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Young, Caprice

President, Education Growth Group, LLC

For over two decades, Caprice has been at the forefront of education reform, inside and outside the system. She served as the reform president of the Los Angeles Unified School District Board during a time of intense struggle over the future of the city’s schools, and, along with Superintendent Roy Romer, was instrumental in making gains across the district in student achievement and launching an ambitious program of school facilities renewal that continues today.

Following her service to Los Angeles, Caprice founded the California Charter Schools Association, uniting three state and regional charter groups, and grew it to become the nation’s most powerful state association, accelerating the growth of charter schools, encouraging and supporting diverse leadership in the movement, and advocating strongly on behalf of charters and choice. Sensing the transformative power of technology in education, Caprice then took on the post of CEO of KC Distance Learning and Vice President of Business Development and Alliances for Knowledge Universe Education (KUE) U.S. More recently, Caprice took on the job of rescuing the financially troubled Inner City Education Foundation (ICEF) and its portfolio of fifteen high-performing LA Charter schools.

Through all of these experiences, Caprice has kept her eye firmly on the goal of transforming public education so that it serves all children well. Caprice was former Vice President for Education at the Laura and John Arnold Foundation.