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Special Charter Schools Week Newswire

Vol. 18, No. 17
May 3, 2016

This National Charter Schools Week (May 1-7), the Center for Education Reform is dedicated to growing public awareness of the original vision of charter schools and those that still embody that vision, making education better for the hundreds of thousands of parents, teachers, students, community leaders, policymakers, and entrepreneurs that work in and around those schools daily. 

Check out @EDREFORM’s NCSW16 HUB daily for notices of events, and stories of successes, challenges and opportunities.

TEACHER APPRECIATION. We’re joining our colleagues at the National Alliance and celebrating teachers. But since it’s national #CharterSchoolsWeek, we’re especially celebrating teachers who’ve made the choice to educate students in an environment that gives them the freedom and flexibility to teach children to the highest of their ability. Be sure you #ThankATeacher today!

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MAY 5 EVENT- SURPRISE GUEST.  If you’re in or near the Research Triangle NC area on Thursday, May 5, don’t miss the Kemp Forum on Expanding Opportunity at 3pm in Chapel Hill (or watch live from your desk!). Congressman Luke Messer, state representatives, local leaders and a SURPRISE state executive will convene to solve for limited opportunity and lagging achievement in US education. Keep your eyes peeled tomorrow to learn more! Sign up now so you don’t miss your chance to attend.af32d662-f7dc-422f-8629-31856d66ccec(4)



CHARTER CHALLENGES. While accountability is critical to ensure students are getting the outcomes they deserve, getting accountability right is even more important. If charter school advocates aren’t conscientious, schools like Rainshadow in Nevada that are dedicated to giving students a second chance will no longer exist, writes Max Eden for The 74. Eden of the Manhattan Institute will join David Hardy, CER Board Member and Founder of the Philadelphia-based Boys Latin Charter School, to discuss regulatory challenges to charter schools at CER’s The New Parent Power Agenda lunch on May 6 in Pittsburgh, PA. More events and stories of challenges, successes, and opportunities at @EDREFORM’s NCSW16 HUB.

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