTE FOR CER’s PANEL. We need your help! Tomorrow is the LAST DAY to vote for CER’s panel to be part of the 2016 National Charter Schools Conference. To vote for the panel, visit the session selector and search: Apples, Oranges? Reconciling Accountability and Innovation in Charter Schools.

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