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National School Choice Week 2016

Our nation’s future depends on great educational opportunities for all children. Every year in January, National School Choice Week celebrates and shines a spotlight on effective education options of all varieties — traditional public schools, public charter schools, online, blended, and virtual schools, homeschooling, and any other type of learning innovation helping children excel.

National School Choice Week 2016 (January 24-30) is already the world’s largest celebration of educational opportunity in history, with more than 16,000 events planned.

To celebrate, CER is highlighting numerous and diverse choice opportunities in education all week — from towns to nations. Check back here daily for updates, starting Monday!

Story #1: A Family’s Choice
Story #2: A Leader’s Choice
Story #3: A School of Choice

Story #4: National Lawmakers Championing Choice
Story #5: Choice Internationally




Statement from CER on NAPCS Charter School Law Report

Allen: The Content of Laws Matters In Ensuring Student Success

January 21, 2016

Jeanne Allen, Founder and President Emeritus of The Center for Education Reform (CER), issued the following statement on the release of Measuring Up to the Model: A Ranking of State Charter School Laws yesterday from the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools (NAPCS):

“We applaud Nina and her team at NAPCS for advancing our shared goal of fostering great laws in what is arguably one of the most promising public school reforms of all time –charter schools. As we know, strong charter school laws are vital for a thriving, successful charter school movement, and the more analysis and investigation into their impacts, the better.

“Because CER also has studied and analyzed charter school laws since 1996, it’s important that public policy influencers and lawmakers understand the critical distinctions in these two important, but compatible reports. NAPCS assesses ‘whether and how state laws and regulations address the National Alliance model law,’ except for in a few areas – such as caps, multiple authorizers, and funding – where they deemed it necessary to capture what’s happening in practice in order to ‘fairly capture the strength of the law’.

“CER’s national rankings and scorecard, currently scheduled to be released after most legislative sessions are over this year to guide future discussions, are based not only on the policies imbedded in each law, but how such policies actually effect the proposing, review, development and progress of each potential or existing school itself. Over time we have learned that what matters most in ensuring the healthy creation and growth of exceptional charter school opportunities for families is whether or not the state permits the diversity of founders, boards and authorizers that the authors of the charter schooling first outlined as the way to create diverse choices. The provision of independent structures from which innovation and freedom can best be applied to the educational process is a necessity, and thus laws which only allow existing local and state structures or are connected to districts and state education agencies do not foster the growth of high quality charter schools nearly as much as those which provide for additional authorizers.

“This is why, for example, while Alabama’s newer charter school law earns second place on NAPCS’ rankings, according to CER’s methodology, Alabama’s law will likely earn a mediocre grade this spring.

“In addition to authorizing, CER also ranks whether the state provides for equitable funding – codified in law – and gives charter schools enough autonomy to create and manage their schools, including choosing who they hire, whose programs they use and what, if any, managers they need to support them to do their job. Laws should be firm on the ends and loose on the means, and not prescriptive about how to achieve the goal of the contract for which they are held accountable by law.

“We welcome and encourage the increased debate and dialogue surrounding charter school laws as it raises the level of awareness and activity that should be the focus on our nation’s most important priority – our children and exceptional educational opportunities for all.”


Newswire: January 19, 2016

Vol. 18, No. 3

CALL FOR CANDIDATES. We expect our leaders to speak a certain way about what it takes to improve schools. And that’s exactly why we offered guiding principals for presidential candidates, as they debated shortly after President Obama’s final State of the Union speech, centered around the philosophies of those who work on the ground daily to advance innovation, freedom and flexibility in education. While the debates focused on jobs and the economy and foreign policy, candidates could have talked about how all of this ties back to education and creating an innovative and accountable environment so all children have access to excellent schools.


MISSED OPPORTUNITY. Speaking of what could have been discussed by our nation’s future leaders, President Obama’s first visit to Omaha, Nebraska was the perfect opportunity to address an education system that’s failing too many children, particularly children of color. Read why from Educate Nebraska’s Executive Director here.

EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY. Speaking of candidates, as we honored Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy of freedom and equality yesterday, former Florida Governor and presidential contender Jeb Bush, rolled out his education policy plans. “Every individual in this country has the right to rise,” he said. “Yet today, the American Dream — the idea that anything is possible through hard work — is threatened by an education system failing to prepare the next generation of children for success.” For more, go here. CER will be watching for other candidates to release major education platforms centered on parent power and opportunity — or at least we can hope!

STATE OF THE STATES. With governors in the midst of giving their State of the State addresses, how do they stack up on education reform now compared to what they said when they ran? is your tool to help hold leaders accountable on their promises.

Screen Shot 2016-01-19 at 2.01.25 PM#RALLYINTALLY. Over 10,000 parents, children, teachers and reform advocates gathered in Tallahassee, FL this morning in support of their state’s tax credit scholarship program, currently helping nearly 80,000 students access an education that better meets their needs but is in the midst of a lawsuit brought on by the status quo. Martin Luther King, III was among those rallying to #DropTheSuit, telling Politico that he believes his father would have supported school choice programs because they lift up and create opportunities for children.

JUDGE JUDY = SUPREME COURT? Nearly 10 percent of recent U.S. college graduates think the famous TV judge is actually a U.S. Supreme Court justice,  according to the report, “A Crisis in Civic Education.”  According to the Nation’s Report Card, not even one third of our nation’s 8th graders are proficient in history and civics, subjects that are vital to our nation’s democracy. If we aren’t careful, we may find ourselves unequipped to govern ourselves let alone provide governance to others we thought in greater need. Which is another reason why we must continue to push for policies that offer flexibility, freedom and innovation in education, and leaders that aren’t afraid to stand up to the status quo.

SCHOOL CHOICE WEEK is happening January 24-30! This 6th annual celebration brings attention to the critical importance of giving parents the opportunity to improve the lives of their children!  Make sure you add your voice to the largest ever #SchoolChoice conversation happening on social media!

New study reveals woeful state of American civic education

by Victor Skinner
January 14, 2016
EAG News

A survey of recent U.S. college graduates shows nearly 10 percent think Judge Judy is on the Supreme Court.

Nearly 60 percent of those surveyed didn’t know how the Constitution is amended, and almost 40 percent didn’t know Congress can declare war. More than 60 percent of those polled also thought Thomas Jefferson – not James Madison – is the “Father of the Constitution,” the American Council of Trustees and Alumni report.

“Many of the figures may actually understate how poorly our colleges are doing because older respondents performed significantly better than younger ones,” according to a report released by the group this week titled “A Crisis in Civic Education.”

Read the rest of the article here. 


Nation’s Report Card Indicates Less Than 30 Percent of U.S. Students Proficient In History, Geography, Civics

Local educators respond to State of the Union address

January 13, 2016

[Below is a section of the article in which CER is mentioned. Click here to read the full piece.]

SOTU reaction

Founder and President of The Center for Education Reform Jeanne Allen released a statement via email about the State of the Union address.

“Education is not about space, a place, or time,” she said. “Education is not a brick and mortar building; it is not about one person, concentrated on one methodology, or about one option. Innovative education transcends such confines to ensure that our students are prepared to be the future of our country.”

She said that in his first State of the Union address in 2009, Obama stated, “that is why it will be the goal of this administration to ensure that every child has access to a complete and competitive education, from the day they are born to the day they begin a career. That is a promise we have to make to the children of America.”

“We’ll give the Obama administration credit for keeping education in the public eye, for drawing more Democrats into discussing reforms such as charter schools, and by elevating the debate,” she said. “There is a long way to go to remedy the top-down approach to education reform that has occurred over the last seven years, especially the Obama administration turning a blind eye toward school choice for the poor, but thanks are in order for giving progressive Democrats numerous reasons to become more actively involved.”

Unfortunately, she said, “this activity does not produce the results needed to help our students succeed.”

Despite national graduation rates touted at 82 percent, according to a report from the Center for Education Reform, students still lack proficiency in the basic necessities of life such as reading and mathematics, “and do not possess the knowledge necessary to preserve our freedom and ensure America’s national and international success.”

“What we find is that preschool is a good foundation for young children,” Orichosky said. “Studies show they generally do better in school, and this helps for their future.”

And Duerr mimicked that.

Read the full article here.

Why Democrats should root against unions in major Supreme Court case

by Jason Russell
Washington Examiner

January 12, 2016

Public employee unions could lose a crucial source of revenue if schoolteacher Rebecca Friedrichs wins her case at the Supreme Court. The ripple effects could damage unions for decades to come.

Or it might help workers, while maybe even helping unions, depending on who you listen to.

“This is not an anti-union case, this is a pro-teacher [case],” Gerard Robinson, a resident fellow in education policy at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, told the Washington Examiner. He said a Friedrichs victory would give teachers the right to decide how to use their money and make choices about their profession. “[A Friedrichs win is] good for workers who happen to be teachers. They have the right to be able to choose again: I like to have more money at home, where do I want to use that money? If I want to use it for political speech, guess what? I can make the decision on where I send that money.” Robinson grew up in a union household and was a union member early in his career.

Jeanne Allen, founder of the pro-school choice group Center for Education Reform, says a victory for Friedrichs would come with a silver-lining for labor unions. “If Rebecca Friedrichs wins, she will likely have an impact on improving the ability of unions to voluntarily work together,” Allen told the Examiner. “This may help unions evolve as a far more better institution than they ever were.”

Schoolteacher Rebecca Friedrichs sued the California Teachers Association for being forced to pay agency fees that cover the cost of collective bargaining. Friedrichs and her lawyers argue that the fees compel her to support political speech she doesn’t agree with, like unions negotiating against merit pay for teachers or negotiating certain pension agreements.

Allen also predicted that more teachers would leave traditional public schools and open alternative schools, such as public charter schools, if union lawyers won the Friedrichs case. “Ironically enough, if [Friedrichs] fails at the Supreme Court, more schools of choice will be born. And so the unions who don’t support school choice should think about that, because if teachers can’t make a choice in traditional public education, they’ll go somewhere else.”

Read the rest of the article here.

NEWSWIRE: January 12, 2016

Vol. 18, No. 2

RANDI’S RANTS. AFT President Randi Weingarten is having a rough few days. After grumbling over how the feds are handling opt outs under the new ESSA, she now has to read headlines about how the Supreme Court Justices could be siding with veteran teacher Rebecca Friedrichs, who believes it’s against her First Amendment right to be forced to pay dues to an organization she chooses not to belong to. Yesterday, we stood in the crowd among Friedrichs supporters alongside paid protestors who didn’t really know why they were there, other than they were just told to “show up.” Once we started mingling with the Union ralliers, it was clear that some of them actually stood for some of the very issues that were at the core of Team #Friedrichs!

#ISTANDWITHREBECCA. We continue to stand with Rebecca and her brave colleagues until the Court reaches a decision expected late June 2016. A few of MANY highlights from those who publicly spoke in support of the cause for teachers’ rights:

“If we trust our teachers to educate our children, we should trust them to choose about their union” – Julie Collier, Founder, Executive Director, Parents Advocate League and CER Grassroots Advisory Board MemberScreen Shot 2016-01-12 at 6.15.23 PM“Great education is about great educators, and great educators need freedom. You cannot drown out the rights of teachers in this country!”” – Jeanne Allen, CER Founder and President EmeritusScreen Shot 2016-01-12 at 4.32.10 PM


Thanks to the State Policy Network for their great work on organizing support for Rebecca and teachers nationwide, and to organizations like AAE who offer alternatives to educators. Watch the Live Google Hangout following yesterday’s oral arguments, and check out pics from the event. Regardless of the outcome, the High Court taking on the issue of teacher freedom is already a win because it exposes the public to the power of collective bargaining.

QUALITY COUNTS. While still big on inputs and spending to rank states (giving New York inflated scores over Florida despite achievement gains of the latter over the former) Education Week’s Quality Counts is a welcome and informative tool in the area of student achievement. If you break out the results from the inputs, the story of American education progress is clear — states that are innovators and have created and sustained structures that challenge the status quo do better with students who are behind and improve schooling for all as a result. A few key takeaways for reformers here.

#SOTU. Tonight, President Obama will establish what his legacy will mean in the State of the Union address, and no doubt present the case for work that remains outstanding. With the Race to the Top initiative and Student Success Act behind us, we suspect that our President will largely ignore the importance of the real unfinished business of education. And so we offer a wish list to reflect the philosophies of those who work on the ground daily to advance innovation, freedom, and flexibility in American education, complete with suggested guest appearances for the First Lady’s box.

NEW JUSTICE IN TOWN. Great news in Arizona, where edreform-minded Gov. Doug Ducey has appointed school choice champion Clint Bolick to the state’s highest court. Bolick is co-founder of the Institute for Justice, an institution that’s become a mainstay in helping school choice programs fight court battles brought on by the BLOB. He was a lawyer in one of the most important U.S. Supreme Court decisions in education since Brown v. Board, the famous Zelman v. Simmons-Harris case, which ruled Ohio’s voucher program constitutional.

EDU GOES SOUTH. Not really, (well, that is, unless our leaders choose to ignore mandates for change and principles surrounding innovation and opportunity that provide bold agendas for what it truly takes to improve education in this country), but just in a matter of speech, thanks to the Jack Kemp Foundation’s Kemp Forum on Expanding Opportunity in South Carolina this weekend. Many of the presidential hopefuls and leaders in attendance talked about the link between poverty and education, and how expanding opportunity by way of #edreform is key. A quick social media recap here.


It’s Back!’s State of the Union Wish List

The State of the Union is a President’s wish list, a manifesto, and an opportunity to lay the gauntlet down for upcoming policy and budget negotiations. The President must outline how he plans to achieve unfinished business, and establish what his legacy will mean to our nation. When President Obama takes the podium on Tuesday, he will no doubt boast of his accomplishments, and present his case for the work that remains outstanding. With the Race to the Top initiative and Student Success Act behind us, we suspect that our President will largely ignore the importance of the real unfinished business of education.

And so we offer this platform. The recommendations on this year’s wish list reflect the philosophies of those who work on the ground daily to advance innovation, freedom, and flexibility in American education:

Education is not about space, a place, or time. Education is not a brick and mortar building; it is not about one person, concentrated on one methodology, or about one option. Innovative education transcends such confines to ensure that our students are prepared to be the future of our country.

In his first State of the Union address in 2009, President Obama stated, “that is why it will be the goal of this administration to ensure that every child has access to a complete and competitive education, from the day they are born to the day they begin a career. That is a promise we have to make to the children of America.”

We’ll give the Obama Administration credit for keeping education in the public eye, for drawing more Democrats into discussing reforms such as charter schools, and by elevating the debate. There is a long way to go to remedy the top-down approach to education reform that has occurred over the last 7 years, especially the Obama Administration turning a blind eye toward school choice for the poor, but thanks are in order for giving progressive Democrats numerous reasons to become more actively involved.

Unfortunately, this activity does not produce the results needed to help our students succeed. Despite national graduation rates touted at 82%, our students still lack proficiency in the basic necessities of life such as reading and mathematics; and do not possess the knowledge necessary to preserve our freedom and ensure America’s national and international success.

America needs educational opportunity for every child, regardless of zip code, time, and place. From Pre-K through post-secondary education, President Obama could consider informing the American people that ‘one size fits all’ education is an archaic vision that negatively impacts our children, specifically those who lack opportunity. Students of all ages should have the opportunity to access classes, programs, and schools both online and on site; and be rewarded for their unique contributions and accomplishments.

“Let’s think big and bold”, he might consider telling us… and erase artificial boundaries that lock kids into seats at the expense of progress.

Opportunity isn’t something that the President can or should define…this definition should be left to American citizens. To accomplish this goal, citizens need the freedom to spend their tax dollars where they choose, and the ability to support the concept that parents should be recognized and empowered as the first and most important teacher that children have.

Each state has tackled innovation and reform in different ways. Charter school laws differ state to state, and scholarship and voucher programs vary in scope and substance. Many states employed rigorous, high-stakes standards of learning prior to the national debate over Common Core. Equally, there are still states that have their heads buried in the sand, in desperate need of a jolt to get on board with innovation, equality, and opportunity.

There is no education issue that has not already been debated, discussed, or dueled over…

Similarly, there is not one issue that has not been studied, researched, validated and also dismissed. The states have been and continue to be laboratories of innovation. The states are where the status quo in education was first challenged, and where a new paradigm for schooling will continue to evolve.

We know now, and have always known what works. We need the courage to say so – at all levels. Without a President willing to exercise his bully pulpit to shine the light on success, to ensure that federal policy follows state policy, and to call attention to that which we have failed to achieve, we will not succeed.

To remind President Obama about the unique research we created to shape his agenda, he (and you) may consider reading (or rereading?) Mandate for Change, a compilation of diverse voices on every issue from teacher quality to transparency.

We also suggest guest appearances! NO state of the Union would be complete without a few special guests in the First Lady’s box. An opportunity minded president would invite:

REBECCA FRIEDRICHS – A veteran educator who, along with nine other California teachers, fearlessly spoke up for teacher freedom by bringing a case against the state requirement that they must fund their teacher’s union (even if they aren’t members) all the way to the Supreme Court.

CLINT BOLICK – Arizona’s newest Supreme Court Justice who has fought for School Choice since the beginning! In 2003, American Lawyer recognized Bolick as one of three lawyers of the year for his successful defense of school choice programs, culminating in Zelman v. Simmons-Harris in the U.S. Supreme Court.

MICHAEL CROW – President of Arizona State University who’s school topped U.S. News & World Report’s list of the most innovative schools in the 2016 college rankings. During Crow’s time at ASU, the university has significantly expanded online programs to reach thousands more and put its education school in the schools! ASU increased the number of National Merit Scholars by 61%, and helped improve access with the number of low-income Arizona freshmen enrolling each year has grown nearly ninefold and the population of minority students has jumped 62%.

HOWARD FULLER – He remains the Godfather of Educational Opportunity and his path-breaking book No Struggle No Progress said “Make no mistake about it: Education reform is one of the most crucial social justice issues of our time, and I will spend the rest of my days fighting for my people, most especially those without power themselves.”

We wish you luck this evening, Mr. President!




The High Court Takes On Teacher Freedom

by Jeanne Allen
National Review
January 11, 2016

In the past 40 years, labor unions have taken their place among the biggest power brokers on all social-policy issues concerning the education of our youth. While the unions’ involvement was once intricately linked to teacher professionalism and school success, today they are focused almost entirely on protecting collective-bargaining rights and ensuring that tenure, seniority, and uniform pay scales remain inviolate.

Indeed, these issues were at the heart of today’s oral arguments at the U.S. Supreme Court. In Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association et al., ten public-school teachers are asking the Court to strike down Abood v. Detroit Board of Education, a 1977 case that sanctioned agency-shop rules permitting unions to dock a teacher’s pay regardless of whether the teacher wants to be a member of a union. Laws in 23 states require workers who decline to join a union to pay certain fees anyway. Today’s plaintiffs and other teachers around the country believe that this legal structure is anathema to teacher freedom and a violation of First Amendment rights.

Because the evidence demonstrates that issues covered by collective bargaining have nothing to do with the quality of teaching, it is mind-boggling to consider the unions’ intransigence on this and other issues regarding educational productivity and educational success. According to researchers, next to the family, the most important factor in whether students succeed is their teacher. As Harvard scholar Thomas J. Kane puts it, “A teacher’s track record of producing student achievement gains does one thing better than any other measure (even if it does so imperfectly): it signals whether a teacher is likely to achieve similar success with another group of students.” Citing Raj Chetty, John Friedman, and Jonah Rockoff, he also shares evidence about the impact of great teaching, arguing, “Being assigned to a teacher with a track record of student achievement gains is associated with higher earnings and rates of college going.”

With so much evidence, it’s difficult to understand why this case had to go to the U.S. Supreme Court for the public to recognize that labor unions, which create and defend laws that treat all teachers the same, are at odds with sound social science and what it takes to effectively teach kids. One reason is because policymakers in many states will not consider changes to collective-bargaining laws, largely because teachers’ unions are their largest contributors. Just consider how much political clout the American Federation of Teachers alone, the smaller of the two national teachers’ unions, has committed to elections in this cycle alone — $20 million.

But this case itself, while the unions are fighting it, has little to do with the union. It really is about whether teachers have the right to opt in or out, because even those states that allow teachers to opt out of unions still require teachers to pay “agency fees” to unions — supposedly to cover the costs of collective bargaining, from which all teachers supposedly benefit. The problem with this is that collective bargaining is inherently political — government unions devote more resources to their political agenda than just the small portion of dues that goes directly to support their political causes.

What’s worse is that many teachers have experienced the frustration of unclear, hidden, or moving deadlines of when to file paperwork for opting out, and have even felt intimidated and coerced by their very own union.

“We’re asking that teachers be able to decide for ourselves, without fear or coercion, whether or not to join or fund a union,” says Rebecca Friedrichs, a veteran public-school teacher in Buena Park, Calif. “It’s that simple.”

Between 2008 and 2012, the teaching profession grew by 48 percent, while student enrollment saw only 19 percent growth. Despite little evidence that class size correlates with better education, fully 21 percent of the growth of the teaching profession is a result of various class-size mandates. The rest may be related to the rise in special education and specialty teachers. Regardless of the reason, teacher quality is directly correlated with student outcomes, and for that reason and that reason alone, teachers and schools should be free not only to make employment agreements, but also to earn rewards for work well done.

Performance-pay programs, which provide hope that individuals could enter teaching and increase their pay at much higher scales correlated to their outcomes, have the potential to recapture some of the higher-quality women who otherwise find more personal and intellectual satisfaction in other fields. Men would also probably be more likely to enter the profession, given the improved status and pay potential that would result. Yet despite growing acceptance of such efforts and the prominence of these issues in the public eye today, as well as the evidence that performance pay as a policy option has worked, there is still much confusion and misinformation, and enormous political pressure to maintain fixed pay scales based on experience, seniority, and other input-related factors.

I have witnessed firsthand the impact of hiring and rewarding teachers based substantially (though not entirely) on outcomes. From districts such as Washington, D.C., to most charter schools, human-capital management based on the quality of the individual’s capabilities, knowledge, and aptitude for the profession does result in better objective measures of school success.

There are many indicators of this. First, there are comparisons of schools in Washington, D.C., before and after teacher-quality reforms employing performance-pay measures. Second, there is the comparison of teacher competency in traditional and charter-sector schools (which are more than 91 percent non-union and have operational autonomy). According to Stanford University economist Caroline Hoxby, “Charter school teachers have higher aptitude, took more math and science courses, work longer hours, and take on more extra duties.”

Regardless of the data, however, this week’s chapter in the evolution of teachers’ unions’ collective-bargaining power may expose more of the public to these issues, and that is a good thing. More than 50 percent of the general public do not know how teachers are paid, how they are hired and retained, or that unions are even part of influencing mandates about all aspects of education’s human-capital supply.

Whether or not one agrees with the premise at the heart of the Friedrichs case, education is central to our personal productivity and our global success. For that reason, we should welcome the controversy and the debate as a pathway to progress.

— Jeanne Allen is founder and president emeritus of the Center for Education Reform.

Wishing On A SOTU

Each year we’ve hoped the President’s State of the Union Address gives attention to issues and ideas that can create substantive change for schools and students across the country.

While there have been some bright moments, each year what needs to be addressed continues to garner less concern than due- real, proven and effective approaches to fixing our broken system.


Last year we heralded tremendous innovations being produced across all sectors, and stressed the urgency that our Executive Branch begin to utilize the cutting edge developments being created and make the way for policy that would allow for their integration into schools and application in the classroom.

In 2014, we urged the President to send a signal to advocates of critical school choices for children — be they digital, in private schools or public schools — that his second term would be more about good ideas, no matter from which side of the aisle they come.

In 2013 we urged the president to encourage parents to learn about their power, or if they have little, to take action to get it at the local level. We stressed that it’s time for the Obama Administration to reward states which offer children in failing schools quality alternatives– among both public and private schools.

Prior to then, we’ve reflected on the SOTU address in a few additional manifestations:

From the Cutting Room Floor” -2010

And during George W’s Administration…

President Bush’s School Choice Legacy (Dan Lips)” -2007

“Please Save the Baby in the Bathwater, President Bush!” -2007

Chalk Talk – State of the Union” -2005