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Newswire – April 27, 2021

April 28, 2021

A St Patty’s Day Special Edition…Finding Rainbows…Driving out Snakes and a much needed Irish Blessing. 


Hopeful signs continue to emerge that the sad experiences of the past year have given birth to new appreciation and agitation for new opportunity.
 THE FIRST CRACKS have been visible for a long time, caused by virtually unanimous scientific support for reopening, revulsion at union and district foot-dragging and fed-up parents refusing to take it anymore.  You can “follow the science” to the Scientific American showing schools can safely reopen as the risk of COVID transmission is very low.  Yet, San Francisco students will be back in school ONLY ON ZOOM because nearly 500 district teachers and classroom aides  return to in-person instruction won’t because they have a medical exemption.”  “It’s beyond logic,” said parent Kira Gaber. Ya think?  Just a hop, skip and a jump over the map, Mission Achievement and Success Charter School has had in-person learning since September 2020 and continued to provide before-school programming, after-school programming, meals distribution for remote families, online parent conferences and more. IT’S NOT ABOUT THE MONEY. 
CARES Act – $13 billion;
Dec 2020 relief – $54 billion;
ARP – $123 billion;
“Infrastructure” plan – $100 billion;
Annual funding – @ $60 billion
TOTAL $350 billion =  Over $6,000 per student! 
Imagine if that money had gone directly to Fund Families (not systems).  SHORTAGES, REOPENING SAGA AND MORE. Dissecting the issues, Jeanne Allen’s appearance on FOX Business News last week clarifies the politics that plagued school reopenings.

STRONG UNIONS = CLOSED SCHOOLS. In-depth research validates – yet again – what we’ve known all along.  “School districts in locations with stronger teachers’ unions were substantially less likely to reopen in person even after we controlled for differences in local demographic characteristics.” The AEI’s Rick Hess elaborates on the work of AFC’s National Research Director Corey DeAngelis in an interview about this definitive study.

PARENTS AND KIDS FLOCK TO OPTIONS, from sea to shining sea. From the Tar Heel State comes the good news that charter schools saw nearly an 8% increase in enrollment with most having waiting lists, and that seven new charter schools opened and 10 new charter schools have been approved for this fall.  Across the continent, Nevada charters also experienced a boom in popularity. “Charter schools in Nevada were able to continue in-person learning through months of the pandemic, while students in CCSD (Carson City) schools were forced to stay home.”  Three families in Columbia, Missouri show what it looks like to successfully “pod”…and parent! The wonders of choice.

STATES INNOVATE.  The New Hampshire Department of Education has partnered with pod provider Prenda to provide students with access to “learning pods” for the first time. In Vermont, the State Board of Education took the bold step of ordering three school districts to reimburse families for tuition paid to religious schools, something only possible since the High Court lifted the constitutional cloud on choice hanging over states with Blaine Amendments. Speaking of Blaine, in South Carolina, a federal lawsuit has been filed to remove the “Blaine Amendment,” from its constitution –more states will follow suit. It’s about time. Know-nothing partier James Blaine has been dead a long time.

A LITTLE BIT OF ITALIAN-INSPIRED CONVERSATION EVERY WEEK! Have you heard about inPiazza, a place for open and civil dialogue, just like the town squares of old? If not, now is your chance to catch up on what you’ve been missing weekly with Jeanne Allen and GSV’s Michael Moe. Hear Netflix founder Reed Hastings wax on about civic life, Entertainer Lena Prima talk N’Orleans and this week, Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush on Covid, schools, getting America back to work and the state of free speech today.  inPiazza is available wherever podcasts are heard. Listen on Breaker,Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, Radio Public, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts, or on your own favorite podcast app!With spring halfway through, we are hoping you’ve had a chance to renew! To help, enjoy the incomparable Sarah Vaughn’s take on Spring Fever.  Keep the cards and letters coming!

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Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout U.S. education. 
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