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Mike Pence: A True Pioneer of Educational Opportunity

Statement From CER Founder and CEO on Prospective VP Pence

July 14, 2016

Michelle Tigani

WASHINGTON, DC —  Jeanne Allen, Founder and CEO of The Center for Education Reform, issued the following statement on presidential candidate Donald Trump’s pick of Indiana Governor Mike Pence as potential running mate:

“The race for president just got more interesting for education reformers – and more meaningful – if indeed, as the Indianapolis Star has just reported, Governor Mike Pence has been selected as Donald Trump’s running mate.

“Mike Pence is a true pioneer of educational opportunity, having advocated for parental choice and high standards for all schools, both as a think tank leader and radio host long before he ran for elected office.

“In Congress, Governor Pence supported pushing more authority to state and local leaders, using their money to pursue the innovations and programs that they best feel meet the needs of their schools, their communities.

“He has been an outspoken supporter of the critical right of parents to choose the school that is best for their children. Particularly in a time of great civil and international unrest, education holds the key to a competitive and productive nation.

“In the least predictable political election cycle in recent times, we look forward to the possible addition of the Governor’s historically unwavering conviction that education is the essential lever to expanding opportunity for all Americans.”

The Center for Education Reform does not endorse candidates, but we will always recognize when someone’s on the right side of parent power and excellence for kids. 


Mike Pence Is the Veep Education Reformers Need

Statement From CER Founder and CEO on Prospective VP Pence

July 14, 2016

Michelle Tigani

WASHINGTON, DC —  Jeanne Allen, Founder and CEO of The Center for Education Reform, issued the following statement on presidential candidate Donald Trump’s pick of Indiana Governor Mike Pence as potential running mate:

“The race for president just got more interesting for education reformers – and more meaningful – if indeed, as the Indianapolis Star has just reported, Governor Mike Pence has been selected as Donald Trump’s running mate.

“Mike Pence is a true pioneer of educational opportunity, having advocated for parental choice and high standards for all schools, both as a think tank leader and radio host long before he ran for elected office.

“In Congress, Governor Pence supported pushing more authority to state and local leaders, using their money to pursue the innovations and programs that they best feel meet the needs of their schools, their communities.

“He has been an outspoken supporter of the critical right of parents to choose the school that is best for their children. Particularly in a time of great civil and international unrest, education holds the key to a competitive and productive nation.

“In the least predictable political election cycle in recent times, we look forward to the possible addition of the Governor’s historically unwavering conviction that education is the essential lever to expanding opportunity for all Americans.”

The Center for Education Reform does not endorse candidates, but we will always recognize when someone’s on the right side of parent power and excellence for kids. 


Newswire: July 12, 2016 — Potential VP candidate Mike Pence to headline forum — Charter Schools Go To Ballot in MA — FL teacher starts alternative school

WILL GOV PENCE STILL KEYNOTE OUR EDUCATION FORUM? When we finalized the roster for the CER-KEMP Foundation Forum on Parent Power, little did we know we had picked a potential VP candidate to headline it! Indiana Governor Mike Pence was sought out not only because he has led a state to expand and foster great education opportunities for kids, but he has been a stalwart supporter of empowering people to take control of their own lives and help them achieve the American Dream. This is the mantra of U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC), who will also lead the Kemp Forum in Indy July 27th. It remains to be seen whether we will have to change our agenda, but for now, it’s heavy, deep and real. Go to for more information and to learn about other panelists.

Indiana Gov Mike Pence

CHARTER SCHOOLS HEAD TO BALLOT IN MA. Thankfully, bold-faced lies about charter school funding from The Save Our Public Schools Campaign in Massachusetts have not stopped more than 20,000 MA residents from making it known they want innovation and opportunity in education via charter schools. This is more than twice the amount of signatures needed to get charter school expansion on the November ballot!


TEACHER-LED. Much like charter schools started by educators who simply wanted more freedom and flexibility to teach, Florida teacher Wendy Bradshaw is making headlines for starting her own private school. “The idea is to meet students where they are… It’s called R School because it’s our school, literally,” Bradshaw told The Ledger.

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THE NEW OPPORTUNITY AGENDA. If you’re worried about lagging student achievement, students who don’t know much about history (or lots of other things), too few choices for students, and too much bureaucracy in education, you’ll want to sign on to the New Opportunity Agenda today.






Education Reform: One-Size-Does-Not-Fit-All

by Robert G. Holland

Lately, education scholars at Washington, D.C.-based, nominally conservative think tanks have spun themselves into a tizzy about the education reform movement’s splintering into quarreling factions.

Who knew such a monolithic movement existed? Even among strong advocates of parental choice, lively arguments have raged for decades over vouchers versus tax-credit scholarships, with each side arguing its proposal is the most powerful and/or practical way to empower families. Debate is healthy in a democracy, is it not?

Thinking in terms of a single, cohesive agenda is perhaps more common in Washington, where think-tankers attend each other’s seminars and flock to government briefings. Why should any of this matter to the folks back in Grapevine or Grand Forks? Because advocacy from think-alike think tanks may influence policy in their school districts.

Within these inner sanctums, there is concern about contrary ideologies intruding. In a May 25 essay, Thomas B. Fordham Institute Fellow Robert Pondiscio controversially observed, “Like the proverbial frog in a pot, education reformers on the political right find themselves coming to a slow boil in the cauldron of social justice activism.”

As an example, Pondiscio reported conservative reformers “feeling unwelcome, uncomfortable, and cowed into silence” at a recent meeting of the New Schools Venture Fund in San Francisco. He fretted about leftists aggressively promoting a new orthodoxy on issues of race, class, and gender within the context of education reform while excluding conservative ideas. But what is wrong with having the gumption to debate the reform newcomers instead of acting as though your side owns this turf?

Speaking of taking ownership, the long-time CEO of the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Education Reform, Jeanne Allen, issued a 22-page “manifesto” on June 15 — under her byline — seeking to reframe choice-based reform in terms of “innovation and opportunity,” as though those objectives are new“This is a clarion call,” she announced in the opening sentence.

Much of the manifesto deals in great detail with the level of tolerance for semi-autonomous charter schools within government-controlled school systems over the years. There is nothing about the tremendous promise of the next-generation voucher, the education savings account, and there is little about a steady increase in states adopting private-choice programs and the phenomenal growth of homeschooling.

Allen’s manifesto expresses frustration that “our efforts to drive change have hit a wall. The reality is that more was accomplished in the first nine years of the education reform movement than in the past 16.”

That reference is to the pace of states adopting strong charter-school authorization laws since 1991. Some states and localities now seek to drag charters back under a regulatory umbrella, and that legitimately concerns advocates. (Of course, charter schools are far from constituting the entirety of the education reform movement.)

Charters have helped thousands of families find a tuition-free alternative to conventional public schools, and that is a good thing. However, because charter schools operate within the governmental system, the nature of the larger, controlling agenda becomes relevant.

In that connection, the manifesto actually laments the demise of the federal No Child Left Behind law because it helped set the bar for student proficiency and defined the terms of accountability. The manifesto goes further and hammers the debate over Common Core as a “distraction” that “has drained our collective energies and focus on students.”

Actually, the parents across the nation who have stood up against nationalized standards being imposed on their schools are entirely focused on students — their children and their neighbors’ children. And they see clearly that Common Core uniformity and true choice in education are incompatible. The manifesto is likely to deepen their suspicion that choice becomes problematic when linked to an agenda imposed from the top down.

So, what is the clear call for action, the clarion call? Its name is the New Opportunity Agenda, the tenets of which are to be “innovation, flexibility, opportunity, and transparency.” The ideas discussed include drawing on new educational technologies, starting new schools, allowing public funds to follow children to schools of choice, and reporting test data in ways that can show how schools and districts are performing.

The prospect of yet another agenda being developed by Washington insiders and passed down to the people may excite some who call themselves “education reformers,” but a different kind of reformer will argue for families having the freedom to pursue their own agendas for their children — with their individual decisions contributing to a vibrant marketplace that reshapes the face of U.S. education.

Even though there is not a single education reform movement, there are ideas on which agenda-driven and liberty-loving advocates may agree. They should be able to talk with each other — and even welcome social-justice warriors to the conversation.

[Originally published at the American Spectator]

The Reality of Charter School Funding in Massachusetts

Since 2005, MA has double-funded students in an attempt to curtail the impact of funding changes on traditional public schools.

Rather than make funding work more effectively for the students they serve, many traditional public school leaders have relied on funding for ghost students without accounting for the fact that they no longer serve them.

The effort by the Save our Public Schools campaign is anathema to the public interest and grossly misrepresents the reality of charter funding in MA.

The Bay State provides one of the most generous reimbursement plans in the nation when students choose to leave conventional schools for public charter schools.

Age Ain’t Nothing But a Number: Education Reform Turns 25

by Marilyn Anderson Rhames
Education Post

I’m a Generation X-er, but don’t you dare call me old.

I’m fairly new to the fourth decade, but I am often mistaken as an early twenty-something.

It’s a dubious misconception. Sometimes I’m flattered and other times it’s offensive. When I want to be taken seriously, I drop hints about my age—my teenage daughter, my 16th wedding anniversary, and how I changed careers after 9/11, etc.

With age comes wisdom, right?

Education reform turns 25 this year. She’s a baby by institutional standards, and the 140-year-old traditional system of neighborhood schools and teachers unions are always trying to put her in her place.

Still, education reform keeps vying for respect, appearing wiser than her years when she pushes back with the tenacity of a young adult with a freshly minted college degree, loads of student loan debt, and a dream just big enough to save the world.

At 25, education reform is a quintessential millennial. Depending on who you talk to, that’s a positive or negative distinction. Some say millennials are self-absorbed, entitled brats who think technology will solve all of life’s problems. Others believe that millennials are an ultra-smart generation that aren’t afraid to revolutionize the false assumptions we have worked under for far too long.

While I’m attracted to reform’s bold, innovative stance on improving learning outcomes for low-income, urban children of color, I am often equally put off by its hubris, its white savior, I’m-smarter-than-you mentality that doesn’t engage the community or empower its homegrown leaders to lead.

According to the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, there are 6,700 charter schools in 42 states, educating nearly three million students. And while congratulations are in order to Ted Kolderie, the mastermind behind the passage of the nation’s first charter school law in Minnesota in 1991, the reform community might be its own worst enemy.

This fear has prompted the Center for Education Reform’s CEO Jeanne Allen to recently publish a manifesto on how to save this “movement at risk.”

Allen argues that choice and accountability, two major issues on reform’s platform, are cannibalizing innovation, another fundamental aspect of education reform. She writes:

The truth is, we have lost the change-forest for the choice-trees, too often pushing charters and vouchers as an end in and of themselves rather than a means to spur innovation and opportunity and ultimately deliver on the promise of a great education for all children.

We have spent so much time talking about what’s wrong with our schools, and fighting for alternatives to it, that we have understandably left too many parents with the impression that we have given up on public education—or even worse, their kids.

Personally, I see innovation in education without accountability as nothing more than an experiment, and no child deserves to be a guinea pig. We also don’t want rules and regulations to suck the life out of a school’s ability to be creative. These lofty goals pose a tension that serves to provide reformers with a healthy dose of checks and balances, lest the adults get all the checks and the kids get a zero balance.

But, yeah, reform is just 25 years old…what 25-year-old isn’t still trying to find herself?

Just a few weeks back, for example, I was caught in a firestorm of controversy stemming from my blog posts about the NewSchools Summit that put race at the center of the education reform debate. I argued that substandard education in America is rooted in racist policies and social norms, and if education leadership is afraid to address issues like #BlackLivesMatter then maybe they aren’t fit to lead.

Judging by the fallout, you would have thought I had started a charter school named Kardashian College Prep!

The American Prospect last week published an insightful piece about the many divisions that exist within education reform on her 25th birthday. It’s not just racial—it’s also sociopolitical, ideological, and philosophical all mixed in together.

Now that I’m on summer break, I can put my feet up and ponder these heady things. I’m questioning some of the reform values I’ve always held dear, and seeking to discover my true identity in this effort.

My posture has shifted, as well. Instead of entering debates with a defensive stance, I’m trying to understand the nuances of opposing ideas so I can appreciate them, and I just might change my mind.

So to all you the millennials, Gen X-ers, and even baby boomers out there: Your age is just a number. We don’t get wiser with time; we get wiser by thinking deeply and listening.

Happy 25th Birthday, education reform! It’s been a hoot watching you grow up.

Education Opportunity Forum Lineup Finalized

Indiana Governor Mike Pence to Headline Kemp Forum on Expanding Opportunity with U.S. Senator Tim Scott

For Immediate Release
July 11, 2016

WASHINGTON, DC — On July 27, 2016, The Center for Education Reform and The Jack Kemp Foundation will welcome Indiana Governor Mike Pence, along with U.S. Senator Tim Scott and Wisconsin State Senator Leah Vukmir, to the Kemp Forum on Expanding Opportunity in Indianapolis, Indiana.

The Kemp Forum on Expanding Opportunity has been established as a vehicle for federal lawmakers to learn from and engage state and local leaders on specific, tangible efforts to ensure upward mobility through education policies that empower people and reduce dependency and poverty.

“Our goal with the Jack Kemp Foundation is to ensure that Congress has a roadmap for educational opportunity that benefits and draws from best practice thinking in the private sector as well as lessons from key states where Governors have made opportunity a prominent part of their agenda,” said Jeanne Allen, founder and CEO of The Center for Education Reform.

Seeking common ground on the best paths toward making educational opportunity available to students at all levels regardless of race, socioeconomic status, or zip code, the forums are intended to ignite a national conversation on upward mobility and empowerment, with a renewed focus on innovation and education solutions as a critical aspect of that goal.

“Engaging and recognizing exceptional leaders who champion the American Dream is critical for our nation’s future. We want to drive conversations that translate into tangible action for policy and paves the way for a better future for all,” said Jimmy Kemp, President of the Jack Kemp Foundation.

About the Center for Education Reform

Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that the conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout U.S. education.

Kemp Forum on Expanding Opportunity: Indianapolis

Upward Mobility Through Education

Twenty-five years ago school choice was born in America. It wasn’t just about education, it was about opportunity – the opportunity for children to have a better future, no longer determined by their zip code. School choice has been the driving force behind stopping the inevitable course of poverty for millions of students over the past two and a half decades. Yet we still have much further to go.

As we look back on a quarter-century of educational choice in this nation – and how we get to a point where parent power is front and center in all we do – please join us for this critical discussion.


The invitation-only Kemp Forum is being held in conjunction with the ALEC opening reception on July 27th at 6:45PM. The location is the NCAA Hall of Champions immediately following the reception.

July 27, 2016 | 6:45 – 8:30 PM
NCAA Hall of Champions
700 W. Washington St.
Indianapolis, IN 46204


U.S. Senator Tim Scott will be moderating the Kemp Forum on Expanding Opportunity, featuring American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) Chair and Wisconsin State Senator Leah Vukmir, Michigan State Rep. Tim Kelly and more! 



For more information or to RSVP, please contact


About the Center for Education Reform

Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that the conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout U.S. education.

As a non-partisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to great opportunities for all children, students and families, The Center for Education Reform does not endorse candidates or take political positions, but will always recognize and applaud those who advance sound education policies.

As U.S. Celebrates 240 Years of Freedom, Children Still Cannot Escape Tyranny of Teachers Unions

by Larry Sand
Union Watch
July 5, 2016

Despite the U.S. declaring its independence from Britain in 1776, Californians are still saddled with teacher union redcoats 240 years later.

Teacher tenure is an atrocity. Officially called “permanence,” this union-mandated work rule allows some teachers to stay in the classroom when they should be imprisoned or at least working somewhere else, preferably far away from children.

Just a few recent examples of permanence at work:

This awful perk is, in part, what California’s fabled Vergara lawsuit is about. Though the ultimate fate of the case is still unknown (next stop California Supreme Court), the state legislature has been trying to come up with some fixes to satisfy the reformers and the teachers unions alike. One such effort was a bill introduced by Assemblywoman Susan Bonilla, D-Concord. As originally written, Assembly Bill 934 would place poorly performing teachers in a program that offers professional support, though if they receive a second low performance review after a year in the program, they could be fired via an expedited process regardless of their experience level. Also, permanence would not always be granted after two years, and seniority would no longer be the single overriding factor in handing out pink slips. Teachers with two or more bad reviews would lose their jobs before newer teachers who have not received poor evaluations.

Ben Austin, policy and advocacy director for Students Matter (the outfit that filed the Vergara case), thought the bill was on the right track but could be even stronger. Reformer Michelle Rhee has noted that while there should be protections in place so that teachers can’t be fired for arbitrary reasons, she doesn’t think we need to reform tenure; she doesn’t see any need for it at all.

But ultimately Austin’s and Rhee’s opinions matter little. Nor do the left-leaning San Francisco Chronicle, the libertarian Orange County Register and other California dailies that supported the bill. Parents, too, are fed up with the inability get rid of rotten apples, but too few in positions of power care about parents. In a 2015 poll, 73 percent of California voters said that teachers should never be given tenure or receive it much too quickly, and believe that performance should matter more than seniority when teachers are laid off. But voters’ opinions are not worthy of consideration. According to another poll from last year, even most educators believe that a teacher should serve in the classroom at least five years before an administrator makes a decision about whether or not to grant tenure. But then, why should teachers’ thoughts be respected?

Actually the only entity that really matters when it comes to tenure, seniority and other teacher work rules is the California Teachers Association, the powerful special interest which regularly bullies its way through the halls of Sacramento to get its way. This case was all too typical. At first, CTA opposed Bonilla’s bill on the basis that it “would make education an incredibly insecure profession.” Then the union went into hysterical mode, using its trademark loopy rhetoric to proclaim, “Corporate millionaires and special interests have mounted an all-out assault on educators by attempting to do away with laws protecting teachers from arbitrary firings, providing transparency in layoff decisions and supporting due process rights.”

And then CTA spun into action. The union arm-twisted Bonilla and ultimately managed to eviscerate the fair-minded, commonsense, hardly-radical, pro-child bill and transformed it into legislative detritus that pretty much keeps the current tenure and seniority laws securely in place. For example, tenure would be achieved after three instead of two years, whereby if a teacher doesn’t regally screw up in roughly 30 months, they essentially have a job for life. And the quality-blind seniority regimen would be virtually untouched. (For a detailed comparison of the original bill and CTA version, Students Matter has put together an easy-to-read chart.)

Claiming that the disemboweled bill was better than the status quo, Bonilla and some in the media thought the union’s version was better than none at all, and that the legislation should move forward. But Austin and other reformers were outraged and felt strongly that the sham bill should be killed. Austin declared, “Watered down and gutted beyond recognition, the new AB 934 preserves the unconstitutional and unjustifiable disparities in students’ access to effective teachers caused by the current laws.”

Austin et al prevailed, and last Wednesday the bill was mercifully euthanized in the state’s Senate Education Committee. Hence, we have no changes to our odious tenure and seniority statutes and CTA’s imperious regime marches on. So as the nation has just celebrated its 240th birthday, the children of California sadly still cannot escape the tyranny of the teachers unions. Fans of King George III, rejoice!

Larry Sand, a former classroom teacher, is the president of the non-profit California Teachers Empowerment Network – a non-partisan, non-political group dedicated to providing teachers and the general public with reliable and balanced information about professional affiliations and positions on educational issues. The views presented here are strictly his own.

Newswire: July 5, 2016 — Burdensome compliance requirements for Ohio charter schools — North Carolina expands opportunity — Massachusetts charter high schoolers college-bound

FREEDOM RINGS. Hoping your 4th was great, we continue to celebrate freedom this week, highlighting events and places where freedom and innovation are allowing for – or sadly prohibiting – greater opportunity for all. Join us in our fight to ensure all children have access to truly exceptional education opportunities, regardless of where they live.


PIONEER STATE OPPORTUNITY. Parents of more than 32,000 children anxiously await November for a ballot question to lift the cap on charter schools in the Bay State. According to new data from six Boston charter high schools  – which serve a student population that’s largely Black and Latino – 98 percent of graduates are accepted to college.


IN OHIO. Charter schools in the Buckeye State have one month to document and provide evidence that they are complying with 319 state laws and rules. Among the hundreds outraged by the latest regulatory overreach by the State education department, Buckeye Community Hope Foundation representative Jennifer Robinson told Gongwer that charters are being held to completely different standards than traditional public schools. The focus should be on making sure schools are providing a quality education, “not whether they have a flag five feet in length,” Robinson said, referring to item number 209 on the compliance list. Next week CER Founder and CEO Jeanne Allen will bring the message of innovation and opportunity to the Ohio Council of Community Schools‘ (OCCS) gathering in Toleldo. OCCS is the strongest and most tenured authorizer in the Buckeye State. For more info call Lenny Shafer at (419) 720-5200.

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NC EXPANDS OPPORTUNITY. A budget awaiting Gov. Pat McCrory’s signature – and a bill to help turn around failing schools – is a boost for the Tarheel State and more quality seats for kids. The proposed budget boosts teacher pay, increases the amount for scholarship grants for children with disabilities (from $5.8 million to more than $10 million), and significantly expands the state’s three-year-old Opportunity Scholarship program (allowing nearly 36,000 students to receive a scholarship by 2027 compared to 3,600 today). More details here.

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CER – KEMP FORUM ON EXPANDING OPPORTUNITY. Join CER and the Jack Kemp Foundation for a special focus on opportunity with national, state and local leaders convened for the annual meeting of the American Legislative Exchange Council. We will be live streaming from Indianapolis July 27th – if you can’t join us that evening in person – with Senator Tim Scott, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, Incoming ALEC Chair and Wisconsin State Senator Leah Vukmir and others looking at how we might expand opportunity across all levels. For more information please contact
