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Janine Yass
Yass Prize Chair

With a commitment to transformational education, Janine’s passion for education opportunity for all students sparked the creation of the STOP Awards and the founding of the Yass Prize in 2021. For more than 25 years, Janine Yass has dedicated her time, intellect, and resources to supporting excellent schools so parents can have meaningful choices. But when the COVID crisis revealed and magnified vast inequities that surround students most in need, Janine pivoted to found the Yass Foundation. Janine’s aspiration is that this movement will drive a renaissance in education, based on the premise that every parent deserves the ability to provide their students with individualized, 21st century education opportunities. Inspired by last year’s effort, by the twenty educators and innovators that the inaugural competition uncovered, the Yass Prize is expanding in 2022 and will award 64 education providers with over $10 million. The foundation is identifying and rewarding education that not only serves underserved students but is happening with excellence and innovation. Previous to her work with the Yass Prize, Janine was a founder of the Boys’ Latin Charter School in West Philadelphia and is a founding board member of the Philadelphia School Partnership.  She also holds a master’s degree in City Planning from the University of Pennsylvania and a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pa.

We’re building a movement. We want to reward those STOP educators who don’t take ‘no’ for an answer, who are committed to transforming education for all students.” – J. Yass

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