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PDK/Gallup Results Reveal Need for Parent Power

Behind Agenda-Driven Results Is Need for School Choice and High Standards in Education

Phi Delta Kappa International in conjunction with Gallup released their 47th annual poll for 2015 on “The Public’s Attitudes Toward the Public Schools.”

This year’s survey, which continues to suffer from biased and misleading questions as it has in years past, focuses heavily on testing, with the takeaway being “testing doesn’t measure up for Americans.”

However, a closer look at the data reveals populations typically underserved by the traditional school system favor high standards and choices when it comes to their child’s education.

TESTING: Blacks and Hispanics are more likely than whites to say that standardized testing is an important factor in improving schools and determining school quality. Fifty-seven percent of blacks say parents should not opt-out from having their children take standardized tests, and 75 percent of black respondents and 65 percent of Hispanic respondents would not excuse their child from testing, compared to 44 percent of whites.

CHOICE: Nearly two thirds of Americans support parents selecting any public school within their district, and 64 percent of Americans support charter schools. However, CER’s Survey of America’s Attitudes Towards Education Reform reveals support for charter schools increases to 73 percent when survey respondents are provided the definition of charter schools.

The PDK/Gallup poll reveals just 31 percent of Americans support “allowing students and parents to choose a private school to attend at public expense,” more commonly known as vouchers.

However, using the phrase “at public expense” creates the illusion that parents who are seeking choices outside of the traditional public education system are not part of the “public,” and incorrectly implies that choice programs are a financial strain when the reality is they typically do more to educate students with less money.

BOTTOM LINE: Poll results from an organization that represents status quo interests should not overpower voices of parents on the ground in communities that simply want more and better education options for their children.

“Since I live in South Central, I don’t have a choice between a good school and the best school. I had a choice between the worst schools and a good education all around,” said Jesus Andrade of Los Angeles, California, who has two sons attending public charter schools, in the 2015 PDK/ Gallup poll results report.

Jesus’ sentiment is one echoed by many parents across the nation, and is why CER continues to advocate for more Parent Power in education, and created its new and improved Parent Power Index, so parents and community leaders can have more control in and among schools, creating laws that truly provide increased power, particularly to those who have none.

Special Parent Power! NEWSWIRE: August 18, 2015

Vol. 17, No. 32

INFORMATION IS POWER. Everyone knows that parents can make great choices when they have good information and an opportunity to use it. That opportunity is only available in states and communities that permit a wide variety of options to parents. Since 1993 CER has been advocating for increased Parent Power!, and analyzing the data and policies that make the most number of choices available to the most number of parents. Later this week, CER will be revealing the new and improved Parent Power Index(c), 2015, a central repository to learn how states are doing providing Parent Power! and specific steps they need to take to increase it. We’ve made the PPI tools mobile, more user friendly and parent approved! Be sure to stay tuned at for the big reveal on Thursday, August, 20.

WHAT IS PARENT POWER? Dr. Marco Clark, Founder and CEO of Richard Wright Public Charter School in Washington, D.C., and Julie Collier, Parents Advocate League Founder & Executive Director and CER Grassroots Advisory Board member, are just two of many Edreform superstars that sat down with CER to provide insight on the importance of Parent Power!:

“When IJulie Collier PPI 2015 hear parent power it gives me hope. Once parents are informed, they are definitely a force to be reckoned with.” –Julie Collier


Screen Shot 2015-08-18 at 11.02.26 AM“Empowering them gives them a voice. When you empower parents, their voice becomes stronger.” – Dr. Marco Clark


MORE POWER PLEASE. As a debate over the constitutionality of Washington State’s charter school law remains in the works, all eight charter schools opening this year are filled to capacity, reports the Seattle Times. The Evergreen State permits just up to 40 charter schools over a five-year period according to the C-rated charter school law created in 2012. With an overall Parent Power Index grade of 68 percent – which by the way is a ‘D’ according to most U.S. school report cards! – it’s no surprise parents are scrambling to take advantage of the charter schools, as they really aren’t afforded any other options when it comes to choosing the best education for their child.

POWER OF VIRTUAL SCHOOLING. North Carolina parents have a new option for their children this school year: virtual charter schools. Parents in the Tarheel State have been able to take advantage of brick and mortar charter schools since the late 90’s, but the fact that one of the state’s first virtual charter schools has already met the arbitrary cap of 1,500 students and has a wait list points to the fact that the state must continue to grow options in order to meet parent demand. Thankfully, the school voucher program just recently survived a legal challenge in the State Supreme Court, so a certain segment of parents meeting income requirements will have access to vouchers that can open up the doors to private school as an option for their child.

#EDlection2016 AND PARENT POWER. Will #ParentPower be at the center of the education debate? By now it should be clear that the need for more parent power is not limited to one community, city, or state, and CER hopes that candidates in New Hampshire this week tackle this issue head on. The first of two Education Summits sponsored by The Seventy Four with the American Federation for Children and the Des Moines Register will feature candidates Bush, Christie, Fiorina, Jindal, Kasich & Walker on August 19 at 8:50am EST as they discuss K-12 education in America. Before the debate, see where governors stand on vital reform issues at Education Fifty, your #EDlection headquarters, dedicated to providing you, the voter, with the information that can best inform your vote, ensuring meaningful changes to our educational system are realized. Tune into the debate on August 19 live here, and follow the conversation on Twitter at @Edreform and #EDlection2016.


Fact-Checking Charter School Philanthropy

Myths and misinformation still permeate the discourse about charter schools, especially when it comes to funding, with charter school critics erroneously accusing the charter sector of being controlled by the purse strings of “evil private interests.”

The D.C. Fiscal Policy Institute (DCFPI) investigated the finances of public charter schools in the District of Columbia, and set the record straight in an August 2015 report that analyzed the annual D.C. Public Charter School Board’s Financial Audit Review (FAR). Chief among the findings was that 82 percent of funds allocated to public charter schools come from the local D.C. government, 10 percent of the revenue comes directly from the federal government, and only six percent of their funds comes from private philanthropy.

In its look into charter school finances, DCFPI further found that the majority of D.C. charter schools received less than $500 per student ($377 per student was median amount) from philanthropic sources.

Yet, little more information can be derived from the report due to the structure of the FAR. DCFPI contended that the D.C. Public Charter School Board’s yearly fiscal reporting on philanthropic revenue “is broad, thus requiring stakeholders to contact each individual local education agency for more detailed information.” This means it is difficult to know the exact breakdown of philanthropic funding of charter schools in D.C. The report recommends including an itemized summary of these funds, like the share of private foundation grants, parent fees or PTA fundraising, in the FAR each year.

What we do know is that certain charter schools receive much more than $500 per student and some receive much less. Of the 60 charters analyzed, 38 of them received less than $500 per pupil. Charter schools run by well-known organizations or that have been in D.C. for a longer period of time, such as KIPP DC receive a much larger piece of the philanthropic pie, accounting for close to $17 million in revenue and about $4,600 per pupil. These larger charter networks also have senior staff devoted to fundraising, where the smaller start-up charter schools are doing the best with what they have to educate their kids due in large part to the overall charter funding inequity in D.C.

Until there is more transparency, there will be no way of knowing just how much of the six percent of philanthropic support comes from private foundations for each charter school. However, it is worth noting that a large share of that portion of philanthropic support, particularly for the local, mom-and-pop charters, comes from the surrounding community – the parents. Bake sales, school sporting events, and PTA fundraising could represent a large piece of the pie, meaning “philanthropy” is not just defined by large special interest groups.

Other key findings in this report include data on charter school expenses. Not surprisingly, 61 percent of spending is on personnel expenses, with the next highest percentages of expenditures being occupancy expenses like utilities and maintenance at 17 percent, and direct student expenses at 11 percent. The charter schools that spend the most money in D.C. do so because they serve large populations of English Language Learners and students with special needs.

The full PDF report can be found here.

NEWSWIRE: August 11, 2015

Vol. 17, No. 31

CATHOLIC SCHOOL COMEBACK. According to a new report from Faith in the Future, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia will have happy news to share with Pope Francis when he comes to visit in September. Philadelphia Catholic schools are projecting a growth in the number of students they serve, and the high school system, previously in deficit, is now reporting a surplus in funds, which are being reinvested back into the schools. Catholic schools have been suffering nationwide for years because of a changing education marketplace, but this report sheds light on how Faith in the Future believes they are “successfully creating a new operating model to increase educational opportunities, enhance the quality of education in Catholic schools, and demonstrate how private sector solutions can leapfrog even the most innovative charter school reforms.” Indeed, a welcome development not only for Philly, where the people in charge seem to be interested in limiting options, denying 87 percent of the latest charter school applications, but a welcome development for Catholic education as a whole, as research has shown these schools not only have impact on student outcomes, but the neighborhoods and communities they serve.

CHARTER POWER. The number of charter schools in Baton Rouge, Louisiana has doubled in just three years, with four new schools opening this month, reports The Advocate. Great news, since while 100 percent of students in New Orleans attend charter schools, districts outside of the Big Easy tend not to encourage or promote the creation of charter schools. As the tenth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina approaches, hopefully districts across Louisiana will start to take notice just how much charter schools have helped changed student outcomes in New Orleans. But changes can’t rely on people who are in charge in those districts – strong policy must be part of the equation. Louisiana’s C-rated charter school law should be stronger to help empower all families in the Bayou State choose the best education for their kids.

MONEY MYTHS. A report out by the D.C. Fiscal Policy Institute helps dispel the misconceptions about charter school funding in the nation’s capital. Critics have long claimed that private philanthropy has played a major role in the success and sustainability of the charter sector sometime referred to as the “evil, private special interests.” However, this new report reveals only six percent of funds for D.C. charters come from private sources (mostly parent bake sales), averaging less than $500 per student annually. The fact is public charter schools are funded at approximately 36 percent less than their traditional public school counterparts, and even D.C., which has an otherwise strong charter law, comes up short for charters, which is why schools here are in the midst of a suit for equity for all kids.

GOODBYE SUMMER INTERNS. As parents and students across the country are gearing up for back to school, so too are CER’s summer interns. And while we’re sad to see them go, we know they’re heading back to their institutions of higher education armed with the knowledge, information and data about the kinds of reforms needed to ensure all parents have access to options that deliver on the promise of an excellent education for children. How do we know this? We’d tell you, but they tell it better in their own words on CER’s blog, Edspresso, where they have their own Intern Corner. Here are a few excerpts:

I was immediately struck by the CER logo, most specifically by the sun. It was fun, something a little different. However, as time went on, I learned just how much the sun embodies CER’s mission and work. [My experience at CER] allowed me to see that education is not limited to a traditional public school setting but rather that every child is unique and as a result every child has a right to his own choice of school. Education is the great equalizer; this is something we must cherish as well as protect. The sun can never set on education reform until every parent has a choice so every child has a chance.”
Read the full post here

“How was your summer working at the National Education Association?”
“Great, except I spent my summer working at The Center for Education Reform.”
This small conversation with my dad parallels a prominent aspect of the Education Reform movement: the power and importance of knowledge and information. …One of the most important things I learned was that this movement would be nothing if parents and community members were not accurately informed about their options of education for their children.

“The words I have heard on an almost daily basis, ‘The work in this movement is never done’, inspire me to continue work with the education reform movement long after I exit the office of CER for the final time this summer.
Read the full post here

We’re thankful for our interns’ hard work and dedication, and are excited to see what they will to do help advance education reform in the U.S. And we’re excited to get our Fall 2015 interns, so if you fit the bill or know someone who does, be sure to apply today!

PARENT POWER. As another CER intern wisely noted reflecting on her summer, it’s vitally important for parents to have options, but just as important for parents to have access to information about options. This is why CER’s Parent Power Index is getting a makeover with new data and tools, so parents can more easily navigate (and go mobile too) and see just how much – or – little power their state affords them. Stay tuned!


Growing and Sustaining Catholic Schools: Lessons From Philly

Screen Shot 2015-08-11 at 2.13.55 PMAccording to a new report, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia will have happy news to share with Pope Francis when he comes to visit in September.

Across the United States, Catholic schools have been suffering declining enrollment, but Faith in the Future has announced that the Philadelphia system of Catholic schools are now projecting growth in the number of students they serve. Additionally, the high school system, previously in deficit, is now reporting a surplus in funds, which are being reinvested back into the schools themselves.

While Pennsylvania Catholic schools have also generally benefited from the state’s two tax credit scholarship programs, which allow parents who might not otherwise be able to afford to send their kids to Catholic schools to choose that option. While public policy solutions are important to keep on the table, as they could have a huge impact on the ability of the religious school sector as a whole to remain solvent, Catholic school leaders can’t wait for the next governor to make school choice his or her priority; the crisis is real and now.

In 2011, The Center for Education Reform issued a policy alert taking a critical look at the issues facing struggling Catholic schools, suggesting that the future success of Catholic schools will be tied directly to the ability of Catholic school leaders to integrate faith missions with business skills, and embracing the kinds of changes taking place in the education marketplace at large.

And indeed, the Faith in the Future report notes part of the reason for significant progress has been “reinforcing business process in pursuit of a new growth strategy.”

Acknowledging that it is still early, Faith in the Future believes they are “successfully creating a new operating model to increase educational opportunities, enhance the quality of education in Catholic schools, and demonstrate how private sector solutions can leapfrog even the most innovative charter school reforms.”

In an era where Catholic schools have been struggling to maintain enrollment, these are indeed welcome developments for Catholic education.

Number of Baton Rouge charter schools doubles in 3 years; four new ones open this week

by Charles Lussier
The Advocate
August 5, 2015

Four new charter schools are opening their doors this week in Baton Rouge, joining an increasingly crowded local education marketplace.

They bring the total number of charter schools in East Baton Rouge Parish to 25, double the total just three years ago. Charter schools are public schools run by private organizations via charters, or contracts.

All four of the new schools bill themselves as places that will prepare children for success in college. The vast bulk of their students, though, won’t be old enough to enroll in college for another decade.

Each offers a different formula for how to get them there.

At Democracy Prep Baton Rouge, for instance, the focus is on creating active, informed citizens from the youngest age.

“If a kid hasn’t done a phone bank or raised money for a cause, they can’t graduate from Democracy Prep,” explained Alice Maggin, a spokeswoman for the New York City-based charter management organization, which operates 17 schools in three states, as well as the District of Columbia.

Start-of-the-day classroom meetings are called “town halls.” The need to “change the world” is reinforced repeatedly throughout the school. Come Election Day, students will canvass the community wearing T-shirts and handing out fliers saying, “I Can’t Vote, But You Can!”

Read the rest of the article here

Ed experts mum on improving schools without raising taxes

By PG Veer
Watchdog Arena
August 3, 2015

With the school year just on the horizon, WalletHub published its annual report on states with the best and worst education systems. What catches the eye in this 2015 report is the failure of the experts to answer an important question: What can state and local policymakers do to improve their school systems without raising taxes?

Considering the severe budgetary constraints most states are experiencing, especially because of Medicaid expansion under Obamacare, cost-saving suggestions and solutions would be welcomed.

One possible solution would be to hold ineffective teachers accountable for student performance, even when they have tenure. On that subject, Massachusetts shines, ranking well above the national average, according to the National Council on Teacher Quality. At the other end of the spectrum, states like California, Alaska, Oregon, and Washington, DC, which Wallet Hub ranks among the worse states, have rather poor standards for firing low-performing teachers – when they do have standards.

Another performance booster that could cut costs is school choice. School choice allows parents more options beyond the traditional neighboring school and may actually improve their children’s education, especially for low-income groups in urban areas. Despite depending on public funds for students, charter schools can end up saving money for taxpayers. Since most states don’t fund charter schools capital improvements, administrators are the ones paying for its upkeep. And since most of their teachers are not unionized, they can keep their costs down.

In the Center for Education Reform’s Parent Power Index, which rates states based on how much each empowers parents to make decisions regarding their child’s education, Massachusetts would do well to improve its school choice options as the PPI ranks the state 30th. Its very limited charter school options and virtual school options weighed the state down.

Wallet Hub does show a weak correlation between spending and outcomes in its 2015 report, it isn’t everything. Louisiana, despite its ranking of 47th by Wallet Hub, ranked seventh on the PPI, thanks to a very vast network of school vouchers, online, and charter schools. Massachusetts does spend the most per student (over $14,000) and has the best results, but New York is #2 in spending and has the 34th best education system overall – Alaska respectively ranks 4th in spending with an overall ranking of51.

Utah is only underspent per student ($6,200) by Arizona while having the 14th best education system. Utah also ranks at number six on the PPI. Could money influence such a discrepancy between spending and outcomes?

This article was written by a contributor of Watchdog Arena, Franklin Center’s network of writers, bloggers, and citizen journalists.

The Summer I Became An Education Reformer

It’s hard to believe that it’s been nine weeks since I first walked into the CER office. As I sat in on my first staff meeting that Monday morning, I had a million thoughts swirling in my head about what my time here would be like. Never would I have believed I would have the chance to go to several talks at Capitol Hill, be invited to a multitude of education reform events, have the experience of planning an intern only event or even be a part of an education reform rally. Nor could I have imagined the amount of knowledge I have had the privilege of learning. All these things and more are what encompassed my time here at The Center for Education Reform.

One of my favorite experiences would have to be a discussion we went to at American Enterprise Institute about Robert Putnam’s book, “Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis.” This event combined my two favorite subjects: education and economics. It was reasonable, logical and laid everything out on the table. I enjoyed hearing the explanation of the book from the author himself, Robert Putnam, but I also enjoyed the critiques different members of the panel gave as well.

Having the opportunity to be in this world and become an education reformer has only reaffirmed my passion in life. Making a difference and doing everything I can to ensure every child is given a proper education is my lifelong dream and being here this summer at CER has given me a chance to start the path to accomplishing this dream.

My experience this summer would not be what it was if it weren’t for the amazing staff here at CER. Without their wisdom, guidance, or knowledge my summer would have not been the enriching experience for which I am so grateful. Thank you for an unforgettable summer and the amazing chance to become an education reformer.

Emily Kelleher, CER Intern

Last Day Blues!

I simply cannot believe that today is my last day here at The Center for Education Reform! Where did the summer go? I remember patiently anticipating my arrival here for a whole month before I began my internship. So many thoughts were going through my head as to how this summer would go, the things I would learn, and if education reform would be the thing for me.

Well let’s just say I answered all of those questions and more. I now look at myself as a well-versed education reformer trainee in this long fight for school choice. CER taught me so many things about the movement that I never would have been able to grasp had I searched for the information myself. For instance, who knew that charter schools are not private schools and vouchers are actually used for more than just shopping, and my favorite (E)SEA is not just the blue waters we play in, etc. Just me? Ok, let’s excuse these little mishaps.

CER has also taught me about the strenuous work of nonprofits. I always knew that a nonprofit was started from a just cause, but I never knew that it took this much work to operate. From doing the office grunt work that many like to avoid, to offering input on education policies in different states, even to doing grassroots work like participating in parent choice rallies, CER works!

One great thing about this internship was being able to go out to events and hear the many different voices in Ed Reform. Going to different events and hearing people passionately speak about their efforts in Ed Reform let me know that the work I’m doing and will do is worth it. One of my favorite events that I attended was called “The State of Entrepreneurship in K-12 Education”. This all-day panel resonated with me the most because we got see the many progressions that are coming about in the education world. School is moving from being the typical paper, pen, and textbook routine; it’s evolving to something that will help move all kids forward and gets us out of the typical 100 year old model.

Being at CER this summer has truly made me a better person and opened my eyes up to a lot of things in and outside of the education reform world. My experience here was something that I truly enjoyed and am grateful for. Thank you CER and all the wonderful people here (including my fellow interns) for a wonderful summer!

Rahdaysha Cummings, CER Intern

What Did I Learn?

“How was your summer working at the National Education Association?”

“Great, except I spent my summer working at The Center for Education Reform.”

Although my dad was misinformed about how and where I spent my summer, I am confident that my dad will not be misinformed of what the Education Reform movement entails when the time comes to answer all his inevitable questions about my summer internship. One of which I anticipate to be, “what did you learn?”

When I think about how responding to this question, I can name a million and three things I learned this summer, but the most prominent was the importance of communication of correct information and knowledge.

This small conversation with my dad parallels a prominent aspect of the Education Reform movement; the power and importance of knowledge and information. Before my summer interning with The Center for Education Reform (CER), I thought that being on the ground was the only way to enact change and progress. Nine weeks later I realize how misinformed I was about the different levels of work being done to propel the education reform movement forward.

Although I could go on for hours reciting and recounting all the things I learned this summer about the education reform movement, one of the most important things I learned was that this movement would be nothing if parents and community members were not accurately informed about their options of education for their children. I gained a new appreciation and understanding of how knowledge encourages and fosters change and progress; without information or knowledge movements can’t change and children can’t be given the quality education that they deserve.

I am not the same person I was walking into the doors of CER as I am walking out. I am not only much more informed about the education reform movement, but I have also learned the importance of information in fostering change and progress. I have a better understanding of what it takes to ensure all students have access to a quality education, which I have also learned is a lot easier said than done. I also have seen and experienced first hand the dedication and countless hours that constitute this movement. The words I have heard on an almost daily basis, “The work in this movement is never done”, inspire me to continue work with the education reform movement long after I exit the office of CER for the final time this summer.

Elizabeth Kennard, CER Intern